View Full Version : New miniature game

05-28-2010, 08:53 PM

The heroes and villains who populate the world of Granton City Press will soon be population a new table top miniatures game.
An agreement has been reached with Rattrap Productions LLC to bring the Granton City world to the games table with the fall release of ‘While the City Sleeps: A Game of Heroic Action in Granton City’.
“When approached about incorporating the diverse characters from Granton City Press into a table top miniatures game, I thought it was a great idea,” said Richard A. Johnson the man behind Rattrap Productions LLC. “Initially we tossed around the idea of incorporating the characters into one of our existing games but came to realize there was enough unique and interesting new character in Granton City to support a new game themselves.”
Johnson said he had been working on a new game, and it turned out to be a perfect vehicle for characters such as The Black Wolf, The Starling, Ghost Wind and Churchill: Alien Bounty Hunter.
Calvin Daniels, creator of Granton City Press said having a miniature game coming out to support the books of Granton City Press is amazing.
“I’ve played a lot of miniature games myself, so it will be a major thrill to sit down and play a game based on a world I and a number of dedicated co-writers have created over the past several months in our novels,” he said. Daniels said he had interest from other parties to work on a game, but was excited to work with Rattrap based on their half decade of experience in the miniature games sector, their dedication to pulp-era gaming, and the willingness of Richard Johnson to allow lots of input into While the City Sleeps.
The new game will be an ideal place for the soon to be released Black Wolf miniature from Zombiesmith Miniatures. Watch for more news on the miniature front in the weeks ahead. Granton City Press expects to have The Black Wolf #1: Metal Monsters of Doom out in April. Black Wolf #2, and spin-off titles Unit 13, Ghost Win and Churchill: Alien Bounty Hunter follow in the fall, with a release expected to coincide closely with Rattrap’s release of While the City Sleeps.
You can follow the game’s progress at www.rattrapproductions.com as well as at www.zombiesmith.com or www.wix.com/grantoncitydesk/togc