View Full Version : X-Men #3

09-06-2010, 01:53 PM
Jeffries will be making a cameo in the upcoming X-Men #3 issue.http://www.comicbookresources.com/?page=preview&id=6301

09-06-2010, 06:40 PM
Warning - severed head in that link! Viewers beware!

09-06-2010, 11:20 PM
Yup, already noticed 3 weeks ago:


But thanks for the reminder!


Le Messor
09-11-2010, 09:15 PM
Severed head?
Isn't it nice how much fun comics are lately.

- Le Messor
"Her eyes were like limpid pools, only they had forgotten to put in any pH cleanser."
~ Chuck Smith, Woodbridge

09-12-2010, 01:52 PM
Um...This storyline is sooooo screwed up! Not only does Dracula not look like Dracula (or at least not like he's looked for pretty much every other appearance he's had in Marvel over the past 30+ years he's been a Marvel character, including other recent appearances), but this story screws up long-established Drac continuity...Old vampires like Dracula would turn to dust after death (staking or decapitation) and it would take certain resurrection rituals to return him to life. Dracula had one son (after becoming a vampire), Janus (created through magic, since it's impossible for vampires to procreate via natural means)...Where the heck did this other "son" Xarus come from?


09-12-2010, 09:13 PM
Maybe Drac is going for a more Twilightish look to be more hip. Do vamps turn to dust by staking or because of exposure to sunlight (or is it when the bars close down for the evening?). Xarus possibly came about through SUPERNATURAL means ;).


09-13-2010, 12:19 AM
Maybe Drac is going for a more Twilightish look to be more hip. Do vamps turn to dust by staking or because of exposure to sunlight (or is it when the bars close down for the evening?). Xarus possibly came about through SUPERNATURAL means ;).

The new look is less Twilight and more Final Fantasy. Interesting in its way, but hardly classic.

09-13-2010, 06:29 AM
But is it a HEROIC look for Drac? After all, it is the Heroic Age, right? (I mean, who cares about canon or the past when it comes to an epic, Marvel-wide event, right?)


09-14-2010, 01:55 AM
I'm not that knowledgeable on Dracula continuity at Marvel, but this seems like a good place to complain about my take of the first two issues of this series:
Why do all the vampires look like aliens?!
More and more, as I read fewer and fewer books (this X-Men does not make the cut and a cameo of a former Alpha does not tempt me to go buy another issue) I miss the good old days when Marvel had editorial direction and standards that writers and artists had to follow if they wanted to continue playing in the Marvel sandbox. New costumes with every new artist, no separate and distinct direction for individual titles and other problems are alienating this long term reader.

09-14-2010, 03:59 AM
I'm not that knowledgeable on Dracula continuity at Marvel, but this seems like a good place to complain about my take of the first two issues of this series:
Why do all the vampires look like aliens?!
More and more, as I read fewer and fewer books (this X-Men does not make the cut and a cameo of a former Alpha does not tempt me to go buy another issue) I miss the good old days when Marvel had editorial direction and standards that writers and artists had to follow if they wanted to continue playing in the Marvel sandbox. New costumes with every new artist, no separate and distinct direction for individual titles and other problems are alienating this long term reader.

The new adjectiveless X-Men book is pretty dismal (though still not as bad as UXM art-wise) -- but I picked up the Storm and Gambit one-shot for cheap and was pleasantly surprised (even aside from the snarktastic Northstar cameo). Even though I don't think Bachelo is at his best as a sequential artist, there were some gorgeous pages in this one. And there were some good lines for Gambit and actual character development for Storm -- you know, that stuff they don't have time for over in the flagship title because every storyline is planned out years in advance by committee. I am completely unsold on X-Men vs vampires as a storyline I should give two flicks about, but I do think Kim did an excellent job with his particular contribution.

Le Messor
09-14-2010, 06:57 AM
I don't want to stop reading comics, but at the moment, my standing orders are haemorrhaging titles like they're made of yesterday.
Mostly? I just find them cold. I feel like I'm reading about machines going about their tasks, rather than people living their lives.

The colours have a lot to do with it; they choose cold, monochramatic palettes all the time now.

X-Men is the worst offender for me, especially since I remember when it was great.

Exceptions: Buffy and Angel; Young Allies has potential. Um...
Help me out here?

- Le Messor
"Her face was a perfect oval, like a circle that had its two other sides gently compressed by a Thigh Master."
~ Sue Lin Chong, Washington

09-14-2010, 08:27 AM
Help me out here?

What sorts of comics do you like? Action? Horror? Autobiography? Historical? Tru to life? Romance? Other media adaptation? Or are you more in the "wave it in front of me; if it looks good, I'll read it" camp?

09-14-2010, 11:09 AM
I don't want to stop reading comics, but at the moment, my standing orders are haemorrhaging titles like they're made of yesterday.

Help me out here?

Have you tried group therapy?

"Hello, my name is Flightpath07, and it has been 6 months since I last bought a comic book...it's not that i don't want to buy one, it is just that I am broke. Oh, and all the comics suck now."

Le Messor
09-14-2010, 04:29 PM
What sorts of comics do you like? Action? Horror? Autobiography? Historical? Tru to life? Romance? Other media adaptation? Or are you more in the "wave it in front of me; if it looks good, I'll read it" camp?

Consider it the last; I'm not looking for myself so much as things to say 'Here are good comics for people to read'.
To answer your question a little better, what I like here is comics based on character; comics about people. Preferably ones where the characters look like they've got lights pointed at their faces (the X-Men, at least the males, are always coloured like they're standing in shadow; anyone else noticed? That may've been the only change with the Heroic age.) I like comics about heroes vs. villains, and I can tell the difference. And the people I'm supposed to sympathise with are the heroes, btw.

- Le Messor
About his therapy group: "I had them all killed. They were insolent."
- Dr. Evil

09-14-2010, 09:16 PM
Good comics to read currently? Hmm?

I myself have been a Marvel guy but I think DC has been putting out better comics. Birds of Prey, Green Lantern and Green Lantern Corps have been solid. I was a big JLI fan when I was younger so Justice League Forgotten Heroes has been a real good read and it comes out every 2 weeks. Outsiders is too jumpy for me. it will be good one issue then the next sucks, the following really sucks and then its back to being good. its a continous cycle for this series

For Marvel, I hear X-Force is a good book if you like the sort of thing but it seems now every team has a black-ops proactive team (Secret Avengers, which I didnt like) Avengers Academy has been weak and thats a shame cuz Avengers Initiative was really good. I think the THanos Imperative is good cuz its continuing from Guardians of the Galaxy.
Here are some more of my thoughts on the current series:
Deadpool - best book to read out of the many series he has
Deadpool Team Up - this was a good book but the last 3 or 4 issues have been lacking
Deadpool Corps - hate it
Mighty Avengers - its okay. if you have a budget you could afford to miss it cuz something tends to be missing in the dialogue
New Avengers - hate it
Secret Avengers - nothing special
Avengers Academy - horrible followup from Initiative
Fantastic Four - alot has been happening over here but its okay
Thunderbolts - good book but I too want to read about heroes. not villains. Crossbones was selected by Steve Rogers. Steve Rogers was shot by Crossbones. its better then Mighty Avengers though
Hawkeye and Mockingbird - this is a good book. If you like watching Burn Notice, Leverage, Human Target or any other spy TV show, this is your series to read
Secret Warriors - this series is good every 3 issues. why? cuz thats when they show you the Secret Warriors then they follow it up with Nick Fury and his Howling Commandoes. I want to read Secret Warriors, not Nick Fury

09-14-2010, 09:17 PM
To answer the thread that wasnt posed to me, I like team books more but any book that has a strong direction interest me.

09-15-2010, 08:44 PM
I too prefer team books but so many really, really suck now. Watch the various Justice League cartoons if you want to see teams done better.

Last good team book for me was Teen Titans, before Superboy died. Now it's so chaotic who cares? X-Men hasn't been worth reading for over a decade, except Ultimate X-Men which was good for about 40 issues.

Now, I'll read Alpha Flight. No other team books are any good, hope AF is again.

09-16-2010, 05:07 AM
Watch the various Justice League cartoons if you want to see teams done better.

I completely agree; that was some good writing, and very entertaining to watch.

Le Messor
09-18-2010, 08:24 PM
To answer the thread that wasnt posed to me, I like team books more but any book that has a strong direction interest me.

It was posed to everyone, so feel free to answer!

- Le Messor
"Her hair glistened in the rain like nose hair after a sneeze."

09-18-2010, 09:02 PM
"Her hair glistened in the rain like nose hair after a sneeze."


That line deserves it's own comic series! "The Glistening" ?

Le Messor
09-19-2010, 12:37 AM
That line deserves it's own comic series!

I think it's from a 'worst novel openings' competition. One of the win-- uh, los--
Them things.

Also, good comics:
Batgirl (but I'm judging on one issue and one scene here)

- Le Messor
"Hermits have no peer pressure."