View Full Version : Give us the Skinny

09-22-2010, 03:17 PM
Been caught up with a load of stuff, does anyone want to update me with AF news, seen the cover for Avengers, looks a mighty lot like AF figure prominently in Marvel plans, am I wrong?

09-22-2010, 06:17 PM
Alpha Flight One-Shot, Chaos War:Alpha Flight. Penned by Jim McMann. Marrina, Mac and Heather, and Shaman return from the dead to reform AF with Northstar, Aurora, Snowbird, and Sasquatch. Puck still in hell, reasons unknown, but does appear in Wolverine issue 3 which is out same month as one-shot. No word yet as for sure if the four Alphans stay alive at end of one-shot (or end of Chaos War), as apparently one of the Alphans wants the four to stay dead - could possibly be that McCann is playing upon his own comment, of how Alpha Flight tends to make its own villains...not much more known than that at this time!