View Full Version : Wildchild in Wolverine:The End #1?

10-14-2010, 11:53 AM
I've had this issue since it came out and never considered it to be a Wildchild appearance, but Comic Vine (http://www.comicvine.com/wolverine-the-end-/37-92157/)lists it as such so I had a flick through and the only page I can think they mean is this one, at Sabretooth's funeral;


Now, the very much Sabretooth-esque one appears to be way too large to be Kyle, but it is an alternate future so who knows.
The only other option is the purple Nosferatu-esque character next to Mystique who could be a very mutated version of the Weapon X Kyle.
Or, it could be none of the two and the website are simply reading too much into it.

Any thoughts?

10-14-2010, 10:00 PM
There'a s purplish guy in the lower left who might be him, but I think the comicvine site is even less reliable than wikipedia. At least wikipedia logs who makes changes when. Comicvine just accepts the changes and doesn't allow users to see who updates the info. Try contacting the creators to verify!


Le Messor
10-15-2010, 04:42 AM
Given that it's Mystique and Blob next to him, I might guess a member of the Brotherhood who I don't know about?
Possibly a really bad drawing of Nightcrawler?
Maybe the Purple Man during his Star Trek phase, when he somehow got a doctor to give him Spock ears?
Maybe the Purple Man during his Lord of the Rings phase, when he somehow got a doctor to give him Legolas ears?

I wouldn't guess any of the characters above is our Kyle. But maybe Comicvine meant somewhere else in the issue? Or maybe they were just talking out of thei--

10-15-2010, 02:26 PM
Maybe Purple Man from his Alpha Flight phase, when he was pretending to be the missing Beaubier triplet?

Who's the blond with the mutton chops in the second panel? I don't know why Wild Child would be purple. Why in heck's name are they mourning Sabretooth, anyway?


Le Messor
10-15-2010, 04:00 PM
If you read the speech, apparently he went Christian somewhere along the way, and became a very different person. The kind you might miss.
Unless you were somebody like Bullseye, or Deadshot. They never miss.
Blonde muttonchops? Is that the one Phil mentioned in the original post?

Now, the very much Sabretooth-esque one appears to be way too large to be Kyle, but it is an alternate future so who knows?

- Le Messor
"Home is where, when you go there, they have to let you in."

10-16-2010, 07:47 PM
Hmmm...I just can't see how a mass-murderer like Sabretooth would be having a normal funeral with many folks there mourning him and not be serving several life sentences or on death row (if they could actually even kill him, that is), even if he turned over a new leaf and became a Christian. The whole thing just makes me say..."HUH?!" I guess since it's comics, everyone just says..."Hey...we forgive you and we'll let you be a superhero and make amends." Come to think of it...They did the same thing with Michael Pointless, didn't they? Ugh!

...And yes, That's the one (big mutton-chopped guy).


10-16-2010, 07:57 PM
LOL!...I just thought about Magneto...The X-Men/Marvel Universe plays the "we forgive you..." card every other week with him and he's killed hundreds of people (maybe more). the more I think about it, the more it makes me shake my head and roll my eyes.


10-17-2010, 06:16 PM
"Michael Pointless" - HA! Good one!

10-17-2010, 09:43 PM
Maybe his special power isn't magnetism, but Monopoly™