View Full Version : Neverending Nights!

11-16-2010, 03:12 PM
Where I spend most of my time - writing, voicing, and editing - NEVERENDING NIGHTS! A Machinima series based on the "Neverwinter Nights" game.

We're on our third and final season, with only a few more episodes left. We have all the videos available for download (for free, naturally) - or if that's too much bandwidth, we even have our Youtube Channel (as well as Facebook Channel, that has all the episodes as well).


Our history and everything we have managed to accomplish: http://neverendingnights.com/about

Check us out! :)

11-16-2010, 07:06 PM
I will do so, but am on my way to work now, so will have to wait a bit. As a big Neverwinter Nights fan, tho, i will indeed be eager to see what is what!

11-29-2010, 05:52 AM
I will do so, but am on my way to work now, so will have to wait a bit. As a big Neverwinter Nights fan, tho, i will indeed be eager to see what is what!

Definitely let me know what you think. The first 10 episodes are very rough. We were just learning to film properly in the game and such... But by Episode #10 we started hitting our stride. Season 1 (first 21 episodes) was a HUGE learning experience for us. So I believe that Season 2 was a step up from Season 1, and Season 3 even better (which is the current season we're on, and it's the final one).

01-12-2011, 05:50 PM
Just released the newest episode... Episode 61. And figured I'd update this...

The first 10 episodes are rough. In the first five, we try SEVERAL different filming styles, and video capturing styles. In the first five, we're also using a cheap $9.99 mic. But Episode 10 we were using my Karokee machine through my PC because the sound was infinitely better. By episode 16 (or 17) - we had bought Shure Mics (200 bucks a pop), plus a full audio/digital converter, built a mini studio in a garage and gone the whole 9 yards with it.

It's paid off, as I said before, because of PC GAMER UK, interviewed by Bioware on their site, Atari contracts, NWN2 for free (plus the expansion) all before it came out, entrance to E3 for free under Atari's badge, entrance to the San Diego Comic Con for free as professionals, etc etc etc.

So if you're interested - head to the site - download the videos (all for free) - like I said just keep in mind the first 10 are pretty rough - and the entire Season 1 ended up being a HUGE learning processes so that Season 2 (all available for free to download also) was much better all around.

Our website - neverendingnights.com (http://www.neverendingnights.com)

Facebook Page (http://www.facebook.com/#!/pages/Neverending-Nights/45360726865)

Our Youtube Channel (http://www.youtube.com/user/NeverendingNights)

Our Twitter Page (http://twitter.com/nen_updates)

And I have to link Travis Richard's Page (http://www.travisarichards.com/) since he did so much incredible music for us in Season 3, that really put this series over the top!

If you download the episodes, I'd recommend checking out our Video Page (http://neverendingnights.com/nenvideos), which has writer comments and talks about the episodes (especially the first 10 episodes, when we were still learning how to make these...)



Episode 01: Heroes?! (http://www.neverendingnights.com/video/nen-ep1.zip)

Episode 02: 20k?! (http://www.neverendingnights.com/video/nen-ep2.zip)

Episode 03: Come On Baby Light My Fire... (http://www.neverendingnights.com/video/nen-ep3.zip)

Episode 04: A Walk In The Woods... (http://www.neverendingnights.com/video/nen-ep4.zip)

Episode 05: Ye Salty Dog! (http://www.neverendingnights.com/video/nen-ep5.zip)

Episode 06: He's A Magic Man! (http://www.neverendingnights.com/video/nen-ep6.zip)

Episode 07: Things That Make You Go... Boom? (http://www.neverendingnights.com/video/nen-ep7.zip)

Episode 08: On Borrowed Gold... (http://www.neverendingnights.com/video/nen-ep8.zip)

Episode 09: It's Not The Size (That Matters...) (http://www.neverendingnights.com/video/nen-ep9.zip)

Episode 10: Racial Benefits (http://www.neverendingnights.com/video/nen-ep10.zip)

Episode 11: Deep, Dark, Revenge (This Is How We Roll!) (http://www.neverendingnights.com/video/nen-ep11.zip)

Episode 12: Where There Is Smoke... (http://www.neverendingnights.com/video/nen-ep12.zip)

Episode 13: In And Out, A Hero's Tale (http://www.neverendingnights.com/video/nen-ep13.zip)

Episode 14: Here Comes The Sand Again (http://www.neverendingnights.com/video/nen-ep14.zip)

Episode 15: Reach Out With Your Feelings... (http://www.neverendingnights.com/video/nen-ep15.zip)

Episode 16: Dessert City? (http://www.neverendingnights.com/video/nen-ep16.zip)

Episode 17: Heroes Bar & Keep And...? (http://www.neverendingnights.com/video/nen-ep17.zip)

Episode 18: Pepper Flavored? (http://www.neverendingnights.com/video/nen-ep18.zip)

Episode 19: A Little Magic! (http://www.neverendingnights.com/video/nen-ep19.zip)

Episode 20: Variety Is The Spice Of Life... And Death! (http://www.neverendingnights.com/video/nen-ep20.zip)

Episode 21: Accumulation! (http://www.neverendingnights.com/video/nen-ep21.zip)


Episode 22: This is 'Dragon' Too Long. (http://www.neverendingnights.com/video/nen-ep22.zip)

Episode 23: Oh How I Treasure... Treasure! (http://www.neverendingnights.com/video/nen-ep23.zip)

Episode 24: The Watchful Eye (http://www.neverendingnights.com/video/nen-ep24.zip)

Episode 25: The New Recruits (http://www.neverendingnights.com/video/nen-ep25.zip)

Episode 26: Reunited And It Feels So Good. (http://www.neverendingnights.com/video/nen-ep26.zip)

Episode 27: Even Ghosts Have Racial Benefits? (http://www.neverendingnights.com/video/nen-ep27.zip)

Episode 28: The Light At The End of the Tunnel (http://www.neverendingnights.com/video/nen-ep28.zip)

Episode 29: The Plan. (http://www.neverendingnights.com/video/nen-ep29.zip)

Episode 30: Good Elf... Bad Elf? (http://www.neverendingnights.com/video/nen-ep30.zip)

Episode 31: Side Effect May Vary... (http://www.neverendingnights.com/video/nen-ep31.zip)

Episode 32: Employment Opportunities (http://www.neverendingnights.com/video/nen-ep32.zip)

Episode 33: There Be Pirates! (http://www.neverendingnights.com/video/nen-ep33.zip)

Episode 34: Barking Up The Wrong Tree (http://www.neverendingnights.com/video/nen-ep34.zip)

Episode 35: This Is Bull$#!+ (http://www.neverendingnights.com/video/nen-ep35.zip)

Episode 36: Mind Over Matter (Not That I Don't Have A Mind - It Doesn't Matter!) (http://www.neverendingnights.com/video/nen-ep36.zip)

Episode 37: Crime Does Not Pay (http://www.neverendingnights.com/video/nen-ep37.zip)

Episode 38: Mandatory Flashbacks (http://www.neverendingnights.com/video/nen-ep38.zip)

Episode 39: Confessions of a Blade (http://www.neverendingnights.com/video/nen-ep39.zip)

Episode 40: Something's Not Quite Right... (http://www.neverendingnights.com/video/nen-ep40.zip)

Episode 41: Something Wicked This Way Comes... (http://www.neverendingnights.com/video/nen-ep41.zip)

Episode 42: Oh Mother Dearest... (http://www.neverendingnights.com/video/nen-ep42.zip)


Episode 43: Got Time To Kill? (http://www.neverendingnights.com/video/nen-ep43.zip)

Episode 44: Seeing The Unseen (http://www.neverendingnights.com/video/nen-ep44.zip)

Episode 45: A Friend In Need (http://www.neverendingnights.com/video/nen-ep45.zip)

Episode 46: Dude, Where's My Sword? (http://www.neverendingnights.com/video/nen-ep46.zip)

Episode 47: A New Hope (http://www.neverendingnights.com/video/nen-ep47.zip)

Episode 48: The Assassin Strikes Back! (http://www.neverendingnights.com/video/nen-ep48.zip)

Episode 49: The Return of the Goblins (http://www.neverendingnights.com/video/nen-ep49.zip)

Episode 50: Destiny or Chance? (http://www.neverendingnights.com/video/nen-ep50.zip)

Episode 51: Wanted - Dead Or Alive. (http://www.neverendingnights.com/video/nen-ep51.zip)

Episode 52: These Aren't The Heroes We're Looking For (http://www.neverendingnights.com/video/nen-ep52.zip)

Episode 53: Forging Destiny (http://www.neverendingnights.com/video/nen-ep53.zip)

Episode 54: Back By (Somewhat) Popular Demand (http://www.neverendingnights.com/video/nen-ep54.zip)

Episode 55: All Time 'Lowe'... (http://www.neverendingnights.com/video/nen-ep55.zip)

Episode 56: Funkafied! (http://www.neverendingnights.com/video/nen-ep56.zip)

Episode 57: Pawn of the Dead (... or Grave Situation... Again!) (http://www.neverendingnights.com/video/nen-ep57.zip)

Episode 58: VisionQuest (http://www.neverendingnights.com/video/nen-ep58.zip)

Episode 59: These Are My Confessions (http://www.neverendingnights.com/video/nen-ep59.zip)

Episode 60: But I'm A Lover, Not A Fighter (http://www.neverendingnights.com/video/nen-ep60.zip)

Episode 61: Reunited And It Feels So Good (Wait... Didn't We Use That Title Last Season?!) (http://www.neverendingnights.com/video/nen-ep61.zip)

01-12-2011, 08:58 PM
Hey, thanx for reminding me about this, i had completely forgotten! I just downloaded the first twelve episodes, and i will check them out later tonight, after I watch hockey (or is that too stereotypical of me?)...

01-12-2011, 09:41 PM
Hey, thanx for reminding me about this, i had completely forgotten! I just downloaded the first twelve episodes, and i will check them out later tonight, after I watch hockey (or is that too stereotypical of me?)...


It may be stereotypical... but it made me laugh.
For the first 10 - read the Writer's Comments on the site... The first 10 are pretty rough.

01-13-2011, 12:31 AM
Okay. No, let me re-phrase that...ooo-kaaaayyyy...? lol

After the first twelve episodes, i have a great desire to create a one-legged halfling named Hoppy, arm him with a wet waffle, and ask him to exterminate these two knuckleheads....

Amusing, in a "oh-my-head-hurts-from-the-stupidity" sort of way. I think, in fact, that last episode (12?) may have given me a tumor...

01-13-2011, 01:43 AM
Okay. No, let me re-phrase that...ooo-kaaaayyyy...? lol
After the first twelve episodes, i have a great desire to create a one-legged halfling named Hoppy, arm him with a wet waffle, and ask him to exterminate these two knuckleheads....
Amusing, in a "oh-my-head-hurts-from-the-stupidity" sort of way. I think, in fact, that last episode (12?) may have given me a tumor...

LOL! So... you like it then?

With Episode 11 - did you get the reference that the three goblins were "personifications" of Peter, Grayson and Pawl? (One with a bow, one with a sword, one with an axe - to symbolize Peter, Grayson, Pawl).

Some of the episodes are references to personal jokes, that we explored and made a part of the series. For example, in Episode 5 with Poppy the Salt Vendor. Poppy (who voices the character) LOVES salt. I mean - LOVES - salt. She puts SALT on HER salt. That's how much she loves salt. So when we wrote her part, we knew we had to poke fun at the whole salt addiction she has. And with Episode 06, with the Halfling Mage (Alan the Astounding) the drinking and passing out is a reference to when Chad (who voices the character) tried to out drink me on a cruise we had all gone on - and as we were leaving the area we had been drinking - he literally suddenly just fell forward, no arms out or anything - and passed out in mid-strike and fell face first. (Thus the reference to drinking and passing out). But these little jokes pop up again in the series (especially the salt...) The goblins also pop up later (in Season 2 and briefly in Season 3).

01-13-2011, 07:15 AM
Yes, the three goblins (and I DID figure out they were goblins, despite the fact that they were called everything BUT) were obviously mirror images of the three blunderheaded explorers...the same jokes, the same expressions, I got it.

Don't get me wrong, it was amusing; and I will likely watch more. But it is a lot like watching Ernest Goes To Camp on DVD...you have to keep checking to see if your nose is bleeding as your brain tries to ooze out, lol.

It figures that there were a bunch of insider jokes; I missed all those, of course.

01-15-2011, 06:04 AM
Episodes 13 and 14 - definitely getting better, both in terms of overall quality, and the funniness of the jokes (IMHO). Love the sword, reminds me of the Sword of Righteousness episode from the Earthworm Jim cartoon. "Peter the Great Hero" - lol.
"He's even stupider than you are!"

Looking forward to more, as time allows

BTW, should I ask which voice you do?

01-22-2011, 06:19 PM
Episodes 13 and 14 - definitely getting better, both in terms of overall quality, and the funniness of the jokes (IMHO). Love the sword, reminds me of the Sword of Righteousness episode from the Earthworm Jim cartoon. "Peter the Great Hero" - lol.
"He's even stupider than you are!"

Looking forward to more, as time allows

BTW, should I ask which voice you do?

Well I do a number of the voices in the series - most notably - I am Peter the Ranger (aka Peter the Great Hero!)

I do a lot of fill in rolls with various characters that are not important to the series (like there's an orc coming up that I do the voice for - and I do the voice of Charlie the Goblin).

And yes, as the series goes, it improves!

Season One (Episode 01 to 21) was a HUGE learning experience. Season Two was handled MUCH more differently and thus a VAST improvement. And Season Three even better still.

01-22-2011, 07:28 PM
Also to see who voices what you can see the Cast list:

It's (currently) missing episodes 58-61, just because I haven't updated it yet.

01-23-2011, 06:21 AM
I've been sidetracked lately, i am job hunting and planning on moving, as well I have just leaped back into Baldur's Gate...but I will get back to these episodes, honest I will!

01-24-2011, 03:06 PM
I've been sidetracked lately, i am job hunting and planning on moving, as well I have just leaped back into Baldur's Gate...but I will get back to these episodes, honest I will!

What could possibly be more awesome than Neverending Nights? ;-)

Honestly no worries. I posted it here just so folks could see my creative side. :)

04-08-2011, 05:54 PM

Neverending Nights - Episode 63: The Fall of A Hero. (http://neverendingnights.com/archives/763)

Our adventurers travel deep into the caverns of the Dragon of Silverlake… and as they do – they must make choices… sacrifices… and some may make the final sacrifice… as the secret of the Dragon of Silverlake is unlocked… is it alive, as some of the rumors have said? Or is it dead? The episode that reveals the secret … and changes the series forever.

04-08-2011, 07:20 PM
Dang it! Somebody remind me in a week, after I have settled into my new place, and I will get back to watching these. Still haven't completed season one yet!

04-08-2011, 07:28 PM
Just started watching, upto episode 3. Stuck it in favourites and will attempt to catch up :-)

04-08-2011, 11:39 PM
Dang it! Somebody remind me in a week, after I have settled into my new place, and I will get back to watching these. Still haven't completed season one yet!

Heh - well, I will try to remind you... but more than likely even I will forget (to remind you) and you will be reminded when I posted the next episode (which would be 64, with the series ending with 65).

Just started watching, upto episode 3. Stuck it in favourites and will attempt to catch up :smile:

The first 10 episodes are pretty painful to watch. If you go to our video page: http://neverendingnights.com/nenvideos - I talk about each episode, what we did, what I feel about the episode, what I liked about the episode, anything special about the episode - and the first 10 all explain how we were learning how to manipulate everything in the game. The first 10 episodes, compared to current episodes are night and day difference - from video quality, writing quality, acting quality, editing quality, music quality - well, you get the point.

Of course, the first 10 episodes, ironically happen to be VERY important because they are the episodes that really define the ground rules for the main characters, and their personalities...

04-14-2011, 11:11 PM
Dang it! Somebody remind me in a week, after I have settled into my new place, and I will get back to watching these. Still haven't completed season one yet!

This is your one week reminder.

04-15-2011, 12:40 AM
Lol. Well, I AM moved now. BUT, I am knee deep in boxes, have only had 9 hours sleep in the last three nights combined...huh. Yet I still find myself drawn to this site...weird.

No worries, Neverending will get my...neverending attention soon enough.

04-15-2011, 09:50 PM
Lol. Well, I AM moved now. BUT, I am knee deep in boxes, have only had 9 hours sleep in the last three nights combined...huh. Yet I still find myself drawn to this site...weird.

No worries, Neverending will get my...neverending attention soon enough.

LOL! No worries! I was one day ahead! Six days had passed, not an official seven.


05-14-2011, 07:45 PM
Various means of watch Episode 62 here (whether download, youtube, facebook)...

Various means of watch Episode 63 here (whether download, youtube, facebook)...

Various means of watch Episode 64 here (whether download, youtube, facebook)...

And after this, one final episode for the Series Finale.

05-24-2011, 11:19 PM
Our videos are on vimeo.com now:

Interview on NWNPodcast:

Photos of cast and crew - Year: 2004

Photos of cast and crew - Year: 2005

Photos of cast and crew - Year: 2006

Photos of cast and crew - Year: 2007

More to come.

01-19-2013, 02:53 PM
Final episode of the series finally posted (eons later)...

01-19-2013, 03:02 PM