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View Full Version : Can anyone tell me which comics character this is and what issue/title it's from?

S. Michael Simms
12-01-2010, 05:05 AM
I think it's the Hulk, and I think it's from an old issue of 'Wolverine', but I'm not sure.

Does anyone know?


12-01-2010, 05:32 AM
At a guess it's Cyber from Wolverine:Origins.

Le Messor
12-02-2010, 03:58 PM
Is that somebody's avatar? I am without clue, btw. I'd guess Venom, but that's only because of black and teeth. They aren't even the right eyes or teeth.

- Le Messor
"I can not stress enough how much I don't have plans."
~ Xander

12-02-2010, 04:23 PM
At a guess it's Cyber from Wolverine:Origins.

I don't know if it's from WOLVERINE: ORIGINS... but it certainly looks like how Cyber was drawn in Wolverine's original ongoing series thing...
But hard to tell being shadowed as much as he (the picture) is.

12-02-2010, 04:29 PM
It looks familiar, but I don't know where it's from.


12-03-2010, 10:21 AM
I don't know if it's from WOLVERINE: ORIGINS... but it certainly looks like how Cyber was drawn in Wolverine's original ongoing series thing...
But hard to tell being shadowed as much as he (the picture) is.

It reminds me of a panel in W:O but I'm at work so don't have the issue to hand.
One of the earlier issues where Cyber is just about to take/has just taken over a new body.

12-03-2010, 02:23 PM
It reminds me of a panel in W:O but I'm at work so don't have the issue to hand.
One of the earlier issues where Cyber is just about to take/has just taken over a new body.

Cyber came back after having his flesh eaten by those things?
Wow. Anyone can come back these days...!

Le Messor
12-03-2010, 03:34 PM
I've just flipped through W:O 11-15, where Cyber spends a lot of time looking like eyes and teeth on a black background, and unless it's pretty severely doctored, it's not any of them.

- Le Messor
"I can see you standing over a hot stove, but I can't see the stove "
~ Groucho in Duck Soup

12-03-2010, 04:40 PM
I've just flipped through W:O 11-15, where Cyber spends a lot of time looking like eyes and teeth on a black background, and unless it's pretty severely doctored, it's not any of them.

- Le Messor
"I can see you standing over a hot stove, but I can't see the stove "
~ Groucho in Duck Soup

That's why I think it's part of the original Wolverine series (well the ongoing one where he was "Patch")...

I can almost swear I remember seeing it there... but the thing is... I no longer own those issues to see if that's where it's from.

I suppose you could PM the person who is using it as an avatar (if that's where you got it)?

12-04-2010, 12:09 AM
Isn't it from the Wolverine story arc in which Cyber comes back from the dead, but in the body of a severely mentally handicapped mutant who, although physically powerful in practically every way, suffered from a weak heart? Cyber forced some scientific genius villain to reinstall his adamantium skin so he could go after Wolverine, however, when they fought, he suffered a massive heart attack. To save his life Logan had the genius villain implant a pacemaker in his chest.

12-04-2010, 01:54 AM
Isn't it from the Wolverine story arc in which Cyber comes back from the dead, but in the body of a severely mentally handicapped mutant who, although physically powerful in practically every way, suffered from a weak heart? Cyber forced some scientific genius villain to reinstall his adamantium skin so he could go after Wolverine, however, when they fought, he suffered a massive heart attack. To save his life Logan had the genius villain implant a pacemaker in his chest.

Er. How did a kid with such a weak heart... uh, survive the process of admantium? Wolverine, in peek physical form - with a healing factor - barely survived said process?

12-04-2010, 01:55 AM
Er - well you did say SKIN - not bones. Perhaps that's how. Different process?

12-04-2010, 01:32 PM
Er. How did a kid with such a weak heart... uh, survive the process of admantium? Wolverine, in peek physical form - with a healing factor - barely survived said process?
Don't ask me, I didn't write the story I'm just repeating it. :p

12-04-2010, 02:03 PM
Don't ask me, I didn't write the story I'm just repeating it. :p


Best. Response. Evah!

Le Messor
12-04-2010, 04:20 PM
Isn't it from the Wolverine story arc in which Cyber comes back from the dead, but in the body of a severely mentally handicapped mutant who, although physically powerful in practically every way, suffered from a weak heart?

That's Wolverine: Origins 11-15, which is what I checked.

- Le Messor
"I can tell you in two words: im possible."
~ Samuel Goldwyn

S. Michael Simms
12-22-2010, 06:19 PM
So the majority of the guessing has trended toward Cyber, but we still have no precise confirmation...I found this image on a Faces of Death website where someone was using it as an avatar, and he didn't even know where it came from, though he was sure it was a Marvel comic. I've found the image online in a few places, but nowhere did I find any confirmation of exactly where it came from. Thanks for your input, everyone.

12-22-2010, 06:23 PM
Just a wild guess (but it DOES look familiar)...how about a hiding-in-the-shadows Mojo?

12-23-2010, 05:11 AM
Wasn't there an WCA issue that had a similar cover to that pic?

nevermind...i was thinking of this image...way off, sorry! lol


01-04-2011, 11:25 PM
I know who it is....


Le Messor
01-05-2011, 03:42 AM
I know who it is....

I don't see it myself...

Nah, s'rously, good pickup!
That's the kind of thing that drives me crazy 'til I forget abo

- Le Messor
"I don’t think I’m alone when I say I’d like to see more and more planets fall under the ruthless domination of our solar system."
~ Jack Handey?

01-05-2011, 08:00 AM
I don't see it myself...

Did you try clicking on the link? You do realize that, if you do so, you see a picture, right? :wink:

01-05-2011, 08:41 AM
Good eye Dana!

Le Messor
01-05-2011, 02:54 PM
Did you try clicking on the link? You do realize that, if you do so, you see a picture, right? :wink:

Tell me more of this new thinking!

01-11-2011, 05:12 PM
I know who it is....


Nicely done. And amazing that we were all way off. :-)

S. Michael Simms
05-16-2011, 11:39 AM
Thank you very much. That would have continued to bug me forever...there ARE a lot of similar images (Madcap from the Daredevil series and Bernie Wrightson's Randall Flagg come to mind) out there, but you pegged the original. I read the Wiki entry on the comic. Doesn't sound very interesting to me- one of those "shock for its own value" dealies. Nevertheless, thanks again for finding out for me.

- Smikes

Le Messor
05-17-2011, 05:57 AM
Doesn't sound very interesting to me- one of those "shock for its own value" dealies. Nevertheless, thanks again for finding out for me.

There's a few too many of those out there, I'm afraid...

Bernie Wrightson's Randall Flagg
¿This 1089?

I guess I can see that.

- Le Messor
"Learning preserves the errors of the past as well as its wisdom."
~ Alfred North Whitehead