View Full Version : Changing of the Guard

Le Messor
01-05-2011, 03:15 PM
I read the news (http://www.comicsalliance.com/2011/01/04/axel-alonso-promoted-marvel-editor-in-chief/) today, oh boy...
Joe Quesada will no longer be EIC of Marvel Comics.

Unfortunately, nothing I've read about the new guy, including the fact that he's been involved in Quesada's decisions, makes me think anything will change.

A lot of posters say we all just blame Joe Q. for 'Brand New Day', and nothing else. Me, I don't like a lot of what's been coming out of Marvel comics lately, and haven't read anything Great from them for a long, long time. And the way he comes across in public...

Joe Q:
"If you're [a] Marvel reader and truly feel we're sexist, then why are you reading our books? Now, perhaps you're not a Marvel reader, then if that's the case, I'm not quite sure what you're criticizing if you don't read our books?"

So, to sum up:
You're either reading the books, in which case you can't possibly think there's anything wrong with them (it was phrased the other way: if you think there's ONE THING wrong with them, you should stop reading).
Or you're not, in which case you have no right to an opinion.

I hope things improve at least a little from that sort of Batman and Robin.

Sorry, I should watch my language, but I feel strongly about it.

P.S.: The time now is exactly 6:16. How apt.

- Le Messor
"Meet the new boss, same as the old boss."
~ Who?

01-05-2011, 03:25 PM
I'm a much bigger fan of Quesada than I was of Harras.

I do think that Quesada has taken a lot of hate that he's not deserved of.
He doesn't own the company so there's only so much he can do as long as there's a board of shareholders and financers that he answers to.

Some of his comments/actions may not have been as tactful as they could have been but he was doing the best he could for the company.

01-05-2011, 11:33 PM
Axel Alonso sounds like a good choice, especially with a background at Vertigo. He seems like a more story conscious editor than Joe Quesada. Hopefully, this change will benefit the titles and characters in the Marvel Universe.

Le Messor
01-06-2011, 04:27 AM
You're right that Joe Quesada can't be blamed for everything, but there've been a lot of... I can't say 'bad' decisions, but decisions that alienate me personally over roughly the time he's been in charge. Phil, as you point out, a lot of that started under Harras.

Thing is, I loved 80s comics and... like?ish? comics today, but don't 'feel' them. I don't think that's entirely me, either. And there are decisions that are happening company-wide; who to blame for that but the EIC? (Well, they're happening at DC, too (http://forums.comicbookresources.com/showthread.php?t=331907), so...)
Anyway, blame or not, I just want things the way I loved 'em. Or, if nothing else, have them release a ton of 70s and 80s trades, so I can still have good comics that are new to me.

All this by way of: a changing of the guard at the top could be a good thing, if they let it.

- Le Messor
Buffy: I don't get it. Why would anybody want to make a girl?
Xander: You mean when there's so many pre~made ones just laying around?

01-13-2011, 12:54 AM
I just hope that more self-contained stories that make sense get published. I don't like multi-title, inconclusive crossover non-events.

01-13-2011, 01:48 AM
I just hope that more self-contained stories that make sense get published. I don't like multi-title, inconclusive crossover non-events.


That said, while I disliked it when Q first came aboard, and all the radical changes he brought... but in the end, he was also a part of what has turned Marvel around (lately). He shook everything up to stir it up - and get people complaining (the only bad press is no press at all, they say!) - and while he shook everything up, people kept collecting and slowly he returned things back to a normal status. I disliked some of the people he supposedly handpicked and was proud to bring on (especially on the X-Men titles) as "vibrant writers" (Chuck Austen, and... the other guy, whose name escapes me, came up with the mutant Omega and that whole gang of kids? Anyone? Someone?)... So there has been bad things that happened... but it seems like Marvel titles are selling higher than they have for the first time in a very long time this past year or so... so... he deserves some credit.