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01-26-2011, 10:29 PM
Stronghold is where I spend a lot of my free time -- it's an X-Men movie-verse RPG that pretends nothing after the second movie ever happened, so no X3 and no Wolverine movie with ancient Hudsons (grrr!). In game canon, Kelly was assassinated soon after the second movie, the Mutant Registration act was passed, and life for mutants in North America kinda went to hell. Xavier's was shut down and the Professor remains under house arrest, but a splinter cell of X-Men operating in secret out of Muir Island continue to fight for the dream.

So, essentially, movie-verse Excalibur. ;)

We're not looking for new players (it's an invite-only game anyway), but I figured I'd share my particular geekness.

Here's the read-along comm on LJ: http://sh-areholders.livejournal.com/friends

And the faux-wiki: http://www.stronghold-rpg.net/index.php?option=com_frontpage&Itemid=1

And, given the local interest, the game's take on Alpha Flight: http://www.stronghold-rpg.net/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=47&Itemid=41

06-14-2011, 04:54 PM
I LOVE the idea of Idris Elba as Windshear!!!!
He's such a great actor.

07-12-2011, 02:30 AM
I LOVE the idea of Idris Elba as Windshear!!!!
He's such a great actor.

Sorry, Phil, I managed to completely miss this. But yeah, 100% agreed -- the man has got charisma like I don't even know what, and he just projects the sort of confidence you'd want in a mentor and PR guy.

07-12-2011, 03:33 PM
OMG that RPG site is amazing! I'm eating up all the information (even though Im at work) as Im typing this! haha. I "joined" a yahoo based Alpha Flight RPG back in early June, but the moderator didn't even allow me to post once since! CRAZY! If you ever need new players, count me in (hopefully it will be an Alpha Flight character since I don't follow much other comics hahah)! :)

07-14-2011, 06:17 AM
OMG that RPG site is amazing! I'm eating up all the information (even though Im at work) as Im typing this! haha. I "joined" a yahoo based Alpha Flight RPG back in early June, but the moderator didn't even allow me to post once since! CRAZY! If you ever need new players, count me in (hopefully it will be an Alpha Flight character since I don't follow much other comics hahah)! :)

Glad you're enjoying, and the Alpha Flight characters would certainly be available to play, albeit with existing game history. (My attempts at getting someone to apply for Walter so that Jean-Paul can have an honest-to-goodness nemesis on the island have been woefully unsuccessful, but at least we have a Lil. ;) ) Though I think folks who are attached to comics canon would have more fun in one of my other games, where we also have a couple of Alphans (and their wiki makes ours look like napkin scribbles too!). I'll see about posting a write-up on that one in a bit.

07-14-2011, 10:02 AM
Glad you're enjoying, and the Alpha Flight characters would certainly be available to play, albeit with existing game history. (My attempts at getting someone to apply for Walter so that Jean-Paul can have an honest-to-goodness nemesis on the island have been woefully unsuccessful, but at least we have a Lil. ;) )

My thoughts were Walter and Aurora added as characters since both have a history together, as well as history with Jean-Paul, X-men and several other US organization when Walter recruited for Omega Flight. All kind of chaos and drama could ensure! I even thought of a plot involving politics, religion, tolerance, etc... Damn I love comics! haha

07-14-2011, 01:47 PM
Well, Walter and Aurora have a history with Jean-Paul in the game, but it's somewhat different -- and a lot less pleasant -- than in the comics. JP broke out a Department H test subject in a blatant violation of orders, so AF wound up having to subdue and arrest him, and he wound up in a mutant weaponization facility after that and had to be rescued by the X-Men (though, to be fair to the Flight, most of them didn't know about that bit). And Stronghold doesn't really follow comics canon -- comics backgrounds can be used as a guideline, but Alpha Flight hasn't had any contact with the X-Men yet, Omega Flight never happened, Canada firmly decries the US anti-mutant policies and leaves them firmly alone (in public anyway), etc.

07-14-2011, 02:37 PM
Oh right right! I read some parts of that in the recaps, but not each individual posts. Make sense!