View Full Version : New to the board and general discussion questions...

02-15-2011, 10:39 PM

I am new here. I love this site!!! I am a huge alpha flight fan!!

I have some general questions for the board that might make for an interesting discussion:

1) How many Alpha Flight appearences do you own? What are you missing?

2) Do you think Guardian became human again (no longer a cyborg) before him and Heather had the baby? If so what is your theory? I have one that I think works well.

3) Before he died do you think Puck still had his powers?

Thanks and I look forward to your responses.

02-15-2011, 11:13 PM
1. I have all of the Alpha Flight series and limited series. I have scattered appearances of various characters (namely if it's Shaman or Snowbird) of titles I normally didn't collect.

2. Well, I always thought he was human - something in Volume 2, at the end - if I remember seemed to suggest that, but I could be misremembering. But yes, I believe he was human (mostly because the cyborg idea was Delhie's lie about how Mac survived to explain why she was posing as Mac; and not actually how Mac survived). But let's hear your idea! But at any rate, I'd say after Chaos War: Alpha Flight, it doesn't matter - because I am sure Mac returned 100% human. (A nice clean slate for everyone!)

3. His powers? You mean the demon Razer inside of him? I would say so. Although if they do away with Razer and just leave Puck as an agile midget, I will be all too happy!

Oh! And welcome to the forums!

02-15-2011, 11:23 PM
Welcome! Your timing is excellent!

02-16-2011, 12:36 AM

Thanks guys! I am sooo excited about the Alpha Flight series coming up!!

As for Mac....I think you are correct that the cyborg issue is no longer a factor due to Chaos War.

However prior to this Mac was part Cyborg. In Alpha flight volume 2 #1 Mac is said to have gone to Department H to help get rid of his cyborg implants. Using the High Evolutionaries tech he is said to have been de-aged to a 19 year old. This was revealed to have been a lie when an adult Mac was found in the Artic by Sasquatch. It is later revealed that the teen Mac was not Mac de-aged but a synthoid duplicate. We learn that the real Mac returned to department H only to be knocked out, have his memories downloaded into the synthoid, cloned and shot into space. At that point he was found by Sasquatch.

Here is the thing though. At the end of Volume 2 both the older Mac and the teen Mac are seen together. Both are human. So how did the older Mac go from Cyborg to Human....

I think before shooting Mac into space they actually did de age him to the point where he was no longer a cyborg. At that point they took his cell samples and memories to make the synthoid (teen Mac).

02-16-2011, 01:51 AM
It's entirely possible that's what was done... but Alpha Flight suffers from such horrible continuity errors - that, I won't mind if they skip over that all (especially thanks to Chaos War). Sometimes a title - like Alpha Flight - can get so fubared by so many writers running through it and doing their own thing (and typically messing it up even further) - making a larger and larger and larger mess; that finally, with Chaos War, we're given a clean slate to work with - and for that, I say, "Thank God!" :-)

02-16-2011, 01:56 AM
I could NOT agree more. I was soooo pissed at Bendis for killing them off. A 3rd death for Guardian was just stupid!!!!!!

02-16-2011, 02:00 AM
I could NOT agree more. I was soooo pissed at Bendis for killing them off. A 3rd death for Guardian was just stupid!!!!!!

Even more insulting than all of that, is it happened off panel pretty much. We don't even get to see Alpha Flight PUT UP A FIGHT.

It's like they just said, "Hey, no one uses Alpha Flight. Let's have the Collective kill them just to show how terribly awesome the Collective is."

That my friend, is spitting in our face.

Le Messor
02-16-2011, 03:46 AM
1) As many as possible - literally hundreds - but there are still gaps. I keep a spreadsheet. How 'bout you?

2) You guys have covered that.

3) I try to forget he ever had 'powers'.

4) Welcome aboard, Hank Pym! Make a little space for yourself...

- Le Messor
"I have a hunch..." "Just fly by the book, kid. You're not old enough to have hunches."
~ Battlestar Galactica

02-16-2011, 04:11 AM
Welcome Hankpym! (I hope Ultron isn't lurking around here somewhere...lol)

02-16-2011, 07:59 AM
Hey Hank! (If indeed that is your real name :D )

Welcome to the forum! Feel free to jump in anywhere.

As to your questions;

1) I'd like to think I've got a pretty conclusive collection of appearances due to the diligence and general help of fans on this site throughout the years, as collected here (http://www.alphaflight.net/forumdisplay.php?31-Appearances). I'm only really missing a few variants, and little minor things like Marvel Age charicatures that I know of, though I'm constantly searching for more (that I'm sure rplass already knows about!). I dread to think how much I've spent over the years! Worth it though.

2) I always perceived it as when The Master made Mac The Antiguard at the end of Vol.1 he undid all the cyborg stuff that happened to him.
The de-aging reasoning given in Volume 2 always struck me as suspect and dis-information planted in the synthoid Mac's mind to explain his circumstance to Puck & Heather.

3) Puck's powers of athleticism and gymnastics... sure. Everything else.... *LA LA LA LA LA FINGERS IN MY EARS, EYES COVERED, I CAN'T SEE OR HEAR ANYTHING ABOUT PUCK EVER HAVING HAD POWERS* ;) I prefer Eugene as Byrne intended. The Razer stuff could work, but with Eugene still vertically challenged as originally created. But that's just my opinion. What's your take on him?

02-16-2011, 02:29 PM

I think I have very appearence of every member of Alpha flight. I would be surprised if I missed one....but it is possible!!

I also prefer having puck with no powers and actually being a little person....No Razer stuff.

As for Mac. I do not think the Master turned him human. The reason being is that Mac said that the master was able turn him into Antiguard due to the fact that he was a cyborg.

Also in the second volume of AF...issue # 1 I think.... Heather tells puck Mac is still part mechanical...or eludes to that fact. Later on in that same series General Clark wonders if he should de-age heather since she is not going along with the department. I think he says "de-age her like we did Mac". Now we know that the teen Mac was a clone and not Mac de aged. So maybe he was talking about the real Mac. They probably needed to do it in order to clone him.

I know this is all speculation....but I think the clues were left there in the books for us to figure out.

and no...lol...I am not really hank pym...and my son is not named Ultron...lol

02-16-2011, 03:56 PM
I think I have very appearence of every member of Alpha flight. I would be surprised if I missed one....but it is possible!!

Well feel free to take a look at the Appearances forum and let us know if we're missing any!

No Razer stuff. I didn't mind the Razer idea per se, I always thought it'd have been a neat way to tell Byrne's untold Brass Bishop story, I just didn't like the fact that it took away from Puck's dwarfism.

The reason being is that Mac said that the master was able turn him into Antiguard due to the fact that he was a cyborg.I agree that that's how/why he was able to turn him into Antiguard, I just always imagined that The Master would have had the skill and the technology to remove the cyborg stuff in the process, and re-generate his human cells. Though, y'know, he'd probably splice some Plodex in there too...

Heather tells puck Mac is still part mechanical...or eludes to that fact.

It's been a while since I read Vol.2, but I took it as a whole "made of stone" analogy for Mac being cold towards her.

Later on in that same series General Clark wonders if he should de-age heather since she is not going along with the department. I think he says "de-age her like we did Mac". Now we know that the teen Mac was a clone and not Mac de aged. So maybe he was talking about the real Mac. They probably needed to do it in order to clone him.Again, it's just me, but upon discovering that the younger Mac was a clone, I took "de-age Heather" as a metaphor for 'Cloning and creating a younger, more susceptible Heather'

But like you say, it's all speculation and opinion and that's half the fun of this place.

02-16-2011, 04:13 PM
I am checking out the page now....who appeared in Doctor Vodoo??

I agree about the dwarfism. Good points on your Mac theory. Some fun speculation!

02-16-2011, 04:16 PM
I am checking out the page now....who appeared in Doctor Vodoo??

Talisman & her cleavage.

02-16-2011, 04:19 PM
Talisman & her cleavage.

I think I might pick up that issue...

02-16-2011, 04:20 PM
geez...I am missing that one....as far a I can see they are the only ones. Well I don't count the ultimates and out of continuity stuff.

Did she play a major part in it? Also who appeared in Cloak and Dagger?

02-16-2011, 04:24 PM
She was literally a blink and you'll miss her cameo.

As to Cloak & Dagger - Northstar. Hiding behind Dagger's butt. A trick he now performs with Dazzler's butt on a regular basis.

02-16-2011, 05:44 PM
She was literally a blink and you'll miss her cameo.

As to Cloak & Dagger - Northstar. Hiding behind Dagger's butt. A trick he now performs with Dazzler's butt on a regular basis.

Are you saying he is bedazzled by her?

02-16-2011, 05:52 PM
She was literally a blink and you'll miss her cameo.

As to Cloak & Dagger - Northstar. Hiding behind Dagger's butt. A trick he now performs with Dazzler's butt on a regular basis.

Did you ever see how they drew Dazzler's butt in her original costume? I wouldn't blame ANYONE for standing behind that! RAWR!


I mean...


02-16-2011, 06:10 PM
Tawmis, you slay me!

02-16-2011, 07:50 PM
Damn...I am missing about 18 issues. In marvel continuity issues. Most of them are the cameo's like infinity crusade stuff....ugh...

I mean Death metal #1 and 2???? Damage control??? lol

Probably will pick them up one day to be a complete.

02-16-2011, 11:35 PM
Trust me, you can probably find them in the dollar bin...

02-17-2011, 06:09 AM
Damage control???

Damage Control is just the cover, if you're only after in-continuity stuff.

02-17-2011, 10:49 AM
Hankpym, welcome to the site! Collecting Alpha Flight comics is fun and I'm so happy you've joined us.

It's great that you have an extensive collection! Following your claim to have every Alpha Flight appearance, you've since asked about books from the "B", "C" and "D" pages from Phil's appearance section, so likely you have a ways to go... and I hope you find them all!!!

I keep a small site about collecting Alpha Flight comics, maybe some of your questions could be answered there. Most of the info is from 2009-present day but I have some older stuff too. (link in my signature)


02-17-2011, 03:21 PM
I keep a small site about collecting Alpha Flight comics, maybe some of your questions could be answered there. Most of the info is from 2009-present day but I have some older stuff too. (link in my signature)

*cough*Where'sThat1979AppearanceYouTauntedMeWithAt NewYorkRob*cough* ;)

02-17-2011, 04:20 PM
Hankpym, welcome to the site! Collecting Alpha Flight comics is fun and I'm so happy you've joined us.

It's great that you have an extensive collection! Following your claim to have every Alpha Flight appearance, you've since asked about books from the "B", "C" and "D" pages from Phil's appearance section, so likely you have a ways to go... and I hope you find them all!!!

I keep a small site about collecting Alpha Flight comics, maybe some of your questions could be answered there. Most of the info is from 2009-present day but I have some older stuff too. (link in my signature)


Hi thanks!! I looked throught the rest and I am missing 18 issues (in continuity). I have all the major ones though. Just missing some cameos.

your site is excellent. Thanks for letting me know!

02-18-2011, 09:52 PM
I am curious why such an avid ALPHA FLIGHT fan names himself after an Avengers character? (Not that I have room to talk) :D Just curious behind the story why you selected that handle! :)

02-18-2011, 09:59 PM
I am curious why such an avid ALPHA FLIGHT fan names himself after an Avengers character? (Not that I have room to talk) :D Just curious behind the story why you selected that handle! :)

Well first...I am a huge Avengers fan too. Second I used in the past on other boards so it makes it easier to keep track. :)

I am re-reading Mantlo's run right now....ugh....I must be crazy.....

02-18-2011, 10:05 PM
Well first...I am a huge Avengers fan too. Second I used in the past on other boards so it makes it easier to keep track. :)

I am re-reading Mantlo's run right now....ugh....I must be crazy.....

Whose run I hated the most was whoever wrote Llan the Sorcerer...
At work so I can't double check who did that. But worse story ever.
And some of the worse art. Ever.

Le Messor
02-18-2011, 10:52 PM
Whose run I hated the most was whoever wrote Llan the Sorcerer...
At work so I can't double check who did that. But worse story ever.
And some of the worse art. Ever.

Hudnall, who had one of my favourite runs, but not because of Llan. I believe the Sorceror is down to Editorial Interference.
The art was James Calimee, who has improved a lot since then.

- Le Messor
"I have had a perfectly wonderful evening. But this wasn't it."
~ Groucho Marx