View Full Version : Wishlist for the new Alpha Flight maxi...

03-05-2011, 04:45 PM
Taking a cue from Alpha Fan over in the main thread, my hoped-fors in the new series...

Jeanne-Marie and Sasquatch do not hook up again. Friendship? Sure. Romance...not so much. It's been a long time, and I'd like to see more comic-book couples allowed to move on instead of held thrall to nostalgia. (I'm looking at you, Whedon!)
Jean-Paul’s sexuality not used as a punchline.
Some self-confidence for Heather, please — she lead the team far longer than Mac did, and the indications that she’s the one trying to get out from under his shadow are worrisome.
A name for the Hudson baby.
A last name for Kyle.
On-panel kiss for Jean-Paul and Kyle.
Marrina given more personality than "crazy Plodex lady".
Jeanne-Marie’s mental illness not used as a super-power.
Some differentiation between the twins’ powers — I’m OK with JP as the speedster, JM as the light-bringer, even if it means getting the canary bathing suit back into play.
Reunion between Michael and Elizabeth, dammit!
No calling either of the Twoyoungmen’s “Sarcee”.

Le Messor
03-05-2011, 05:18 PM
Jeanne-Marie’s mental illness not used as a super-power.

I'd just like to see her go back to her original, much-better-than-now-written split personality than the 'whatever we feel like' one of today.

- Le Messor
"I just think it's rather odd that a nation that prides itself on its virility should feel compelled to strap on forty pounds of protective gear just in order to play rugby."
~ Giles

03-05-2011, 05:20 PM
Out of everything you've listed, I have a sneaking suspicion we'll see these:

Some self-confidence for Heather, please — she lead the team far longer than Mac did, and the indications that she’s the one trying to get out from under his shadow are worrisome.
A name for the Hudson baby.
A last name for Kyle.
On-panel kiss for Jean-Paul and Kyle.

03-06-2011, 02:25 AM
I'd like to see:

Shaman confident in his powers/abilities.
Sasquatch back to his original, immense strength level.
Actual teamwork in battle.
Definitely, a name for the baby.
Mac confident in his leadership abilities by the end of the story with the others accepting him in that role.
Just one personality for Aurora, the MPD has been done to death now.
Marrina learning how she died at Namor's hands, with it followed up on in the ongoing.
The team shown as competent heroes.

Le Messor
03-06-2011, 03:14 AM
Marrina learning how she died at Namor's hands, with it followed up on in the ongoing.

Don't know why, but that one amuses me. I like it!

- Le Messor
"I knew I was going to take the wrong train, so I left early."
~ Yogi Berra (attrib)

03-06-2011, 08:32 AM
Here is the scene I want to see...

Superpowered Dude: "Welcome to the True North Detective Agency. I'm Strong, and this is my associate, Free. How can we help you?"

Northstar: "You've got to be kidding me..."

Superpowered Dude: "Nope, not kidding. And, before you ask, Far and Wide are on days off."

[ note: if you don't know the Canadian National Anthem, this may not make any sense...]

03-06-2011, 12:04 PM
Don't know why, but that one amuses me. I like it!

- Le Messor
"I knew I was going to take the wrong train, so I left early."
~ Yogi Berra (attrib)

You gotta know she'd wonder what's going on with her hubby, eh? Then there'd be the awkward silence, followed by a mumbled explanation, followed by her scream of rage and ending with her either heading to Utopia to kick his fins or to a lawyer to file for divorce. I wonder how much half of Atlantis would be worth?

Here is the scene I want to see...

Superpowered Dude: "Welcome to the True North Detective Agency. I'm Strong, and this is my associate, Free. How can we help you?"

Northstar: "You've got to be kidding me..."

Superpowered Dude: "Nope, not kidding. And, before you ask, Far and Wide are on days off."

[ note: if you don't know the Canadian National Anthem, this may not make any sense...]

Hell man, that's a great idea! Screw waiting to see that in an AF comic, write it yourself as an Indie. You could probably get some cash from the gov't even to get it off the ground.

03-06-2011, 05:45 PM
Hell man, that's a great idea! Screw waiting to see that in an AF comic, write it yourself as an Indie. You could probably get some cash from the gov't even to get it off the ground.


One of my beter ideas, actually. But I have no interest in writing it...I'd pay to see it written, tho.

03-07-2011, 05:26 AM
FVL on Formspring: (http://www.formspring.me/FVanLente/q/168732718694165177?utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter&utm_campaign=shareanswer)

Will you be giving Marrina and Namor some panel time to address their relationship? asked by Rheged (http://www.formspring.me/Rheged)

@DaleEaglesham's Marrina redesign will knock your socks off. It will seal her as the breakout fan favorite character of 2011. You heard it here first.

But to answer your question: Maybe, but not initially. I think Marrina has never been given much of a chance to be her own character, outside of the male influences in her life -- Namor and The Master, specifically. We want to have her stand on her own two feet as a hero in her own right before we start saddling her with relationships, or revisiting those that defined her in the past, and, in my humble opinion, forced her into a secondary position.

03-07-2011, 06:15 AM
Intriguing. Thanx for posting that, Phil.

Le Messor
03-07-2011, 06:21 AM
Yes, I like that idea. Make her herself first. Tertiary adjunct of Namor second.

- Le Messor
William: I know I'm a bad poet but I'm a good man and all I ask is that... that you try to see me...
Cecily: I do see you. That's the problem. You're nothing to me, William. You're beneath me.

03-07-2011, 02:11 PM
I want to see Mac become a great leader....really explore his potential.

I want Aurora to be cured and some clarification on her powers. Time to move on.

I want the best AF read since Byrne.

03-07-2011, 09:56 PM
I'd like to see:

Shaman confident in his powers/abilities.
Sasquatch back to his original, immense strength level.
Actual teamwork in battle.
Definitely, a name for the baby.
Mac confident in his leadership abilities by the end of the story with the others accepting him in that role.
Just one personality for Aurora, the MPD has been done to death now.
Marrina learning how she died at Namor's hands, with it followed up on in the ongoing.
The team shown as competent heroes.

Plus Elizabeth and Judd.

No pressure,eh?

Looking forward to May...and beyond.[-o<

03-07-2011, 10:56 PM
My hope, with so many of the 'smart' characters being shown to be smart and heroes (Hulk, FF, Stark) is that Guardian and even Sasquatch, who are brilliant in their own rights, are shown as such. Heroes and brains.

03-08-2011, 11:45 PM
I'd like Guardian, Vindicator, and Shaman meet up with Weapon Omega and discuss his first visit through Canada.

Le Messor
03-09-2011, 03:35 PM
"Discuss"... Yes, that would be cool.

- Le Messor
"I know it's spelled 'Raymond Luxury-Yacht', but it's pronounced 'Throat Warbler-Mangrove'!"
~ Monty Python

03-09-2011, 03:41 PM
My hope, with so many of the 'smart' characters being shown to be smart and heroes (Hulk, FF, Stark) is that Guardian and even Sasquatch, who are brilliant in their own rights, are shown as such. Heroes and brains.

I would just like them to be treated with respect and not as some big joke!


03-29-2011, 05:05 PM
Not sure how I missed this thread - thanks for my entry to it!

For me, I would love to see the following:

1. Marrina's parents & Dan Smallwood - Alpha is all about family and we have seen so little of them
2. Flashback's return - glad he was brought back in series 3, more character development please!
3. The Master - keep making him more of a formidable Big Bad!
4. Jeffries - he belongs with Alpha. Family takes care of family.
5. A new Omega Flight - Every Alpha needs an Omega - an OMEGA class Omega
6. Wild Child - the Wild Child we love to hate
7. Talisman - we've missed SO many opportunities to see a tearfelt reunion, could we maybe just see this one? Even in a flashback?
8. Beta Flight - Goblyn, Persuasion? Sure, they weren't classic Byrne characters, but they were the first of a new Beta Flight and it would be great to see them again
9. The Dream Queen - visually one of the best villains and a good source for a magical threat
10. Nemesis' return - the team needs allies and the best thing about Nemesis is you never know which way she will lean
11. Bochs - he was such a great character and had such potential
12. Witchfire - forget the hero of old, bring on the witch we have been seeing lately!

03-29-2011, 11:05 PM
I'd like to see:

Just one personality for Aurora, the MPD has been done to death now.
Marrina learning how she died at Namor's hands, with it followed up on in the ongoing.

Given her nice-sweet personality of yore, I would expect Marrina would have some level of appreciation that Namor stopped her before she hurt anyone else.
Aurora's MPD was a classic part of the character. I would like to see it the way Byrne handled it, that she remains in one persona for an extended period of time, and when she changes, she stays changed for a time...like working with two characters who will never be seen together. That said, less of the personas at war would be OK by me.

Le Messor
03-30-2011, 04:32 AM
2. Flashback's return - glad he was brought back in series 3, more character development please!

... maybe he'll return in flashback?

S'rously, it'd be cool to see him cope with what happened with his kids.

- Le Messor
"I started to turn and it was at this point I noticed a camel and an elephant tethered at the verge. This distraction caused me to lose concentration and hit a bollard."
~ alleged actual response on an insurance form

03-30-2011, 05:02 PM
Given her nice-sweet personality of yore, I would expect Marrina would have some level of appreciation that Namor stopped her before she hurt anyone else.
Aurora's MPD was a classic part of the character. I would like to see it the way Byrne handled it, that she remains in one persona for an extended period of time, and when she changes, she stays changed for a time...like working with two characters who will never be seen together. That said, less of the personas at war would be OK by me.
Namor didn't even attempt to help her, choosing instead to kill her, rip her head off, and throw it through Osborn's window. Granted that Emma said she couldn't sense Marrina's mind in the monster, but to not even question if she could be saved, and just killing her? And even if that was a mercy I still question how much Namor could have loved her as he mutilated her body, and threw her severed head through a window as a message to the bad guy! Her reaction to that is what I'd like to see followed up on.

Aurora's MPD, while interesting, was "cured" (yeah, I know how some folks feel about the method) in an X-men title, so having it return is a step back IMO. The one thing that drove me nuts was every time a new writer took over on AF Vol. 1, they'd reset the characters so any development was lost. I want to see some growth with them, especially Aurora and Shaman, and to maintain what (little) development they have had.

03-31-2011, 03:16 AM
Namor didn't even attempt to help her, choosing instead to kill her, rip her head off, and throw it through Osborn's window. Granted that Emma said she couldn't sense Marrina's mind in the monster, but to not even question if she could be saved, and just killing her? And even if that was a mercy I still question how much Namor could have loved her as he mutilated her body, and threw her severed head through a window as a message to the bad guy! Her reaction to that is what I'd like to see followed up on.

I do always seem to default to Marrina's original death, especially with so many fractors in the Osborn/Namor confrontation, which always includes, "How do we really know that was the true Marrina?" I do think Namor's beliefs on death need to be examined. He may not consider it quite possible for Marrina to be resurrected as the same soul. Namor does not have the readers' knowledge that an alive Marrina has been kicking around for so long, mostly in the Master's clutches.
Your post troggered an interesting thought tho...Namor relying on Emma's report is a bit risky as Emma obviously would not mind smelling like fish and might just try to keep competition at bay. (And Emma is SO not Namor's type that I have found the reciprocated flirtation to be incredulous.)

03-31-2011, 03:22 AM
Aurora's MPD, while interesting, was "cured" (yeah, I know how some folks feel about the method) in an X-men title, so having it return is a step back IMO. The one thing that drove me nuts was every time a new writer took over on AF Vol. 1, they'd reset the characters so any development was lost. I want to see some growth with them, especially Aurora and Shaman, and to maintain what (little) development they have had.

You CAN reasonably go back to Byrne on the subject of the MPD cure. When Aurora joined the flight, and later was examined in the Deadly Earnest story, the division of personalities was so complete that the MPD was undetectable until other events triggered a switch. Thios is the angle I think works best, and I would love to see Jeanne-Marie exhibit slightly different powers than Aurora. While I thought the recent Darl X-Men story was a bit over the top in presentation, I thought the basic premise was quite sound.

03-31-2011, 04:52 AM
and I would love to see Jeanne-Marie exhibit slightly different powers than Aurora.
One of my favourite late-stage Alpha storylines that was touched on but never really told properly that I would love to see something done with is seeing Jeanne-Marie having to come to grips with living the superhero life and having these powers that she hates. I love the idea of her grudgingly using them and growing into a hero in her own right, apart from Aurora.

My dream Aurora is one with the straight-up two personalities, Aurora and Jeanne-Marie stuck sharing a body, hopefully having overcome their duel for dominance years ago, potentially with a third lurking in the shadows to take over only when something needs to be done that the other two can't handle (I actually really did like that part of the Weapon X take on her). We'd hardly ever see that one, though. Her psyche may be prone to shattering even more than that (late-stage Vol. 1 with the five personalities, Dark X-Men, etc.), but those two are the core of her. In Aurora's case, having her be cured of her MPD via a convenient storyline as opposed to years of development with both personalities is the exact opposite of moving her forward.

03-31-2011, 05:29 AM
Aurora's MPD, while interesting, was "cured" (yeah, I know how some folks feel about the method) in an X-men title, so having it return is a step back IMO.

I'm afraid to say Norman Osborn un-cured it in Dark X-Men:The Beginning.

03-31-2011, 02:54 PM
I'm afraid to say Norman Osborn un-cured it in Dark X-Men:The Beginning.
I thought that only while she wore the headgear was the MPD in effect. Didn't she return to just being Aurora once it was off?

03-31-2011, 03:18 PM
I thought that was only while she wore the headgear that the MPD was in effect. Didn't she return to just being Aurora once it was off?

No, I'm pretty sure she became Bob the Builder when she took it off.


03-31-2011, 03:26 PM
I do always seem to default to Marrina's original death, especially with so many fractors in the Osborn/Namor confrontation, which always includes, "How do we really know that was the true Marrina?" I do think Namor's beliefs on death need to be examined. He may not consider it quite possible for Marrina to be resurrected as the same soul. Namor does not have the readers' knowledge that an alive Marrina has been kicking around for so long, mostly in the Master's clutches.
Your post troggered an interesting thought tho...Namor relying on Emma's report is a bit risky as Emma obviously would not mind smelling like fish and might just try to keep competition at bay. (And Emma is SO not Namor's type that I have found the reciprocated flirtation to be incredulous.)
I couldn't tell you what Namor's beliefs on death might be, but considering how many heroes die only to return, you'd figure he might accept she could be the Marrina he knew. Not to mention if he loved her wouldn't he have at least tried to help her. Still, I'm not trying to look at it from his point of view, but her's. Imagine if a loved one killed you, tore off your head, and threw it at the bad guy whose actions caused your death, then you come back from the dead. Wouldn't you be a bit pissed that said loved one didn't make an effort to stop/save you, then after killing you, mutilated your body! I'm sorry, but I don't see how anyone could shrug that off. I know it's just a case of a writer not caring enough about the character to bother fleshing out the tragedy, but within the story I would think the character of Marrina would like to know why Namor chose to kill her and desecrate her body. It would be cool to see her deal with that IMO, with her eventually confronting him on his reasons for having done it. That, and have her go looking for Osborn.
The idea that everyone trusts Emma so implicitly makes me wonder if she isn't tweaking people's minds. I mean, she's been a manipulative villain for a long time, but now she's a good guy so it's all fine. She tells Namor it's okay to kill his wife, and he does it without hesitation, without questioning her, and without a thought of trying to save Marrina whatsoever? Talk about a cold fish.

No, I'm pretty sure she became Bob the Builder when she took it off.

Okay, really not getting the reference.

03-31-2011, 07:58 PM
I'm thinking Norman Osborne's head device really screwed up Aurora, but we don't know how much they'll touch on it in the new series (if at all). I personally would like to see Aurora with her two original personalities, but I'd like to see both of her selves accept the other more than they have.

On the subject of Marrina...I'd like to see her go to Namor (with all her memories intact of what happened) and say "I want a divorce...Before you decide to kill me again." (or something to that effect). I just can't see her being very happy with him, after all that's happened. I agree with Legerd, Not a lot was done to try and help her when she was in the sea monster forms (Both times), the heroes just decided that killing her was the best option...Which to me, is lazy on the heroes' parts, but also stinks of lazy writing. I'd like to see Marrina a bit more stable too. I don't mind her being conflicted or at war with her Plodex self, but I'd like her to not go murderous every issue. It would be nice to see Marrina get friends her own age and interacting with "normal" folks too (maybe she decides to go to college)...And a reunion with Dan Smallwood would be great (it might be interesting if it turned out one or both of her "parents" had passed on, while she was dead).


03-31-2011, 07:59 PM
No, I'm pretty sure she became Bob the Builder when she took it off.


Wha? LOL!

03-31-2011, 08:03 PM
One of my favourite late-stage Alpha storylines that was touched on but never really told properly that I would love to see something done with is seeing Jeanne-Marie having to come to grips with living the superhero life and having these powers that she hates. I love the idea of her grudgingly using them and growing into a hero in her own right, apart from Aurora.

My dream Aurora is one with the straight-up two personalities, Aurora and Jeanne-Marie stuck sharing a body, hopefully having overcome their duel for dominance years ago, potentially with a third lurking in the shadows to take over only when something needs to be done that the other two can't handle (I actually really did like that part of the Weapon X take on her). We'd hardly ever see that one, though. Her psyche may be prone to shattering even more than that (late-stage Vol. 1 with the five personalities, Dark X-Men, etc.), but those two are the core of her. In Aurora's case, having her be cured of her MPD via a convenient storyline as opposed to years of development with both personalities is the exact opposite of moving her forward.

Yeah...John Byrne was throwing out clues that a third personality was surfacing during his run, but it was never fully explored...I also think Walter's tampering with her powers may have triggered something in her psyche. Anyway, I don't think Mantlo ever addressed the third personality, that Byrne had started creating.

I like your idea with Jeanne-Marie growing into a hero, MM...It would be a very interesting storyline, I think.


04-01-2011, 03:21 AM
It would be cool to see her deal with that

Well, since it was hinted that Namor may be appearing in this maxi-series...you may get your wish.

04-01-2011, 05:37 AM
I'm thinking Norman Osborne's head device really screwed up Aurora, but we don't know how much they'll touch on it in the new series (if at all). I personally would like to see Aurora with her two original personalities, but I'd like to see both of her selves accept the other more than they have.
Quoting from FVL (http://www.daleeaglesham.com/Denizens/index.php?topic=883.msg50833#msg50833) "Aurora's struggle with mental illness are a huge part of a character and a major part of this series."

On the subject of Marrina...I'd like to see her go to Namor (with all her memories intact of what happened) and say "I want a divorce...Before you decide to kill me again." (or something to that effect).
See earlier in the thread (http://www.alphaflight.net/showthread.php?5504-Wishlist-for-the-new-Alpha-Flight-maxi...&p=77767&viewfull=1#post77767).

Le Messor
04-01-2011, 10:45 PM
One of my favourite late-stage Alpha storylines that was touched on but never really told properly that I would love to see something done with is seeing Jeanne-Marie having to come to grips with living the superhero life and having these powers that she hates.

She doesn't hate them. She's made the point herself (in Byrne's era) that it was Jeanne-Marie, not Aurora, who first flew.
She hasn't got the speed on, though.

I couldn't tell you what Namor's beliefs on death might be, but considering how many heroes die only to return, you'd figure he might accept she could be the Marrina he knew.

OR, taken from that point of view, nobody in the Marvel Universe takes death serious anymore. "I'll kill you now!" 'Yeah, but what are we doing next week?' "Teaming up against your current ally, of course." 'Cool, I'll pencil you in.'

Imagine if a loved one killed you, tore off your head, and threw it at the bad guy whose actions caused your death, then you come back from the dead. Wouldn't you be a bit pissed...

I wouldn't, but I fully admit that that's just me and you make a good point.

Okay, really not getting the reference.

I don't know how to take that line; are you joking, are you asking who Bob the Builder is, or are you thinking it's a reference to a particular event in Alpha Flight?

On the off-chance: if it's the first, apologies.
Second: Bob the Builder is a kids' show, the title character is pictured in the link (though I believe? he's traditionally claymation, not drawn animation).
Third: Only FP and your undertaker know for sure, but I imagine it was just funny randomness (and yes, I am laughing).

- Le Messor
"I suggest you buy as many blues albums as you can."
~ Jake Blues

04-02-2011, 02:28 AM
She doesn't hate them. She's made the point herself (in Byrne's era) that it was Jeanne-Marie, not Aurora, who first flew.
Yeah, and then she got horribly punished and never did it again for five years, until Aurora took over. The powers were evil, in her eyes.

Le Messor
04-02-2011, 02:47 AM
Yeah, and then she got horribly punished and never did it again for five years, until Aurora took over. The powers were evil, in her eyes.

I was quoting her years after that punishment; she called Aurora selfish for keeping the powers to herself.
I think if she hated her powers then, she stopped by the time she grew up.

- Le Messor
"I take a two hour nap, from one o'clock to four."
~ Yogi Berra (attrib)

04-02-2011, 03:13 AM
I'm a little sad that FvL hasn't read Enemy of the State or Carey's X-Men run (and presumably not the New X-Men stuff re: Northstar either). Alas for my hopes that some writer somewhere would remember that JP has had some character development in the last decade that didn't come out of the Great Big Book of Gay Cliche (or at least that he owes Wolverine one hell of whuppin').

But hells to the yes for noting that in the nearly twenty years since issue #106, JP has yet to actually kiss another man on-page. I believe the current count is 0 - 3 in favor of smooching girls, and one of those was a nun!

04-02-2011, 04:22 AM
Only FP and your undertaker know for sure, but I imagine it was just funny randomness (and yes, I am laughing)

Random is the new black.

And I am your undertaker; at least, this week I am. You, meanwhile, are my intepreter (and doing a fine job, I must say!).

Le Messor
04-02-2011, 04:34 AM
You, meanwhile, are my intepreter (and doing a fine job, I must say!).

Clearly, here you meant:
'Oh freddled gruntbuggly,
thy micturations are to me
As plurdled gabbleblotchits on a lurgid bee.'

I'm fired, aren't I?

04-02-2011, 12:55 PM
I was quoting her years after that punishment; she called Aurora selfish for keeping the powers to herself.
I think if she hated her powers then, she stopped by the time she grew up.

- Le Messor
"I take a two hour nap, from one o'clock to four."
~ Yogi Berra (attrib)

This is what I was thinking. When Jeanne-Marie fled Walter and returned to her brother, (#20-22) she did tell JP that "It is Aurora who keeps the powers for herself."

Le Messor
04-02-2011, 05:23 PM
For the sake of accuracy:


Also, here Northstar uses 'Rhonda' and 'help' in the same sentence, which always makes me think of that Beach Boys song, Little Deuce Coupe.

- Le Messor
"I think all right-thinking people in this country are sick and tired of being told that ordinary decent people are fed up in this country with being sick and tired. I'm certainly not, and I'm sick and tired of being told that I am."
~ Monty Python

04-05-2011, 08:28 AM
Nice clip, Messy. And the reference "keeps THAT power" indicates to me that J-M always had powers of her own that Aurora may not have been able to access.

Le Messor
04-06-2011, 05:30 AM
Nice clip, Messy. And the reference "keeps THAT power" indicates to me that J-M always had powers of her own that Aurora may not have been able to access.

Thanks... and nice pick-up. I'd never noticed the 'that' before.

- LM
"I think you should laugh once a day, because a day without sunshine is like... night."
~ Steve Martin

04-21-2011, 04:49 PM
I didn't find out that "Aurora" is the Greek goddess of Morning until a few years ago: Jeanne-Marie is a lot more powerful than people (with maybe the exception of James Hudnall) gave her credit for being. [I wouldn't have forgotten]

I hope that MARVEL fine-tunes some things before they start publishing the new books: Narya is a DEMI-goddess. I hated that the Mantlo era constantly mischaracterized her, and I expect BETTER this time around. Secondly, someone should suggest that the references be to "Inuit" Gods, not "Eskimo" Gods.
Third, I hope MARVEL isn't locked in to using all the art that has been previewed because, well, it could be more coherent.

I know Alpha needs support, but give us something that we can really get behind: Sasquatch getting his clock cleaned isn't going to cut it for me.

Le Messor
04-21-2011, 05:58 PM
I didn't find out that "Aurora" is the Greek goddess of Morning until a few years ago: Jeanne-Marie is a lot more powerful than people (with maybe the exception of James Hudnall) gave her credit for being. [I wouldn't have]

Well, they just call her angel of the morning; she isn't actually her.

Third, I hope MARVEL isn't locked in to using all the art that has been previewed because, well, it could be more coherent.

Um... pretty sure they are. Sorry.

I know Alpha needs support, but give us something that we can really get behind: Sasquatch getting his clock cleaned isn't going to cut it for me.

And, in the next issue, Mac gets his engine re-tuned!

Alpha does need support.
I've been trying (and, at times, failing) not to be negative about it (though I have seen a few things about this series that I don't like, and no, I don't plan to post what they are here); but yes, I do want something we can really get behind. They've got the original characters, but that wasn't everything that made the original series special.
But it's a much better start than three other volumes I could mention...

- Le Messor
"I was morose
For hours and hours
When they dumped manure
All over the flowers.
In the spring, they'll grow
So pretty and sweet;
It just goes to show
That you aren't what you eat."
~ Mark T. Shirey

04-21-2011, 06:55 PM
Okay, if MARVEL isn't interested in making this take the best it can be, then no one should be surprised if the response is luke-warm, too. The "Inuit" issue should have been settled a while ago, yet it is in the "Snowbird" sidebar accompanying the Tuesday Q & A...Snowbird's DEMI-goddessness is what makes her able to do what the Old Gods can't...I didn't mean to imply that J-M is actually THE Greek/Roman Goddess "Aurora", just that she is named after a very powerful being...

1 on 1, SASQUATCH should mop the floor with just about anybody other than the Hulk, or show why that ain't happening...FAST.

Apprehensive...very apprehensive.

04-21-2011, 08:49 PM
Something is usually better than nothing.

Unless that something sullies the greatness of something important to you. Which, of course, is subjective, a different take on that for every different person.

I'll wait and see. I am sure there will be things I do not like or do not prefer. Will the good outweigh the bad? For me, I am pre-supposing that it will. Looks good to me!

04-22-2011, 10:27 AM
I'm sure somebody said "Something is usually better than nothing" all throughout the Mantlo era. That proved to be categorically wrong.
I'm sure somebody said "Something is usually better than nothing" during volume 2 when Heather, Judd, and Diamond Lil got mind-wiped while the new "Alpha Flight" couldn't even beat Mesmero.
I'm sure somebody said "Something is usually better than nothing" when the plodex-ship inexplicably captured the entire team in volume 3, then created dopplegangers.
I'm sure somebody said "Something is usually better than nothing" when Walter/Sasquatch took on all four members of the Wrecking Crew by himself...

04-22-2011, 10:34 AM
1 on 1, SASQUATCH should mop the floor with just about anybody other than the Hulk, or show why that ain't happening...FAST.

Apprehensive...very apprehensive.

Citadel's coated in pure adamantium though.
A punch from that would move Sas.

04-22-2011, 11:08 AM
Citadel's coated in pure adamantium though.
A punch from that would move Sas.

I believe that. I think Citadel is a good character (and a good adversary for AF).

I am apprehensive that a single adversary keeps giving the team (or several members of the team) so much grief.

Seeing these four characters getting put through their paces by two adversaries (one of whom seems to be a former Betan) just doesn't make me want to rush right out, buy a boat-load of copies, and sing praises about how great everything is.

If you see a car only has 3 tires, the engine is on fire, and the steering wheel is gone, would you still buy it?

04-22-2011, 02:20 PM
We need Caliber to come back and give the team a run for their money. What?...He can do it....Caliber is awesome!



Le Messor
04-22-2011, 05:57 PM
Citadel's coated in pure adamantium though.
A punch from that would move Sas.

Adamantium only lends invulnerability, not strength. If I punched Sas with Adamantium knuckles, I'd proably end up more hurt than him.
I know nothing about Citadel.

If you see a car only has 3 tires, the engine is on fire, and the steering wheel is gone, would you still buy it?

... not seeing the problem?

You're right, of course, that 'something is better than nothing' can be very, very wrong... but as I've said, I'm trying to remain positive about the first Alpha Flight book in thirty years that has Alpha Flight in it.

- Le Messor
"I was thinking about how a status symbol of today is those cell phones that everyone has clipped onto their belt or purse. I can't afford one. So, I'm wearing my garage door opener."

04-22-2011, 06:45 PM
I believe that. I think Citadel is a good character (and a good adversary for AF).

I am apprehensive that a single adversary keeps giving the team (or several members of the team) so much grief.

Seeing these four characters getting put through their paces by two adversaries (one of whom seems to be a former Betan) just doesn't make me want to rush right out, buy a boat-load of copies, and sing praises about how great everything is.

If you see a car only has 3 tires, the engine is on fire, and the steering wheel is gone, would you still buy it?

It's interesting to read comments from someone that is very hesitant about this new series when the rest of the group is so excited about it. Seriously. I hope you are pleasantly surprised when it comes out. I am eagerly anticipating it, but figure there may be some things that I might not like so much. Stands to reason that the creative team isn't going to appease everybody. I'm just hoping for a good mazi-series, as my concern is that this will be a fun ride but there won't be enough of a demand to keep it going. I hope I am proven wrong!

04-22-2011, 07:05 PM
FVL and Pak have taken series and characters that were luke-warm ("meh") to most people beforehand, and appaently made them into something golden (a calf?).

I'm hopefully optimistic. With a side-order of "please don't dash my dreams into tiny fragments and stomp on them".

Le Messor
04-22-2011, 07:36 PM
FVL and Pak have taken series and characters that were luke-warm ("meh") to most people beforehand, and appaently made them into something golden (a calf?).

Without saying anything about the new Alpha specifically, a lot of people make things more popular by adding the same darkness and angst and whatever. It starts to look generic.
Everything these days has to be really, really serious until it loses all sense of fun. It has to be really, really dark, until it loses all sense of light and hope. It has to be really, really militaristic until it loses all sense of individuality (which the real military doesn't, btw).

More popular is not the same as better.

- Le Messor
"It's called a fantasy, Clark. An escape. Something, I dunno, more magical than we have in our normal lives."
"Did you and Chloe just swear off whimsey? Was there a memo?"
- Lois Lane (s'rously, I had Smallville playing as I typed, and that line just came on then.) (Ironically, Smallville is much darker in that season.)

04-23-2011, 12:02 AM
More popular is not the same as better.

Of course, but it would be nice if Van Lente and Pak help make the characters appealing (and more accessible, if need be) to a larger audience...It means more of a chance that Alpha Flight will be a success (and go beyond the proposed 9 issues). As far as I can tell, Hercules hadn't been altered much (if at all), when he became a hit (he was pretty much the same old Hercules)....Somehow they reached new readers and grew his fanbase. If such a thing can happen with Alpha Flight, yet keep the characters true to who they are, then all the better, I say.


Le Messor
04-23-2011, 02:52 AM
Hercules hadn't been altered much (if at all), when he became a hit .... If such a thing can happen with Alpha Flight, yet keep the characters true to who they are, then all the better, I say.

That would be ideal!

- Le Messor
"I was thrown out of college for cheating on the metaphysics exam; I looked into the soul of the guy next to me."
~ Woody Allen

04-23-2011, 10:52 AM
That would be ideal!

- Le Messor
"I was thrown out of college for cheating on the metaphysics exam; I looked into the soul of the guy next to me."
~ Woody Allen

If these guys can't do it successfully, I doubt anyone will be able to.

04-29-2011, 03:35 PM
Maybe Citadel is now a robot-powered boy.

04-30-2011, 12:54 PM
I hope Sasquatch doesn't become a punching bag and returns back to being one the elite powerhouses.

04-30-2011, 01:34 PM
I hope Sasquatch doesn't become a punching bag and returns back to being one the elite powerhouses.

Agreed. As long as he doesn't go back to trying to lead the team in any way, shape, or form. Volume 3 (ptui!) and Omega Flight show him to not be the leader-type; he can lead in the scientific fielde, but I'd prefer him as a fun-lovin', fuzzy orange behemoth with a scientist's brain and an anger issue that comes from being associated with his bestial form.

05-01-2011, 01:38 AM
I hope Sasquatch doesn't become a punching bag and returns back to being one the elite powerhouses.

Here's the question, and FVL's answer on Eaglesham's site:

EDIT TO ADD: Since you'll be taking all the characters back to their "Byrne days", does that mean Sasquatch will be at his original, uberstrength again?

FVL: I guess, since I was never aware he lost it...!

05-01-2011, 04:04 PM
I just really, really hope they don't do either of the following predictable things:

Marrina being 'Monsterfied'. YAWWWWWWWWWWWWWN
Northstar being an arrogant git (he should have improved now he's out of the closet)
Aurora retreating into Jeanne Marie every time someone turns the lights out YAWWWWWWWWWWWWNN
I'd be interested to see if Jean Paul had had a crush on Walter all this time. Maybe he was jealous of Jeanne Marie back in the day!