View Full Version : The Ongoing Movie Thread

04-20-2011, 08:17 AM
Somehow I think it's going to be better than Wolverine :-)


04-20-2011, 02:08 PM
Agreed. Although that wouldn't be too difficult. The question is will it be better then X2?

04-20-2011, 04:44 PM
Looking forward to it. IMHO, the X-Men movie franchise sucked hard after the original X-Men movie. This is a chance for a new franchise of movies.

04-20-2011, 04:47 PM
Agreed. Although that wouldn't be too difficult. The question is will it be better then X2?
IMHO X2 was the worst of the X-Men trilogy, Wolverine was painful. Hopefully 'First Class' will be what it portrays itself to be in the trailer.

04-20-2011, 04:49 PM
I still haven't seen Wolverine Origins. I started to watch it a few times, but the first five minutes or so just turned me off.

Wolverine was best portrayed in the "Hulk Vs." video. Him and Deadpool teaming up together was a riot!

04-20-2011, 11:55 PM
To say I am underwhelmed is not even close to what I feel towards this movie.

But I posted here:

04-20-2011, 11:59 PM
as the younger versions of the Marvel Comics superheroes from the original movie trilogy

Sorry Tawmis, but I disagree with that statement. It is closer to a reboot than a prequel, and only uses a few characters from the original movie trilogy. This will become its own franchise.

04-21-2011, 05:38 AM
Agreed. Although that wouldn't be too difficult. The question is will it be better then X2?

IMHO X2 was the worst of the X-Men trilogy, Wolverine was painful.

Hmm.. I actually really liked X2.
The third one I loathed.
Wolverine was a tolerable popcorn piece.

Le Messor
04-21-2011, 06:09 AM
X2 is my favourite movie, period. I expect great things of First Class - Bryan Singer is attached, after all (though not as director).

X3 I didn't hate, but it didn't come close to living up to the first two. Wolverine was meh at best, but that's me being generous. Was that supposed to be the Hudsons there? I don't think so!

- Le Messor
"I was gratified to be able to answer promptly, and I did. I said I didn’t know."
~ Mark Twain

04-21-2011, 02:12 PM
I like to think of the Hudsons as an analogy for the kindness he was shown by Mac & Heather in the comics (I was very drunk at that moment). X2 for some reson just never did it for me. X3 is my fave out the three. Different strokes ... Then again I loved Daredevil, so what do I know?

04-21-2011, 04:04 PM
There are people who don't love Daredevil? i thought it was quite well done!

04-21-2011, 04:53 PM
Somehow I think it's going to be better than Wolverine :-)


One would hope...LOL!

However, I didn't like the character line-up the first time I saw it and I still don't...Bleh.


04-21-2011, 04:59 PM
Sorry Tawmis, but I disagree with that statement. It is closer to a reboot than a prequel, and only uses a few characters from the original movie trilogy. This will become its own franchise.

As I said in the thread:

I seriously doubt this movie will have any ties to the previous X-Men and/or Wolverine movies... I believe it's intended to stand on it's own as a new movie, with no previous ties and connections. (Because that's what hack writers do). Because if it does tie in with the previous X-Men/Wolverine movies, then it's severely out of whack as Cyclops is Havok's older brother, only by a few years. But if Havok is in XM:FC and they tie it to the other X-Men movies, that'd put him at Magneto/Xavier's age, which means he's been around since WWII.

04-21-2011, 05:45 PM
There are people who don't love Daredevil? i thought it was quite well done!

I really enjoyed it, then again I am a big fan of Daredevil. Blame Miller for that :-) . The movie was not that well received as I recall. Though how anyone can not like a film that has Evanesence on the OST is beyond me.

Le Messor
04-21-2011, 05:50 PM
I saw the First Class trailer for the first time last night...
Not the first time ever, the first time on big screen. Along with Green Lantern and Pirates 4.
(It was before this obscure little flick noboby here would be interested in. I believe it was called 'Thor'.)

There are people who don't love Daredevil? i thought it was quite well done!

It felt to me more like an hour-and-a-half long trailer than an actual movie.
The Director's Cut, on the other hand, that was the movie the theatrical release was a trailer for.

As I said in the thread:

I seriously doubt this movie will have any ties to the previous X-Men and/or Wolverine movies... I believe it's intended to stand on it's own as a new movie, with no previous ties and connections. (Because that's what hack writers do). Because if it does tie in with the previous X-Men/Wolverine movies, then it's severely out of whack as Cyclops is Havok's older brother, only by a few years. But if Havok is in XM:FC and they tie it to the other X-Men movies, that'd put him at Magneto/Xavier's age, which means he's been around since WWII.

Actually, I'm pretty sure they've said it's supposed to work as a prequel; and if you notice on the trailer, they're going with 'Before he was Professor X' (clips from the first movie), 'he was Charles'. And the same for Magneto.

- Le Messor
"I was hitchhiking the other day and a hearse stopped. I said, “No thanks - I’m not going that far.""

Le Messor
04-21-2011, 05:51 PM
I really enjoyed it, then again I am a big fan of Daredevil. Blame Miller for that :-) . The movie was not that well received as I recall. Though how anyone can not like a film that has Evanesence on the OST is beyond me.

(This came up while I was typing my own reply...)

Hey, I've disliked films with Queen on the soundtrack... And Queen are my favourite band, not just a band I collect (unlike Evanescence).

04-21-2011, 06:06 PM
Did Cyclops ever mention his older brother Havok in X1, X2, or X3?

If not, then maybe in the movies they aren't related at all. As much as we would like them to, movies do NOT follow comic books very accurately; if they did, they'd be comic books, not movies.

04-21-2011, 06:17 PM
(This came up while I was typing my own reply...)

Hey, I've disliked films with Queen on the soundtrack... And Queen are my favourite band, not just a band I collect (unlike Evanescence).
I know of two 'Highlander' and 'Flash'. Unless we're talking one offs in various movies. Enjoyed Highlander apart from Lamberts eyes. Not natural I tell ya! Flash is tongue in cheek and anything with Brian Blessed in it imediately enters into legend :-)

Le Messor
04-21-2011, 07:00 PM
Did Cyclops ever mention his older brother Havok in X1, X2, or X3?

No, but in comics how long before they knew about each other?
Also, given that in the trailer Havok (inaccurately to the comics) has Cyclops's power signature...
(That might get changed for the movie.)

I know of two 'Highlander' and 'Flash'. Unless we're talking one offs in various movies. Enjoyed Highlander apart from Lamberts eyes. Not natural I tell ya! Flash is tongue in cheek and anything with Brian Blessed in it imediately enters into legend :-)

I love both those films; we're talking one-offs. AFAIK, (which isn't very far), the two Evanescence tracks weren't written for Daredevil, so I'm not just counting stuff written for movies here. (They also wrote One Vision, or at least it first saw light of day, in a movie called Iron Eagle.)
(Also, Brian May - the Queen one - wrote the score for a French movie called Furia.)

Anyway, the take-home from all this is, Queen songs have been used in dull films.

- Le Messor
"Inside my heart is breaking,
My make-up may be flaking,
But my smile still stays on."
- The Show Must Go On, appropriately np

04-23-2011, 09:37 AM
After mucho discussion (well nagging from me) it's been agreed that this thread would be there for discussion, reviews etc on any movie you care to natter about.

With that in mind, I watched a fairly recent film this morning, 'The Book of Eli'. Extremely enjoyable. A bit like Fallout 3, but with actors.

Le Messor
04-23-2011, 04:56 PM
I haven't seen Book of Eli, though it does sound intriguing. (From what I've heard. I've been spoiled for the twist. :()

I saw Thor, though... thought that was fun.
1. Stay to the end.
2. 2D. The 3D isn't bad or anything, it's just a bit unneccessarrryyy, and darkens it a lot.

- Le Messor
Angel: I watched you, and I saw you called. It was a bright afternoon out in front of your school. You walked down the steps... and... and I loved you... 'Cause I could see your heart. You held it before you for everyone to see. And I worried that it would be bruised or torn. And more than anything in my life I wanted to keep it safe... to warm it with my own.
Buffy: That's beautiful. Or taken literally, incredibly gross.
Angel: I was just thinking that, too.

04-23-2011, 05:07 PM
Is Thor one of these lead ins into 'The Avengers' movie that is supposed to be in the offing? I read somewhere that both Thor and Captain America have been given the green light for sequels.

Le Messor
04-23-2011, 05:44 PM
Is Thor one of these lead ins into 'The Avengers' movie that is supposed to be in the offing?

It is... it definitely is.
It looks like the Avengers movie is gonna be big...

- Le Messor
"I went to a bookstore and asked the saleswoman, "Where's the self-help section?" She said if she told me, it would defeat the purpose."

06-07-2011, 06:40 PM
X-Men First Class. Enjoyable watch, but James McAvoy really began to grate on me early into the film. As this is a reboot of the whole X-Men franchise movie wise I guess the continuity glitches aren't really an issue. Will add it to the DVD collection when it comes out, but Green Lantern looks a better bet. That said, appearences can be deceiving.

06-07-2011, 11:49 PM
Sorry Tawmis, but I disagree with that statement. It is closer to a reboot than a prequel, and only uses a few characters from the original movie trilogy. This will become its own franchise.

It makes me long for the day that Fox will no longer have the rights to make X-Men films.


06-07-2011, 11:58 PM
I have not seen X-Men: First Class and I have no intentions to do so. Thank you Tawmis for your review, which laid out all the reasons why I wouldn't want to see it. Plus there are just far too many things wrong with the movie (that I learned of, before reading your review) that would keep from ever enjoying it. I know this is supposed to be a reboot, but I just wish they would have actually gone back to the original X-Men story, instead of this half-a$$ed, mish-mash of characters.

I'd actually like to check out Thor, though. I actually liked Iron man and sort of liked Iron Man II (even though I don't care for any of those comics characters themselves).


06-08-2011, 02:45 AM
I was pretty much dragged to see X-Men:First Class and I actually really enjoyed it.

It's definitely a prequel to Singer's 2 X-films rather than a reboot. Very much in-continuity and style.

The only film it clashes with slightly is X-Men Origins: Wolverine, and even then that can be explained as Wolverine's memories or the like.

I'd honestly recommend watching it, if only when it comes out on dvd rather than at theatres.

06-08-2011, 01:18 PM
I was pretty much dragged to see X-Men:First Class and I actually really enjoyed it.

It's definitely a prequel to Singer's 2 X-films rather than a reboot. Very much in-continuity and style.

The only film it clashes with slightly is X-Men Origins: Wolverine, and even then that can be explained as Wolverine's memories or the like.

I'd honestly recommend watching it, if only when it comes out on dvd rather than at theatres.

I thought there were supposedly all kinds of continuity differences between First Class and the other X-movies?


Highlight to reveal...

Like Moira being a CIA agent in X:FC, but a scientist in X3...Charles claiming he first met Magneto at 17...Plus the movie takes place over 40 years ago, yet it shows a young cyclops, Jean and Storm in the Cerebro scene (which would mean they are 50+ years old in X-Men 1-3, Beast would be over 60)...Also, the director claims its a reboot.


06-08-2011, 01:26 PM

With regards to Moira, she has her mind wiped to forget meeting Charles, and I think the ending indicates she leaves the CIA.
As to the age thing... well, it's like Franklin Richards still being 8. It can be overlooked for the sake of a good story.
Although does it ever state the date in 1-3? I can't remember.
And I've seen Vaughn, Goldman, Singer & Fox contradict themselves a lot and say it's a reboot in one place and a sequel in another.

06-08-2011, 05:54 PM
There were a few more glitches that made me think it was a reboot. However they define it, it does allow for a few more X-Men films to boost the coffers. I think I read some where there's a follow up scheduled for 2014.

06-09-2011, 01:03 AM

With regards to Moira, she has her mind wiped to forget meeting Charles, and I think the ending indicates she leaves the CIA.
As to the age thing... well, it's like Franklin Richards still being 8. It can be overlooked for the sake of a good story.
Although does it ever state the date in 1-3? I can't remember.
And I've seen Vaughn, Goldman, Singer & Fox contradict themselves a lot and say it's a reboot in one place and a sequel in another.

I believe (IIRC) X-Men said something about the near future (and the movie came out in 2000?). As far as those who made the film not being able to decide if its a reboot or not....well...If even they can't decide, then I have to ask what is the point of even making the movie? I know...Money...And it doesn't matter if the movie makes sense or not (as long as it has lots of flash and bang and makes them money).


Le Messor
06-09-2011, 06:15 AM
X-Men First Class. Enjoyable watch, but James McAvoy really began to grate on me early into the film. As this is a reboot of the whole X-Men franchise movie wise I guess the continuity glitches aren't really an issue. Will add it to the DVD collection when it comes out, but Green Lantern looks a better bet. That said, appearences can be deceiving.

I really enjoyed it, but I expect to enjoy Green Lantern less (but still enjoy it).
I'll definitely add it to my collection.

There's nothing after the credits.


Although does it ever state the date in 1-3? I can't remember.

"The near future," as Dana pointed out - which puts it some time between 2000 (when it was released) and late 2001.

With regards to Moira, she has her mind wiped to forget meeting Charles, and I think the ending indicates she leaves the CIA.

There's no reason she can't have changed jobs. Was she ever CIA in the comics? (I don't know that she was, but it wouldn't surprise me.)
A lack of accents was a problem for me, and they failed on Shaw. Others were cool, though.

06-09-2011, 06:38 AM
As far as those who made the film not being able to decide if its a reboot or not....well...If even they can't decide, then I have to ask what is the point of even making the movie? I know...Money...And it doesn't matter if the movie makes sense or not (as long as it has lots of flash and bang and makes them money).

That's fair enough.
All I know is that originally I wasn't going to watch it because I thought it looked rubbish & when I did I expected to hate it.
I was pleasantly suprised.
It's a decent popcorn movie, I'd recommend watching it on dvd or tv if you don't want to pay for it.

06-09-2011, 12:51 PM
Can super hero movies be any thing else but popcorn movies? Doesn't the genre negate the possibility of there ever being a Super Hero blockbuster that people will talk about for years?

Le Messor
06-10-2011, 05:34 PM
Doesn't the genre negate the possibility of there ever being a Super Hero blockbuster that people will talk about for years?

I wouldn't think so... There's more than one Batman movie people have been talking about for years.

What's wrong with popcorn movies, though? (Freudian typo: accidentally put two 'o's in 'pop'... good thing I caught it before anyone found out.)

- Le Messor
"Anything that can become tangled around something else, will."
~ J.D. Boatwood

06-10-2011, 05:57 PM
I wouldn't think so... There's more than one Batman movie people have been talking about for years.
True, but the subject matter does imho limit what can be done with super hero movies. The Batman movies that people seem to recall are the ones were the performances of some of the actors are memorable and not so much the story.

What's wrong with popcorn movies, though? (Freudian typo: accidentally put two 'o's in 'pop'... good thing I caught it before anyone found out.)

I have no problem with popcorn movies, probably make up the majority of my DVD collection. From my viewpoint it would seem that most hero movies are popcorn not classics.

Le Messor
06-10-2011, 08:57 PM
From my viewpoint it would seem that most hero movies are popcorn not classics.

True, but I usually find the 'classics' to be boring. Movies made for snobs, not for people... does that make sense?

- Le Messor
"Some people pay a compliment as if they expect a receipt."
~ Kin Hubbard

06-12-2011, 09:07 AM
True, but I usually find the 'classics' to be boring. Movies made for snobs, not for people... does that make sense?

- Le Messor
"Some people pay a compliment as if they expect a receipt."
~ Kin Hubbard
Makes perfect sense. Nothing better than sitting amongst people discussing the artistic merits of 'Trois couleurs: Rouge' and thinking 'what a bunch of pretentious ****'. I have nothing against classic movies per se, but people tend to use them to go further up the social ladder. I like explosions, cataclysmic events, but some story amongst all that helps.

06-12-2011, 09:30 AM
I enjoyed X-men as well. I kind of deliberately ignored everything I knew about X-men continuity so as not to get all worked up. Was excited about the possibility of Charles + Moira as it is a natural lead in to Proteus, which would be an interesting character to see on the big screen.

I saw Book of Eli, too. I thought it was ok, but since I watched it just after seeing Rango, they both kinda reminded me of each other, which was weird.

Pirates of the Carribean 4 was pretty bad. Hangover 2 was not as funny as the first one.

06-12-2011, 02:15 PM
Some would argue that the first Superman (Christopher Reeve) movie is a classic, as well as the first (Michael Keaton) Batman movie. Not that I would really argue them as classics, but many people do and many people also hold Chris Reeve up as the pinnacle of what Superman should be.


06-13-2011, 12:43 AM
What's wrong with popcorn movies, though? (Freudian typo: accidentally put two 'o's in 'pop'... good thing I caught it before anyone found out.)

- Le Messor

No wonder some theatre corn tastes like $#!+ (couldn't resist). And hey they tried doing a superhero movie that was more cerebral----Ang Lee's HULK and look what happened.

DIGGER Ebert:)

07-18-2011, 03:08 PM
So recently have watched Green Lantern and Transformers 3. Well with Transformers 3 I feighned interest for the first half hour and then gave up. Neither of them set my world on fire, so am hoping that Harry Potter 7.2 lives up to the hype. Captain America looks good as well, but looking good does not always equate to good.

Le Messor
07-19-2011, 11:24 PM
So recently have watched Green Lantern and Transformers 3. Well with Transformers 3 I feighned interest for the first half hour and then gave up. Neither of them set my world on fire, so am hoping that Harry Potter 7.2 lives up to the hype. Captain America looks good as well, but looking good does not always equate to good.

I saw Green Lantern, enjoyed it, but it's hardly the best movie ever.
Saw Harry Potter 7.2 last night - it was a decent finish to the series.

- Le Messor
"Stalinism begins at home."
~ Tom Neff

07-20-2011, 03:51 AM
Harry Potter 7.2 rounded off the series nicely, but I felt gypped. Maybe my expectations where to high? I've set up four of my DVD's for the PSP and am going to watch 'Jonah Hex', 'Solomon Kane', 'Predators' and 'Matewan' over the next few days. The only one of those I expect to be something beter than the norm is Matewan.

Le Messor
07-20-2011, 04:11 AM
Jonah Hex?

I refuse to watch anything with the name 'Akiva Goldsman' attached in a writing / producing role!

- Le Messor
"There’s nothing wrong with being a self-made man if you don’t consider the job finished too soon."
~ John Mooney

07-20-2011, 04:22 AM
Looking through his list of credits at IMDB, I can see why. That said I enjoyed Jonah Hex as a read, so am prepared to bite the bullet.

Le Messor
07-20-2011, 04:58 PM
Looking through his list of credits at IMDB, I can see why. That said I enjoyed Jonah Hex as a read, so am prepared to bite the bullet.

If you enjoyed the comic, that only makes it worse.
The movie of Jonah Hex has got nothing but negative reviews, btw.

- Le Messor
"There is no right way to do a wrong thing."

07-21-2011, 01:09 AM
and am going to watch 'Jonah Hex'

Jonah Hex felt like a rip-off, a bad cross between Will Smith's Wild West and Hellboy. And this comes from somebody who uised to enjoy reading Hex's comics.

07-21-2011, 01:14 AM
And it doesn't matter if the movie makes sense or not (as long as it has lots of flash and bang and makes them money).

Categorically disdagree with this. X-Men First Class was NOT a flash-n-bang movie. It was deeply thouhgtful and insightful, with the best charactrerization to come out of ANY superhero movie in the last....well, ever. Best written, best acted, best produced. It wasn't a movie about explosions and fights, it was about character-growth.

And there is NO WAY it is a prequel. Definitely, definitely, definitely, for sure a reboot. And the best d$m& movie to ever bear the name X-Men, that is for sure.

08-03-2011, 04:18 AM
I actually gave up with Jonah Hex so can't really say much about it :-) Will say I actually enjoyed Captain America a lot and it seemed to capture that WW2 Marvel universe atmosphere well.

08-03-2011, 02:47 PM
I actually gave up with Jonah Hex so can't really say much about it :-) Will say I actually enjoyed Captain America a lot and it seemed to capture that WW2 Marvel universe atmosphere well.

Thats awesome. That said, i have no interest in seeing Cap on the big-screen; in his own movie, or in the Avengers movie. Other than the Ironman franchise, I am done with Marvel big-screen movies for a few decades. Not really that impressed. Couldn't even get me to watch Wolverine Origins, in theater OR on DVD. I'll pass.

Marvel animated tv series? Now, THOSE I can get into! That is some quality stuff they are putting out there!

Le Messor
08-04-2011, 07:09 AM
I thought I was going to enjoy Captain America, but it turned out I enjoyed it more!
Better than Thor, I thought.

Green Lantern was... serviceable. :P

I tried to warn you about Jonah!

FP - don't judge all Marvel movies on Wolverine: Origins. They're almost all better than it.

- Le Messor
"I’ve dedicated my life to linguini."

10-13-2011, 08:56 AM
Most of you have probably seen this (http://www.newsarama.com/common/media/video/player.php?aid=44494), If not, it's the first official trailer for 'The Avengers'.

Le Messor
10-14-2011, 05:56 AM
Most of you have probably seen this (http://www.newsarama.com/common/media/video/player.php?aid=44494), If not, it's the first official trailer for 'The Avengers'.

Yeah, it was great!

... but then, I'm Joss Whedon's mare, what would I know?

- Le Messor
"Joss Whedon is my master now."
~ PVP, later a t-shirt