View Full Version : Prisoner Puck?

05-13-2011, 01:56 AM
Well, anybody who has been checking out the preview pages for the Alpha Flight maxi series written by Greg Pak and Fred van Lente knows

SPOILER SPACE (don't continue reading if you don't wanna know!)

that Puck is apparently a prisoner deep in the bowels of Department H.

I perused my copy of Chaos War: Alpha Flight, and checked out this quote by Shaman which got me thinking; (in regards to Puck not being with them) "I tried, but he slipped away to a place even I dare not follow."

I assumed at the time that he was talking about hell.

But was he?

Regardless, how has Puck ended up a prisoner of Department H?

Is there any possibility they are going to reboot Puck, by having him end up that he was a prisoner of Department H for a really long time?

Maybe the Puck we recently saw in hell, WASN'T really our beloved Puck?

Maybe the Puck with the demon in him, WASN'T the real Puck? And he has been in chains in the basement all this time?

If that isn't the explanation, then how did he end up out of hell and in captivity in Ottawa? And why?

Questions, without current answers...


05-13-2011, 02:51 AM
I think it'll be the same Puckster... just one escaped from Heck. I'm not sure how he regained his body as in the "Wolverine in Hell" issues, he suggests that he doesn't have a body to return to.

Much as I'd love to conjecture, I'd rather just sit back and watch the trio of Van Lente, Pak and Eaglesham tease this out. It's going to be a fantastic ride!!

05-13-2011, 03:16 AM
So whose body is it, then?

As van Lente mentioned, 'his time in hell has changed him' (not an exact quote, but close enough).

So...he escaped, how? He got a new body, how? He has changed, in what way(s)? And he has been captured and kept by Department H, how and why?

05-13-2011, 05:54 AM
I'd say it's the same Puck.
Given that Marvel timelines aren't always simultaneous my guess is either that

a) the Wolverine Goes To Hell storyline was before Chaos War and that Herc brought Puck back too.
b) whatever Villain is behind the Unity Party/behind Fear Itself brought him back.

And in regards to the 'time in hell changed him' it'd probably have played with his mental state a lot.

05-13-2011, 08:04 AM
Hm...I'd dig seeing him grinning and babbling and wanting to just "Killl, Kill, KILL" , that'd be a new take on Puck; as long as it didn't last for ever, that is.

05-13-2011, 10:32 AM
a) the Wolverine Goes To Hell storyline was before Chaos War and that Herc brought Puck back too.

I agree with this. From what I saw of his time in Hell, he didn't seemed traumatized in such a way that he was insane, or hopeless. My bet is he'll be hardened, and probably more willing to commit violence, maybe going back to how he was in AF #1 of the first series.

05-13-2011, 10:39 AM
From what I saw of his time in Hell, he didn't seemed traumatized in such a way that he was insane, or hopeless.

At the start no, but after being (essentially) left behind by Wolverine as Ruler of Hell for an undisclosed passage of time (a- time was different there anyway, b- we don't know how long Chaos War/this storyline was/is after that arc) he could well have become unhinged. Maybe, anyway.

05-13-2011, 11:26 AM
At the start no, but after being (essentially) left behind by Wolverine as Ruler of Hell for an undisclosed passage of time (a- time was different there anyway, b- we don't know how long Chaos War/this storyline was/is after that arc) he could well have become unhinged. Maybe, anyway.
You're right, but I'm thinking FVL/Pak are going to take him back to his early Byrne version when he was a crude scrapper who didn't take crap from anyone. At least that's what I'm hoping. If they do make him a bit bonkers -- well, I'll give them the chance to see what they do with him.

05-13-2011, 11:42 AM
Yeah, that makes sense.
What better to make you harder than becoming the Ruler of Hell!

Le Messor
05-13-2011, 05:52 PM
The comments we've heard from the creative team (questions over whether they'd be able to even use him or not) would indicate that they CAN'T say Wolverine Puck wasn't Puck.

- Le Messor
"Many a yo-yo think he have the world on a string."

05-14-2011, 08:04 PM
I hope there is some ramifacations of judds trip to hell as well as the reveal as how he got out from the wolverine adventure

05-14-2011, 08:12 PM
I hope there is some ramifacations of judds trip to hell as well as the reveal as how he got out from the wolverine adventure

Hey Berserkerclaw, welcome to the mad-house! I feel pretty confidant that the creative team of vol.4 will cover all that. They seem very detail oriented.

05-16-2011, 01:15 AM
Hey Berserkerclaw, welcome to the mad-house! I feel pretty confidant that the creative team of vol.4 will cover all that. They seem very detail oriented.
Very true lol cant wait i love that cover to #2