View Full Version : Alpha Flight #0.1: A Canadian Perspective

05-31-2011, 10:12 AM
(Not mine, obviously)


Alpha Rider
05-31-2011, 06:04 PM
He made some good points. Especially about the Grand- Lac Victoria Indian Settlement not having a hospital. I didn't read the whole thing so I'm not sure if he touched on this or not, but everyone there was speeking English and were white, as opposed to speeking French(and or a 1st Nations language) and the staff being more First Nations. And Shaman useally worked in the Western part of Canada (though he could have moved his practice) but most MD's once they are established (like Michael is) I don't think would be moving around the country.

05-31-2011, 06:35 PM
I think sometimes dissection of a thing serves no positive purpose. If the complete package tells an enjoyable tale, it should be appreciated for what it is. If we dissected 'Robinson Crusoe', 'A Tale of Two Cities' etc would they become less than the classics they are. Not trying to place the .1 issue in that company, but using them as examples. Just an opinion.

Alpha Rider
05-31-2011, 08:27 PM
I think sometimes dissection of a thing serves no positive purpose. If the complete package tells an enjoyable tale, it should be appreciated for what it is. If we dissected 'Robinson Crusoe', 'A Tale of Two Cities' etc would they become less than the classics they are. Not trying to place the .1 issue in that company, but using them as examples. Just an opinion.

I totally agree with what you are saying. If you enjoy it who cares about the little mistakes. I'd would just like to see that they did some effort and research and at least make Montreal look more like Montreal than New York. I think that what really make my piss boil is the fact that they are right next door to us and they don't know hardly anything ecept for snow, hockey and maple leafs.

05-31-2011, 09:41 PM
I totally understand where you're coming from. My comments were more aimed at some of the miniscule dissection Siskoid made. Glaring errors or little research can irk. The reservation not having a hospital to me is a small thing, but I can understand that if a comic with a Canadian theme doesn't carry that theme, it must be annoying. Unfortunately imo, it is very hard to convey themes in sequential art, where as in live action it's easier. In sequential stories, I have found that if they try to hard stereotyping becomes the norm. As this was a .1 issue with the main point being to introduce the cast, I don't personally think setting location was high on the agenda. If the main series doesn't convey location then...

Alpha Rider
05-31-2011, 10:34 PM
True on that point. For myself, I don't really care about the little mistakes and I know that they do try to an etent. I've worked in the comic book industry myself for about 7 years and when we had to do something that took place (let say Greece) we did alot of research on Greece and tried to make it look like Greece even with the backgound lettering being in Greek. It's like those little mistakes you see in movies. The story takes place in New York, but the actor is on a phone that says "Pacific Bell" or something like that. For the most part I'd just have a laugh about it.

But I'm also suprised to see how ignorent that people can be though, especially when it comes to how natives live in North America. I've been to the Canadian artic in a town called Igloolik, in Nunavut, (part of the North West Territories when I was there) There are no paved roads in the Territory and only 1 hospital that is in Iqaluit, and the whole territory is over 2000 square kms. They don't even have a full medical staff, which have to be flowen in from somewhere from Ontario. I spent 4 months there and it's a real eye opener to see how rough the conditions are for the native people, and I can't even imagine what it would be like on a reservation. When Byrne did his work on AF he made Michael's office look like what it would really be like. Frontier land. Living with a wing and a prayer. In AF 0.1 Michael's O.R. looks like it was "modern" at the least. These are some of the things that make you think that these would be common sence. As for the geographical errors. I feel if you are going to do a story about a city at least do some reseach. It's like having Spider Man swing by the Golden Gate Bridge, instead of the George Washington Bridge or Brooklyn Bridge.

06-01-2011, 03:25 PM
I usually gloss over the inconsistencies by thinking of it as the 616 universe is like our universe, but not our universe. There will be small, and large differences between the two. Though there's no hospital in the Grand-Lac Victoria Indian Settlement here, there is the 616. Here there's a language law, in 616 there's no such law. When it comes to the mistakes in geography I remind myself that FVL and Pak are at least trying to remain faithful to the characters, and give us an exciting, kick ass story. Given that this is the first of nine books (with a hoped for ongoing) I'm willing to give them time to get it right.

Le Messor
06-02-2011, 07:03 AM
They don't even have a full medical staff, which have to be flowen in from somewhere from Ontario...

Maybe Shaman's got tired of those conditions and opened his own hospital?

As for the geographical errors. I feel if you are going to do a story about a city at least do some reseach. It's like having Spider Man swing by the Golden Gate Bridge, instead of the George Washington Bridge or Brooklyn Bridge.

:) Lol!
I always remember the issue of Young Justice set in the alpine mountains of Sydney. I'd been in Sydney a couple of weeks before reading it, and many times before and since, and never seen any mountains like that there.
(I honestly suspect Todd Nauk researched 'Australia' spelled 'Austria'. If Austria isn't like that either, he has no excuse.)

- Le Messor
"Have no friends not equal to yourself."
~ Confucius

06-13-2011, 12:37 AM
I totally agree with what you are saying. If you enjoy it who cares about the little mistakes. I'd would just like to see that they did some effort and research and at least make Montreal look more like Montreal than New York. I think that what really make my piss boil is the fact that they are right next door to us and they don't know hardly anything ecept for snow, hockey and maple leafs.

You forgot that we use sleddogs yearround and live in igloos too. There are always going to be mistakes made in any comic but the effort to produce it well, imo, has been an honest one.


What? Spidey has never been to San Fran?

06-13-2011, 06:01 AM
That's the thing.
I know very little about Canada generally, but I appreciate the effort being made to at least attempt to distinguish the Marvel Universe Canada from the Marvel Universe New York.
I enjoyed AF when it was being written by an Englishman, Simon Furman. It was well written without going into any detail about Canada.
For me the extra detail already shown in #0.1 is a nice bonus.

06-13-2011, 11:58 AM
Some things have to be made up in fiction (like hospitals and other businesses, towns and sometimes cities), simply because people living and/r working in true places may not take kindly to portrayals in fictional media. It makes perfect sense, to avoid possibly angering people by making one up.


06-13-2011, 12:01 PM
You forgot that we use sleddogs yearround and live in igloos too. There are always going to be mistakes made in any comic but the effort to produce it well, imo, has been an honest one.


What? Spidey has never been to San Fran?

Actually, he has...Marvel Team-Up # 12 (the only visit I'm aware of)...He went there to get photos of Daredevil and the Black Widow (while they were based in San Fran).


Alpha Rider
06-13-2011, 07:24 PM
You forgot that we use sleddogs yearround and live in igloos too. There are always going to be mistakes made in any comic but the effort to produce it well, imo, has been an honest one.


What? Spidey has never been to San Fran?

I know mistakes will happen, and I'm not looking for the picture perfect background. I just tired of seeing the rockie montains and a thick lush forest of pine trees that even dwarf the giant redwoods in the background of Toronto. Is if John Byrne would draw all of New York looking like filled with skyscrapers and buil... oh wait.