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View Full Version : Desert Island 'Stories'

06-29-2011, 07:53 PM
If you knew you were going to be stuck on a desert island, which ten tpb's/graphic novels/comics stories would you take? Only ten, no more? For me it would be, no particular order :

Batman : The Killing Joke
Avengers : The Korvac Saga
X-Men : 'God Loves, Man Kills'.
Squadron Supreme
The Boys : Herogasm
V for Vendetta
The Death of Captain Marvel
Stormwatch : A Finer World
Pedro & Me
From Hell

Alpha Rider
06-29-2011, 11:05 PM
Secret Wars I
Squadern Superime
Earth X
Paradise X
Universe X
Ghost Rider vol1 #68-81
Alpha Flight vol1 #1-28
Alpha Flight vol1 #87-90
Ghost Rider vol2 #1-24
Punisher War Journal vol1 1-20
I know that some of these are not story archs per-say, but I feel that the creative crew on them told a story in a way.