View Full Version : What Comic Is That?

Le Messor
07-22-2011, 12:00 AM
It's only occurred to me in the last month to ask here a question that's bugged me since 1989.

In the OHOTMU update '89, I find the following picture under Kubik:


What comic is it from?
I'm pretty sure I have all Marrina's Avengers appearances, but I don't have that.


- Mik
"I’d love to, but I’m enrolled in aerobic scream therapy."

Jason Eberly
07-22-2011, 01:34 AM
Avengers #290...the guy creating the cubes was the Super-Adaptoid. He had duplicated the powers and appearance of Kubik, the recently hatched Cosmic Cube (it wasn't the Cube's final form...it eventually evolved into a female form and renamed him/her/itself Kosmos [I think it was]).

It was the last issue before the storyline where they killed Marrina.

~Jason E.

Le Messor
07-22-2011, 01:48 AM
Excellent, thank you!

- Le Messor
"I’m attending a perfume convention as guest sniffer."

Jason Eberly
07-22-2011, 02:54 AM
Just in case you didn't know, Marrina's Avengers appearances were: #272 (I'm sure you knew this one), 282, 285-293.

~Jason E., who knows more about The Avengers than he does about probably anything else.

Le Messor
07-22-2011, 03:14 AM
Yep, that much I knew.
Are you sure the picture is from #290 itself, and not a flashback to it?
I've just checked, and while all the elements are present in that issue, I can't see that particular panel.

- Le Messor
"The more unusual the thought, the more important it is likely to be, for the world is more in need of new ideas than anything else."
~ Ralph Waldo Emerson

Jason Eberly
07-22-2011, 04:03 AM
You're right. In the '89 Update of OHOTMU, they started out using just some new art (whoever drew the main profile picture would also draw some of the little scene pictures). As it went further along, they seemed to use just more and more old art.

So while that particular panel is not in Avengers 290 (though close...I think in the comic Kubik isn't in it, and Namor is in a cube between She-Hulk and Marrina), the story it is referring to is 290 (But, you already knew that. I'm babbling.)

~Jason E.

Le Messor
07-22-2011, 04:12 AM
(But, you already knew that. I'm babbling.)

I asked.