View Full Version : My US trip - chapter 2: Alpha Flight

Le Messor
07-22-2011, 12:16 AM
One of the things I did while touring USA was scour every CD shop I found for soundtracks...
but that's irrelevant.

Another thing I did was look for back issues. I bought roughly 40 comics while there, most of them Alpha-related.
The ones I want to draw attention to are:
Quasar #24,
Rom #62,
Hulk #277

While these are among the minorest of Alpha appearances (in Quasar, Shaman's nothing more than a floating head), each of them talks about Alpha on their letters page; making them double appearances. So, hey, cool there.

I found three excellent comic shops for back issues:
(Sorry, I have to drive to Sydney to find anything before 2000, and then it's like shopping at Black Books)
Halley's Comics in Fort Collins, Co (took me ages to get the pun in the name. :oops:)
All About Books and Comics, Phoenix (which had by far the most back issues)


Drawn To Comics, Phoenix.
The last gets a bit of an entrance because the owner is a huge Alpha Flight fan. He's even got a customer-drawn pic of himself and his wife as the Hudsons.

- Le Messor
"I’d love to, but I think you want the OTHER Luke."