View Full Version : Fear Itself?

07-29-2011, 01:08 PM
Did anybody remember that the tagline for the Sinestro Corps War from DC Comics back in 2007 was this;

"You have nothing to fear...but fear itself!"

Full page ad, back in 2007, featuring that exact saying against the backdrop of Sinestro and his evil sidekicks.

So, to state the obvious, then...does anything in comics, or in life, involve an original idea? Smells a lot like plagarising that Marvel is doing right now.

07-29-2011, 01:13 PM
I'm not sure about Plagerism as 'Fear Itself' has been used throughout the years. There was a one series TV show with that name back in 2008 and of course it's part of a famous speech by Roosevelt (sp). It does however highlight that the 'House of Ideas' may have to rethink it's tagline :-)

07-29-2011, 01:23 PM
true, plagarism isn't the right word, just couldn't come up with anything better. i agree that "new ideas" are not exactly forthcoming in comics industry these days. same with the movie industry, though.

Le Messor
07-29-2011, 05:50 PM
With the movie industry, you often get the same movie out twice at the same time - ANTZ and A Bug's Life; Volcano and Dante's Peak; The Sixth Sense and The Others; Spider-Man and Pride and Prejudice; Happy Feet and Surf's Up, etc...
I haven't particularly noticed the same trend in comics.

That said, comics tend to hop on bandwagons way more than movies. In an interview, Hudnall once complained that Marvel made him wright Alpha as horror, because Sandman was hot at the time, and it was horror. And when the '89 Batman came out, suddenly everything had to be all dark. And now everything has to be ultra-"realistic" and down-to-Earth. And then there was that trend in the 90s for cartoonish art. And now the trend for dull, lifeless colours (and orange filters over everything).

- Le Messor
"What has been will be again, what has been done will be done again; there is nothing new under the sun."
~ Ecclesiastes 1:9