View Full Version : Unity Theory Speculations -

08-31-2011, 09:53 PM












I have a theory about this whole Unity thing. If we think that a certain Plodex-related old man may be behind Unity, then who is to say that he hasn't used the knowledge that he gained from the Plodex ship to make contact with an alien race that could be symbiotic in nature and now working with him? It seems that the creative team would not just rehash the brainwashing plot used in Volume 2 for this storyline. (The comment about psychotropics could just have been a ruse.) Heather told Mac that she wasn't brainwashed. What about an alien symbiote that might be controlling each individual, having access to their memories but in total control of their bodies? This would explain Heather's behavior and would make Puck's comment about the saucer people seem a little more sane. It would also give "Unity" a whole new meaning. Are there any Marvel aliens that we know of that are symbiotic in nature but don't change the appearance of the host when they have invaded? Not that it wouuld matter if none have been established to date - this could be a new malevolent species that we have never heard of before. Just a wild guess on what is happening, but an option nonetheless...

08-31-2011, 09:55 PM
There were the pod-aliens that Heather discovered way back in Volume 1 when she went home to visit her parents...

Jason Eberly
09-01-2011, 12:32 AM
There are a few things you have to take into consideration about Unity...

1. Why Canada? If it were an alien race out to take over the world, why would they pick Canada first? Makes me think it is someone/something already linked to Canada and quite possibly Alpha Flight.

2. Heather's claim that she hasn't been brainwashed. People who have been brainwashed don't think they've been brainwashed. From what we've seen, Unity converts/brainwashes by offering the person their dreams.

3. The current tone of Flight is very first half of Volume 1 run-ish. I doubt Pak and Van Lente will use some of the later less "iconic" Alpha ideas. I would guess we wouldn't see any ideas from past the first Dreamqueen storyline.

4. Whoever/whatever is behind Unity also has ties to mysticism, as Ranark's involvement seems to show (granted, this could be a red herring and Ranark could be serving someone else).

These things make me think that the culprit behind Unity is none other than The Dreamqueen.

09-01-2011, 01:20 AM
There has been no mention of Cody being brought back to life via the events of Chaos War -- which means that there may be something else operating within Cody. Wasn't he brain fried by Bedlam; perhaps another entity has taken residence in him.

I can't even begin to speculate who might be behind Unity. I doubt it's the Master (he's always been more related to sci-fi storylines than supernatural one), and the reference made by Ranark the Ravager to his "masters" the Great Beasts and the one who is older than the Eartn (?) imply that the force behind Unity is supernatural. Gut feeling says "Llan the Sorceror" but I don't think Freg will be bringing folk like him and the Dreamqueen back into the fold.

It could well be a more major Marvel villain eg. Mephisto or Nightmare.

Did JB ever hint as to who may be "Lord" of the Great Beasts? Was it Somon the Artificer?

09-01-2011, 02:02 AM
Mr Byrne explicitly stated and showed that Somon controlled the other Beasts. Without him their hatred for each other would drive them to fight each other to the death (as illustrated when Snowbird killed him in their realm, the other Beasts instantly went to war with each other). JB made them intentionally all enemies of each other and they all had weaknesses that another Beast could exploit i.e. Kolomaq (the snow Beast) was enemy to Kariooq (the corrupter/decay), Tundra (the Earth Beast) and probably Tolomaq (the fire Beast)...Kolomaq could only be defeated by being buried in the Earth (Tundra). Kariooq was shown to fear ice "the preserver" (Kolomaq), Tundra's weaknesses were natural erosion (like wind, water...Which I think may have been the powers of other now-dead Beasts...It's just a theory).

As for the Dreamqueen, I highly doubt she is behind Unity/Cody...As I pointed out in another thread, we already have one pretty good clue (from Heather's conversation with Ranark).

Sengsterooney...Ranark said that Heather served "the one of the Earth, older than he" and she said "I do, wise one." Ranark's own name may be a corruption of Ranaq the Beast's name.


BTW: Marvel's Canada would be a much better staging platform for an alien invasion than Marvel's U.S., as there are far less super-powered beings that would oppose them.

09-01-2011, 04:16 AM
BTW: Marvel's Canada would be a much better staging platform for an alien invasion than Marvel's U.S., as there are far less super-powered beings that would oppose them.

Which i have always found to be quite stupid! In 2010, USA had 312 million people. In same year, Canada had 34 million. By that standard, Canada should have 34 superheroes for every 312 American ones. And since there are about 8 hundred thousand superheroes in the U S of A...

Le Messor
09-01-2011, 07:44 AM












Are there any Marvel aliens that we know of that are symbiotic in nature but don't change the appearance of the host when they have invaded?

Skrulls, maybe, but it's too soon after Secret Invasion, and we've seen the team being brainwashed.

Which i have always found to be quite stupid! In 2010, USA had 312 million people. In same year, Canada had 34 million. By that standard, Canada should have 34 superheroes for every 312 American ones. And since there are about 8 hundred thousand superheroes in the U S of A...

No, that's New York City. Most of America has none (until Initiative, that is).

- Le Messor
"I'd love to, but my patent is pending."

09-01-2011, 08:28 AM
No, that's New York City. Most of America has none (until Initiative, that is).

True. But it does not negate my point (Wow! I have a point!); that being, Canada's lack of superhero presence is due to a lack of anybody creating and writing superheros from (in) Canada. As a country, she should have many more heroes (and villains!) than just the few that are known.

Alpha Rider
09-01-2011, 08:02 PM
Gravatron is Canadian. HA there's another one. and don't forget Wolverine, who's mutan power is multi-tasking. he's on 3 teams, has his own book and makes guess appernances all on a monthly basis, so he should count as 5. (this is the new math)

09-01-2011, 09:20 PM
sabertooth is canadian also. the comics never said but the tv show said Edmonton and the movie he was logan's brother which would make him canadian.

09-01-2011, 11:49 PM
Skrulls, maybe, but it's too soon after Secret Invasion, and we've seen the team being brainwashed.

I thought you might be on to something with this, that maybe Heather was a skrull, but Ranark says: "I smell mortal woman," when she visits him, so I'm crossing this idea off the list.

Going back to the "You serve the one of the Earth, older than I," quote why don't we make a list of villains -- or maybe even heroes that could have gone bad -- that it might be?
Off the top of my head I can think of The Master of the World (http://www.rapsheet.co.uk/rapsheetmain/Character2.asp?UniqueId=59), Diablo (http://www.rapsheet.co.uk/rapsheetmain/Character2.asp?UniqueId=17), Gilded Lily (http://www.rapsheet.co.uk/rapsheetmain/Character2.asp?UniqueId=124) and Pestilence (http://www.rapsheet.co.uk/rapsheetmain/Character2.asp?UniqueId=137). All of these folks are old, are "of the Earth", and are villains of Alpha Flight. The Master, Diablo, and Gilded Lily have the ability to create duplicates of people (such as Cody), while Pestilence can take the form of anyone who is dead. However, only The Master, Diablo and Gilded Lily have the ability to brainwash people to the extent that we are seeing. Still, last we saw, The Master, Gilded Lily, and Pestilence had all died, while Diablo is involved with the Future Foundation right now.
Another possibility has come up, the Brass Bishop (http://www.rapsheet.co.uk/rapsheetmain/Character2.asp?UniqueId=484). He is several centuries old, has the head of a demon capable of stealing people's souls and turning them into BB's slaves, and is "of the Earth". Plus, he works with magic, and thus would be able to handle the likes of the Wendigo, and Ranark.

Any thoughts?

09-01-2011, 11:54 PM
sabertooth is canadian also. the comics never said but the tv show said Edmonton and the movie he was logan's brother which would make him canadian.
In an X-men comic it was revealed he was born and raised in Canada, being kept chained up in his parents basement. He escaped and killed several people including a couple Mounties.

09-02-2011, 12:41 AM
No, that's New York City. Most of America has none (until Initiative, that is).

- Le Messor
"I'd love to, but my patent is pending."

Bah-loney! What about the Champions of L.A., the West Coast Avengers/Force Works, the Great Lakes Avengers and the Rangers? The new Defenders were based out west too. Daredevil and the Black Widow were even based in San Francisco for a time.

09-02-2011, 01:23 AM
Ajax: Unknown

Aurora: Active

Le Beaver: Unknown

Beta Ray Bill (Canadian host body)

Box I (Roger Bochs): Deceased

Buchanan, Sam: Unknown

Cascade: Unknown

Centennial: Deceased?

Chinook I: Dead

Daydreamer: Unknown

Deadly Ernest: Deceased

Deadpool (Canadian?): Active

Diamond Lil: Deceased

Double-Trouble: Unknown

Earthmover: Unknown

Feedback: Unknown

Flashback: Retired

Flex: Depowered

Flinch: Unknown

Ghost Girl: Unknown

Goblyn: Unknown

Graviton: Unknown

Grizzly I: Deceased

Groundhog: Retired

Guardian: Active

Guardian Clone: Deceased

Headlok: Deceased?

Iceboy: Unknown

Jack Frost: Inactive

Jeffries, Madison: X-Men

Kane, Garrison: Deceased

Killspree: Unknown

The Living Totem: Unknown

Lynx: Unknown

Major Mapleleaf I: Retired

Major Mapleleaf II: Deceased

Manbot: Unknown

Manikin: Unknown

Mar: Unknown

Marrina: Active

The Master of the World: Believed deceased

Mauvais: Unknown

Murmur: Unknown

Nemesis I: Deceased?

Nemesis II: Deceased?

Nemesis III: Deceased?

Night Raven: Unknown

Northstar: Active

Ouija: Unknown

Pathway: Unknown

Persuasion/Purple Woman: Gone bad?

Pestilence: Unknown

Pink Pearl: Retired

Puck: Active

Puck II: Deceased

Radius: Depowered

Sabretooth: Deceased

Saint Elmo: Deceased

Sasquatch: Active

Sasquatch II: Deceased

Shaman: Active

Silverfox: Deceased

Slayback: Deceased?

Smart Alec: Deceased

Snowbird: Active

Squidboy: Deceased

Stitch: Unknown

Talisman: Active

Thunder: Unknown

Tigerstryke: Unknown

Turbine: Unknown

Vindicator II: Active

The Wendigo: Active

Wildchild: Deceased

Windshear: Depowered/Retired

Witchfire: Gone Bad

Wolverine: X-Men, X-Force, Avengers

Wyre: Unknown

Yeti: Unknown

Yukon Jack: Inactive/Insane

09-02-2011, 03:45 AM
he was logan's brother

half-brother, wasn't he?

Dana, you forgot about the Volume 2 Sasquatch - a reluctant hero he might have been, but he deserves to be on the list anyways!

Le Messor
09-02-2011, 05:09 PM
I thought you might be on to something with this, that maybe Heather was a skrull, but Ranark says: "I smell mortal woman," when she visits him, so I'm crossing this idea off the list.

You can discount skrulls, but not for that. They're still mortal, and some of them are women.
They are not, however, 'of the Earth'.

Going back to the "You serve the one of the Earth, older than I,"... Gilded Lily, and Pestilence. All of these folks are old,

But not old enough. Ranark, in 2-in-1 #83 and 84, is 'centuries old' (how many doesn't seem to be specified?) which implies more than two. Pestilence is no more than two, I'm pretty sure, and GL is only about one.

Bah-loney! What about the Champions of L.A., the West Coast Avengers/Force Works, the Great Lakes Avengers and the Rangers?

I wasn't saying there are no superheroes outside of New York, I was saying it's only New York that has about 80,000 of the things.

- Le Messor
How was your first marriage terminated?
By death.
And by whose death was it terminated?
~ alleged actual court transcript

09-02-2011, 06:32 PM
As for Canadian (and Canadian-based) heroes and villains...

Ajax: Unknown ...

Yukon Jack: Unknown

Three posts? Someone bump Dana. I think he's skipping again.
Just kidding, Dana. Got to love technology when it hiccups...

09-02-2011, 08:46 PM
You can discount skrulls, but not for that. They're still mortal, and some of them are women.
They are not, however, 'of the Earth'.

I always disagree with the notion that because an alien is male then they're a "man", or a "woman" if female. A human can be a man or a woman, but a skrull would be, well, whatever term they use to describe themselves.

But not old enough. Ranark, in 2-in-1 #83 and 84, is 'centuries old' (how many doesn't seem to be specified?) which implies more than two. Pestilence is no more than two, I'm pretty sure, and GL is only about one.

Ah, okay. I wasn't sure how old Ranark was. That cuts the possibilities down to The Master, Diablo, and the Brass Bishop then, unless there are others?

09-02-2011, 11:34 PM
Ah, okay. I wasn't sure how old Ranark was. That cuts the possibilities down to The Master, Diablo, and the Brass Bishop then, unless there are others?

Would the Brass Bishop have any longing to take over Canada? To what ends? To me, that just doesn't fit. Plus, in the beginning Freg didn't think they would get the services of Puck. When they started writing, he wasn't gonna be in the series, but then he 'got released' for them to use. I can't see them using a 'Puck villain' when Puck wasn't gonna be there...

09-03-2011, 02:07 AM
Isn't Laura Dan Pathway?

Le Messor
09-03-2011, 02:35 AM
Isn't Laura Dean Pathway?


09-03-2011, 07:04 AM
As for Canadian (and Canadian-based) heroes and villains...
Ghost Girl: Depowered
Other than the whole 'If we haven't seen them since presume they were depowered' editorial line, we haven't actually seen her depowered have we?

The Master of the World: Unknown
Deceased, at the hands of Ms. Marvel in Avengers(Vol.3) #48 UNLESS Chaos War changed this and he's in the shadows.

Yukon Jack: Unknown
Omega Flight #1 mentioned he was driven to insanity.

Alphan East
09-03-2011, 10:50 AM
That cuts the possibilities down to The Master, Diablo, and the Brass Bishop then, unless there are others?

Have we ruled out Llan the Sorcerer ?
Not one of my personal favourites, but he may fit the description ("You serve the one of the Earth, older than I").
His bio sheet also shows powers of illusion casting, intelligence, transmutation, as well as magic and reality manipulation... all of those could be used in this plot.
It does say that he is trapped for 10,000 years due to the powers of Talisman, but we have yet to see Elizabeth in the series. If she has decided to give up being Talisman, that may allow him to break free.
Just a thought. :)

09-03-2011, 11:49 AM
Have we ruled out Llan the Sorcerer ?

I doubt the creative team has bothered to learn much about Llan. As powerful as he was supposed to be, I don't think he ever really made much of an impression with fans of the Byrne era (perhaps some present company excluded). At least he didn't with me. I think that whole character was sad - which is too bad. In the right creative hands, the character and storyline could have been really cool and intense.

09-03-2011, 12:50 PM
Omega Flight #1 mentioned he was driven to insanity

Don't remember this. And, if it does say so, I'm just thinking that they were wrong.

In the right creative hands, the character and storyline could have been really cool and intense.

It was a huge storyline, originally. Then Marvel Head Office cut it, and told the writer he was on the way out, so he had to cut it very short and wrap it up in an issue or two, as I recall being said. Again, we will never know how it was INTENDED to be done, as interference did not allow the writer to do what he wished with it.

Alphan East
09-03-2011, 03:39 PM
Yeah, I remember in Omega Flight #1, when Agent Brown and Walter are talking about Yukon Jack on the SHIELD helicarrier. They say he's "a mess" and that "the time travel did it. It screwed up his neurological system".
But that's OK... I'm in no hurry to have Yukon Jack back in the Flight. I'm hoping they just stick with the original Byrne creations for now.

09-03-2011, 03:48 PM
Not saying I want Jack in Flight. Doesn't mean i don't want him to show up, tho. Think about it - he married a Snowbird (if not OUR Snowbird, at least A Snowbird), and then she "POOF" disappeared on him suddenly. Jack is arrogant and thinks he is a god...can you imagine the lengths he might go to to get back his 'wife' when he sees Snowbird is alive and well? And can you imagine how confused and pissed off Snowbird would be at him, since she never married him? Man, that'd be freakin' awesome...

On another wave-length, he'd also make a good villain for Alpha Flight, as well.

I see Yukon Jack as an arrogant, Thor/Loki type person. He thinks he is above mortals. The plotlines, oh the plotlines...

Leaving the character in limbo is SUCH a waste. Any writer worth his salt could have a blast with Yukon Jack!

09-03-2011, 04:11 PM
Not saying I want Jack in Flight. Doesn't mean i don't want him to show up, tho. Think about it - he married a Snowbird (if not OUR Snowbird, at least A Snowbird), and then she "POOF" disappeared on him suddenly. Jack is arrogant and thinks he is a god...can you imagine the lengths he might go to to get back his 'wife' when he sees Snowbird is alive and well? And can you imagine how confused and pissed off Snowbird would be at him, since she never married him? Man, that'd be freakin' awesome...

Was that last page in AF v3 really canon or a not-to-be-taken-seriously "years later, this is where each character went" type thing at the end of comedies? Does Puck have a grand-kid somewhere? I'd say, unless otherwise stated, that last page never happened and the duplicate AF members (and Mar) evaporated into little piles of goo.

On another wave-length, he'd also make a good villain for Alpha Flight, as well.

Agreed. I know most of AF's villains seem to be ex-Alphans, and that can be tiresome, but at least he was barely a member before he went insane.

Le Messor
09-03-2011, 04:23 PM
he married a Snowbird (if not OUR Snowbird, at least A Snowbird), and then she "POOF" disappeared on him suddenly. Jack is arrogant and thinks he is a god...can you imagine the lengths he might go to to get back his 'wife' when he sees Snowbird is alive and well?

Don't say that while I'm reading Rose Madder!
(Stephen King book. Wife ditches the abusive husband, he hunts her down.)

It could be Llan, though I agree that it's unlikely the Byrne fans would use him. Then again, they used Kara.
Could be a new character, but then the build-up would be nothing. Could be Belasco.

There are so many possibilities!

- Le Messor
"I'd love to, but my subconscious says no."

09-03-2011, 04:33 PM
Whoa! Sorry guys, I didn't know that posted 3 times.


Le Messor
09-03-2011, 04:39 PM
Whoa! Sorry guys, I didn't know that posted 3 times.

I blame society.

Actually, I blame computers.

I think this puts the kay-bosh on it being Llan:

When asked "What did you think of the various runs on Alpha Flight after Byrne left. Which of them stood out most to you? " FVL said this (http://www.formspring.me/FVanLente/q/234338416697810602?utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter&utm_campaign=shareanswer&_sg=&_sk=)
unless Greg has different results.

- Le Messor
"The alternative to mutual trust, which is indeed a risky gamble, is the security of the police state."
~ Alan Watts

09-04-2011, 01:17 AM
Was that last page in AF v3 really canon or a not-to-be-taken-seriously "years later, this is where each character went" type thing at the end of comedies?

Everyone at Marvel we have ever asked that question to, said that it was canon. All true, all happened.

09-04-2011, 09:36 AM
Everyone at Marvel we have ever asked that question to, said that it was canon. All true, all happened.

I just reread the issue and the two pages before that they break break the fourth wall several times talking about "running out of pages", "getting a new mini" or "at least a one-shot". Regardless of Marvels' stance, I'm just gonna ignore all of v3 like the current creative team are doing! lol

09-04-2011, 10:33 AM
Everyone at Marvel we have ever asked that question to, said that it was canon. All true, all happened.

What doesn't make sense to me, and I would love for Loki to chime in here, is why it is considered cannon when nobody wants to use the ideas? Given their comments so far, I doubt that this writing team is going to refer to Snowbird's supposed marriage to Yukon Jack. No one has acknowledged Mar being with Namor and I highly doubt unless it happens within the pages of AF, it ever will be acknowledged. Puck II is dead and according to Van Lente's (somewhat humorous) comments, the current team considers both her and Major Mapleleaf to be pushing up daisies. They certainly are not going to be wrapping up a dangler about the fate of their child. If someone wants to use Nemesis, now they will have to come up with a way to resurrect her. It seems to me that considering this cannon just adds to continuity baggage and further disappoints the fans when nothing may ever be done with these plot threads. It seems like there is wiggle room here because of the way that it was written. If a writer wants to use one of these plot points, then sure, consider it cannon if that ever happens. In the meantime, why cement it as cannon and just create more ugly continuity? Alpha already has enough of that.

Alphan East
09-04-2011, 10:59 AM
I absolutely agree, Ahab. I have no use for vol. 3 whatsoever. I'm OK with Marvel saying that Major Mapleleaf II and Puck II are gone. I wouldn't have minded Zuzha Yu as a new character... just didn't like her as Puck's daughter. She may have worked better as a different character, with a different codename.
I really don't think the vol. 3 creative team had any creativity at all. It was as if they said, "Hey, let's make a new Alpha Flight. Can't really think of any new names, so we'll just make some Major Mapleleaf and Puck kids and give them the same names. And we already had a female Plodex, so we have to really get imaginative here... I know, how about a male Plodex. Oh, and we definitely need an Inuit Tarzan running around in some elk-skin undies firing light beams like Aurora... and let's make him an arrogant jack@$$ too. And listen, while we're at it, let's make it incredibly stupid so it'll only last a dozen issues.
Wow... haven't had a chance to rant on vol. 3 in awhile... felt good... felt really good. :)

09-04-2011, 10:59 AM
What doesn't make sense to me, and I would love for Loki to chime in here, is why it is considered cannon when nobody wants to use the ideas?
Just because a writer doesn't like it, doesn't mean it didn't happen.
We can't just pick & choose what continuity to like and what to disregard; it's either all or nothing.
Far better to do what the current writing team are doing and not contradict it, but rather just create a story where it is not needed to be referenced it all. That way if you liked it, the story is still there, if you didn't it doesn't matter.

Given their comments so far, I doubt that this writing team is going to refer to Snowbird's supposed marriage to Yukon Jack.
Actually they did, the very first time they collectively wrote Snowbird over in Incredible Hercules #117 "Alpha Flight is dead. My marriage is over."

Puck II is dead and according to Van Lente's (somewhat humorous) comments, the current team considers both her and Major Mapleleaf to be pushing up daisies.
They didn't return in the Chaos War oneshot, so it seems likely they're still dead.

It seems to me that considering this cannon just adds to continuity baggage and further disappoints the fans when nothing may ever be done with these plot threads.
Again, it's only baggage if it's ever contradicted.

It seems like there is wiggle room here because of the way that it was written. If a writer wants to use one of these plot points, then sure, consider it cannon if that ever happens.
We're almost in agreement.

09-04-2011, 01:30 PM
Actually they did, the very first time they collectively wrote Snowbird over in Incredible Hercules #117 "Alpha Flight is dead. My marriage is over."

To be fair, Phil, Snowbird has had two marriages.

Also to be fair, I do not know for sure still just what the heck happened at the end of Volume 3; as in, didn't they pull versions of themselves (they being Alpha Flight, of course) from the past and into the future (or present) through Shaman's medicine bag? If that is correct, then, yes, Snowy could have been talking about either of her marriages. Which one of them would have been more on her mind at the time, since (because she was pulled from the past and then placed back there eventually) we are not even sure technically which one occurred first?

Volume 3 was VERY confusing. It put a lot of people, especially us fans, off. Still, let's not throw the baby out with the bathwater; there were a few good concepts in there, and some decent characters. Not all, but some. I happen to be a big fan of Yukon Jack, as you may have heard...

...maybe i can convince Freg to write him into a scene where he fights Wild Child...?...


09-04-2011, 02:08 PM
To be fair, Phil, Snowbird has had two marriages.


09-04-2011, 03:02 PM
Back to Unity. Frankly I hope you're ALL wrong in your speculations. ;) I'd much rather have a new villain to come back and cause Alpha so much woe. I mean for being able to turn a whole country against you, you gotta say "Well done! The whole country? You must get up very early in the morning to do that. Well done!" and it's someone I'd like to see return.

Personally I think it's the Russians at last getting revenge for the 1972 Summit Series (http://http://www.100greatestsportsmoments.ca/moments.php) win.

09-04-2011, 07:56 PM
Just because a writer doesn't like it, doesn't mean it didn't happen.
We can't just pick & choose what continuity to like and what to disregard; it's either all or nothing.

Sure, you can pick & choose. It's called a retcon. :p

09-04-2011, 11:09 PM

Okay, thanks for that, Phil!

Interesting that FVL chose to include a Volume 3 reference, yet claims to have stopped reading AF at around issue 50 of Volume 1...

Jason Eberly
09-05-2011, 05:24 AM
Major Maple Leaf II: "And Centennial and Nemesis were at last reunited, and we all lived happily ever after. What? Tell the story again? Okay. Sasquatch came to me telling me I need to go back in time to stop Guardian from getting killed..."

(Two interns looking through a small window, watching a strait jacketed Major Maple Leaf speaking to no one)

Intern 1: Poor guy. Only one mission with Alpha Flight and his mind snaps under the pressure.

Intern 2: Yeah...thinks he had this whole time travel adventure and tells the story over and over again. You ever listen to his nonsense?

Intern 1: A couple times. Can you imagine...Snowbird and that Jack guy getting married? She would have turned into a polar bear and mauled that $*%$# if he even tried hitting on her...

The End.

There. Takes care of. Any future writer doesn't have to use any of it as canon, instead it was merely the ramblings of an insane man. However, if a future writer wants to reference it, they can say him mind snapped after vol. 3 but just nobody believes it actually happened (and those involved aren't saying otherwise!).

Alphan East
09-05-2011, 10:32 AM
Major Maple Leaf II: "And Centennial and Nemesis were at last reunited, and we all lived happily ever after. What? Tell the story again? Okay. Sasquatch came to me telling me I need to go back in time to stop Guardian from getting killed..."

(Two interns looking through a small window, watching a strait jacketed Major Maple Leaf speaking to no one)

Intern 1: Poor guy. Only one mission with Alpha Flight and his mind snaps under the pressure.

Intern 2: Yeah...thinks he had this whole time travel adventure and tells the story over and over again. You ever listen to his nonsense?

Intern 1: A couple times. Can you imagine...Snowbird and that Jack guy getting married? She would have turned into a polar bear and mauled that $*%$# if he even tried hitting on her...

The End.

There. Takes care of. Any future writer doesn't have to use any of it as canon, instead it was merely the ramblings of an insane man. However, if a future writer wants to reference it, they can say him mind snapped after vol. 3 but just nobody believes it actually happened (and those involved aren't saying otherwise!).

Love it. Have you ever thought about applying as a writer for Marvel... that's better than some of their stuff. :)
If anyone remembers the old TV show "Dallas", they wrote off an entire season as a "dream".
Hey, if it's good enough for JR Ewing, its good enough for vol. 3. :)

Le Messor
09-06-2011, 06:04 AM
Love it. Have you ever thought about applying as a writer for Marvel... that's better than some of their stuff. :)
If anyone remembers the old TV show "Dallas", they wrote off an entire season as a "dream".

I 'remember' that!
Worked for ClanDestine, too (but they only did, like, five issues).

I vote for Jason Eberly writing the Marvel Encyclopedia entry. Loki?

- Le Messor
"I'd explain it to you, but your brain would explode."

09-06-2011, 06:25 AM
I 'remember' that!
Worked for ClanDestine, too (but they only did, like, five issues).

I vote for Jason Eberly writing the Marvel Encyclopedia entry. Loki?

- Le Messor
"I'd explain it to you, but your brain would explode."
I treated myself about a year ago to the HC of Clandestine (first series). It reprinted 1-8 and the X-Men - Clandestine two part limited. The Last four issues of the first series have been discarded and are considered nothing more than a Dream by Rory. I can live with that. All that brings me to the point, that I would love to see Clandestine appear in Alpha at some point as part of the Commonwealth of Heroes. A person can dream, can't they ? :-)

Le Messor
09-06-2011, 06:29 AM
I treated myself about a year ago to the HC of Clandestine (first series). It reprinted 1-8 and the X-Men - Clandestine two part limited. The Last four issues of the first series have been discarded and are considered nothing more than a Dream by Rory. I can live with that. All that brings me to the point, that I would love to see Clandestine appear in Alpha at some point as part of the Commonwealth of Heroes. A person can dream, can't they ? :-)

Rory certainly can!
I have the HCs for both series.
And the original floppies.

- Le Messor
"The famous politician was trying to save both his faces."

09-06-2011, 06:37 AM
I have the second as well (HC), but will admit to having only read it once. As for floppies I have the first series, but somehow missed the second.

Le Messor
09-06-2011, 06:40 AM
The second kinda slipped under the radar. It was still good, but some of the conclusions (I'd been waiting fifteen years for!) were a let-down.

- LM
"The future is not what it used to be. (It never was.)"

09-06-2011, 12:21 PM
A person can dream, can't they ?

That's rhetorical, isn't it? Because, I'm not an expert, but I am willing to do some tests on myself and see....Zzzzzzzzzz...

Jason Eberly
09-06-2011, 10:44 PM
Love it. Have you ever thought about applying as a writer for Marvel... that's better than some of their stuff. :)
If anyone remembers the old TV show "Dallas", they wrote off an entire season as a "dream".
Hey, if it's good enough for JR Ewing, its good enough for vol. 3. :)

Unfortunately, Marvel expects a person to actually earn the right to work for them by getting my own stuff published first. That would entail effort. Crazy Marvel...

I do, however, currently write Alpha Flight for the fanfic site Marvel 2000 (I could probably look up the site address in less time than it is taking me to type this telling you that it would take less time to look it up blah blah blah...but again...the whole 'effort' thing...). My second issue will be posted any day now. My first issue (Alpha Flight Annual 2010) was posted about 10 months ago, after which I took about an 8 month break to deal with some things. A couple months ago stuff finally got resolved and I wanted to dive back into writing. It was my research for my stories (hence my original posts here asking a question about whether Mac was still a cyborg and about why the Hudson's didn't have children for so long) that led me to this site! I've got about 4 more issues in the can and have many more planned!

That's all my long-winded way of saying, "Support the U.S. Men's Bikini Thong Roller Blading Team performing classic plays of the 30's and 40's!" (Let's see if anyone gets that reference!)

09-07-2011, 01:30 AM
There is one character who does have a past with Alpha and is extremely old and also a villan who is able to manipulate quite easily....LOKI!! (the only problem is that he is currently a child/god who is helping Thor). Gee, never thought I would contradict myself quite so quickly. My money is still on the Master.


09-07-2011, 03:13 AM
My money is still on the Master

You have MONEY?!?! Oh, right...you're in Alberta. Silly me!

Jason Eberly
09-07-2011, 04:22 AM
You have MONEY?!?! Oh, right...you're in Alberta. Silly me!

Wait...Alberta is a real place? Does that mean this Canada place in Alpha Flight actually exists?!

And here I thought all these years it was a made up place like Metropolis and Gotham City.

Next someone will try to convince me that reality tv is really just lightly scripted dramas, and not real at all!