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View Full Version : Who Would You Like To See Appear In The Pages Of Alpha Flight?

10-13-2011, 09:13 AM
Recently we have seen TaskMaster appear in the pages of Alpha Flight and there is Wolverine putting in an appearance soon. Which other characters would you like to see?

10-13-2011, 01:51 PM
I voted "other"; I think there are Canadian characters that are natural to Alpha Flight who would be concerned---at the very least---about the fascist turn the government has taken. Moreover, do any regular citizens remember that Citadel caused the big blackout in # 0.1? How does he go to be universally loved/accepted after that? just askin' Anyhow, I think Nemesis (the embodiment of Retribution) would be a trifle ticked off, about at the level Snowbird is in # 6...maybe a little more. Lastly, with The Master, Purple Woman, a Wendigo, RANARK*, Citadel, and Vindicator (that we've seen so far) up against Guardian, a prickly Northstar, an amusing-but-not-quite-right Puck, a non-Sasquatch Walter, a Marrina who might go alien-ballistic (but let's hope not), Snowbird & Shaman (who are finally starting to factor into the storyline), and coo-coo Jeanne-Aurora, I'd have to say that Alpha Flight better have some home-grown friends on their side if they are going to take down Unity. * and the threat of the GREAT BEASTS

Alpha Rider
10-13-2011, 02:59 PM
Voted other as well. I feel the Avengers, FF, X-Men and Wrecking Crew have been done before and several times as well. I'd like to see Ghost Rider meshing my two favs in to one. I'd like to see an issues where a reported dose a retospective view of AF and sees where the other members are, so everyone can get caught up to speed with the book's "missing" charaters and that way they can fill in any wholes in the stroy as well.

10-13-2011, 03:59 PM
Hold the phone! or Stop the presses! If the HERCULES book has been cancelled, then the best place for him to make an appearance (maybe an extended one) is.......Alpha Flight! [-o<

The Flight needs a good strongman, especially if Walter is having Sasquatch-dysfunction.
__________________________________________________ ________________________

BTW, Snowbird seemed more concerned about her teammates in IH, than she does here..which I hope is either explained or corrected...soon.

10-13-2011, 11:19 PM
Deadpool. Definitely Deadpool.

Alphan East
10-14-2011, 01:16 PM
Having X-Club appear may be a good way to get Jeffries back into the Flight.
Transonic, one of the members of Generation Hope, is from Vancouver... maybe she could work into a story that brings Jeffries north. She seems to be a little confused and unsure of whether she fits in with the X-Men lately, judging by the recent Hope storylines.

10-14-2011, 11:40 PM
Laurie Tromette, or Tansonic - I read somewhere that although she was living in Vancouver going to school, she is actually American. Typical!

10-14-2011, 11:58 PM
Are you sure? She said she wanted to join Alpha Flight.

10-15-2011, 12:01 AM
Are you sure? She said she wanted to join Alpha Flight.

She did? Hey, i don't follow the comics, it was just something i researched on the net a few emonths back and that was what i came up with in answer to my question...i remember being choked at the time, that she wasn't even Canadian. But, i could be wrong, it has happened before on the net...

10-16-2011, 05:02 PM
On the Marvel Database (http://marvel.wikia.com/Laurie_Tromette_%28Earth-616%29) her origin says she is an American from New York.

Villain-wise I'd like to see the Wrecking Crew return just so AF can kick their butts royally, hero-wise it would be the X-Club so we can see Madison back where he belongs.

10-16-2011, 05:26 PM
From that it says she is dual.

10-16-2011, 06:20 PM
That speculative though. It sounds like someone made a goof and they're trying to clean it up by suggesting she's dual. Under Status it says: Citizenship: American, and under Origin it says: Place of Birth: New York. The only way for her to be dual would be if one of her parents was Canadian, and I guess we'll have to wait and see about that.

10-16-2011, 06:27 PM
It says she lives/lived in Vancouver. Is there a point at some time where she could apply for dual citizenship?

10-17-2011, 01:31 AM
It says she lives/lived in Vancouver. Is there a point at some time where she could apply for dual citizenship?

Try here (http://www.voyage.gc.ca/publications/dual-citizenship_double-citoyennete-eng.asp) to understand better.

Le Messor
10-17-2011, 04:50 AM
The only way for her to be dual would be if one of her parents was Canadian, and I guess we'll have to wait and see about that.

There are other ways to get that, including living in a country for a while.
That's based on Australia, though. Where I am a dual citizen, without Australian parents.

- Le Messor
"Learn to create, not compete."

10-17-2011, 04:57 AM
Try here (http://www.voyage.gc.ca/publications/dual-citizenship_double-citoyennete-eng.asp) to understand better.

I thank you kind sir. So basically, the party of the first part ... :-)

Le Messor
10-17-2011, 06:03 AM
I thank you kind sir. So basically, the party of the first part ... :-)

I don't like that part. Read the first part again.

maniac mike
10-17-2011, 12:08 PM
I would like to see the THUNDERBOLTS in the pages of AF seeing as how their wanted fugitives in their country!

10-17-2011, 12:48 PM
I thank you kind sir. So basically, the party of the first part ... :-)

Alright! Party at the first part, everybody! Lampshade hats optional!

10-17-2011, 05:13 PM
I no like a that bit!

Le Messor
10-18-2011, 04:52 AM
Which part? The first part of the party of the first part?

10-18-2011, 08:50 AM
Which part? The first part of the party of the first part?

I like that part, it's the next part I'm not to keen on.

Le Messor
10-19-2011, 04:43 AM
I like that part, it's the next part I'm not to keen on.

Well, it grows on you. Would you like to hear it once more?

05-12-2012, 04:02 PM
I miss these jokes.

05-12-2012, 06:57 PM
Don't be parsimonious, if the party of the first part determines the party for the second part, call me. I know my part of the party.

05-13-2012, 12:40 PM
Not THAT much. 8-[

09-27-2012, 05:41 PM
Is there a character named "Helios" already in existence?

Le Messor
09-27-2012, 06:01 PM
Is there a character named "Helios" already in existence?

Sounds familiar.
I know there's a Helo on Battlestar Galactica, but I think there is a Helios, too.

09-28-2012, 02:03 AM
Is there a character named "Helios" already in existence?


In Sailor Moon, and in Helios Eclipse. Or were you asking about Marvel in particular?

09-28-2012, 12:26 PM
Thanks, Le Messor and Flightpath07; just concerned that a character by that name might already exist anywhere, and I had been thinking about the "Helios Project" from volume 2 and trying to think of something good about something other than what I always write about.

I didn't know that "Helios" was the Greek god of the sun. You learn something new everyday...

Anyhow, either as an ally or an adversary, a character with the power of the sun (written well) could be a good new character to include in Alpha Flight.

Le Messor
09-28-2012, 04:02 PM
I didn't know that "Helios" was the Greek god of the sun. You learn something new everyday...

I did know that; sorry for neglecting to mention.

Anyhow, either as an ally or an adversary, a character with the power of the sun (written well) could be a good new character to include in Alpha Flight.

For whatever it's worth, I think those do exist. But I can't name them off the top of my head. (Isn't there a group of Captain America villains, and one of them has sun powers? Another of them is a cactus?)

~ Le Messor
Giles: Is everyone here okay?
Cordelia: Super. I kicked a guy.

09-29-2012, 02:39 AM
But I can't name them off the top of my head.

Hat? Toque? Cap? Hair? Skin? Toupee? Raccoon? Lampshade?

btw, I think they should bring Saint Elmo back.

09-29-2012, 01:49 PM
There's got to be a way to revamp "Auric" and "Silver", up their powers...through reincarnation or something, with the help/guidance of The High Lama.

Le Messor
09-29-2012, 05:11 PM
Hat? Toque? Cap? Hair? Skin? Toupee? Raccoon? Lampshade?
btw, I think they should bring Saint Elmo back.

Look, if you want to wear it like a hat, then on your head be it.

St Elmo could be cool.

There's got to be a way to revamp "Auric" and "Silver", up their powers...through reincarnation or something, with the help/guidance of The High Lama.

Yeah, or maybe just the surviving one and have them dealing with the loss of the other? (Without just turning them into another gritty, nasty character killing everybody in sight. That'd be boring.)

~ Le Messor
"Is is the verb for when you don't want a verb?"

Jason Eberly
09-30-2012, 01:07 AM
Is there a character named "Helios" already in existence?

I think the closest (in Marvel) is a character named Helio, who was a minion (along with Gronk and Phobos) of the Inhuman/Eternal hybrid Maelstrom.