View Full Version : News you're not gonna like...

maniac mike
10-21-2011, 03:16 PM

10-21-2011, 03:57 PM
Well, the link leads to a blank page, so...not really sure if i like it or not, cuz i can't read it!

10-21-2011, 04:06 PM

10-21-2011, 04:42 PM
Newsarama doesn't necessarily make it the truth.
We've seen a cover for #9 and it seems weird to announce an ongoing & then turn turtle on that decision.

However it would explain why the "of 8" hasn't gone on #5 and it was always expected...

Who knows...

10-21-2011, 04:45 PM
What? Come on! That blows! I hope we at least get a mini per year or something like that now!

10-21-2011, 04:45 PM
Dale Eaglesham seems to be confirming on Twitter.

10-21-2011, 05:00 PM
Sad news if true as I thought this was the best version of Alpha Flight in almost twenty-five years.

Alphan East
10-21-2011, 05:23 PM
Oh, this makes perfect sense.
They let volume 2, which was mildly interesting at its best, go for 24 issues.
They let volume 3, which was a total abomination, go for 12 issues.
Now we have volume 4, with some of the best artwork and plots since the early days of Byrne... and they cancel it after 8 issues.
If I may quote Marrina... WTF ?!?

10-21-2011, 05:25 PM
Confirmed via solicits.

Article to cone ASAP.

10-21-2011, 05:30 PM
Dumb, why make the announcement and then cancel it? I HOPE they mean the limited series is done and then the on-going will go on with #1

10-21-2011, 05:32 PM
im really confused and im wondering if this is just a solicitation thing. they have been wrong before. it makes no sense and the sales are stronger than generation hope, thunderbolts and x-factor (ar at least on par with) plus they JUST announced it as a ongoing 2 months ago.

wish fred or greg would confirm or deny this.

10-21-2011, 05:36 PM
Dale's pretty much confirmed on twitter.

After yesterday's firing of 14 members of staff I did fear as much, but at least making it to #9. I suppose they have to use the variant somewhere,

As much as I hate to say it, it makes sense and I didn't think it'd make it past #12.

It just seems like Marvel had a con in Canada and wanted to give the sales a temporary spike and didn't want to take **** from fans all weekend so announced an ongoing they were never going to keep.
I just genuinely wish they hadn't, as I was fine with a well done, maxi-series.

10-21-2011, 05:49 PM
I'm officially done with Marvel.

10-21-2011, 06:13 PM
If there is an upside to this, it is 32 pages so it's gonna be some doozy of a final issue battle, (speculative :-) , could be 32 pages of talking heads).

10-21-2011, 06:28 PM
Check the front page article for Greg Pak's statement and some teaser art.

10-21-2011, 07:48 PM
Marvel is just full of simply bad idea people. My sons read nothing but DC now, who'd a thunk it?

10-21-2011, 07:53 PM
Sometimes...I really, really hate the Marvel execs (bunch of lying bastards). Thanks to Greg Pak and Dale Eaglesham for letting us know the news.


10-21-2011, 08:06 PM
Well, when the series was supposed to be 8 issues we were pretty damn happy, remember? They just put it back to where it used to be. Still, it sucks, but this is where we were earlier in the year. What we got was amazing so now should be the time to celebrate volume 4 and the fun times! Sort of weird about the change in plans though, yeah.

I'm still feeling so up on Alpha Flight. Marvel really did try to promote this comic and made particular effort to push it in ways we never saw with v3 nor Omega Flight and hell, we got Dale Eaglesham! So let's enjoy the last three issues and go out on a high note.


10-21-2011, 08:07 PM
Sorry, hate is not the right word...I don't hate anybody, I'm just angry.

Marvel execs are still lying b#$@%$s!


10-21-2011, 08:08 PM
Well, when the series was supposed to be 8 issues we were pretty damn happy, remember? They just put it back to where it used to be. Still, it sucks, but this is where we were earlier in the year. What we got was amazing so now should be the time to celebrate volume 4 and the fun times! Sort of weird about the change in plans though, yeah.

I'm still feeling so up on Alpha Flight. Marvel really did try to promote this comic and made particular effort to push it in ways we never saw with v3 nor Omega Flight and hell, we got Dale Eaglesham! So let's enjoy the last three issues and go out on a high note.


=D>=D>=D> Beautifully put and I couldn't agree more.

10-21-2011, 08:12 PM
Well, when the series was supposed to be 8 issues we were pretty damn happy, remember? They just put it back to where it used to be. Still, it sucks, but this is where we were earlier in the year. What we got was amazing so now should be the time to celebrate volume 4 and the fun times! Sort of weird about the change in plans though, yeah.

I'm still feeling so up on Alpha Flight. Marvel really did try to promote this comic and made particular effort to push it in ways we never saw with v3 nor Omega Flight and hell, we got Dale Eaglesham! So let's enjoy the last three issues and go out on a high note.


Oh I agree, R...I was ecstatic to have the maxi series...I just think it's really despicable of Marvel execs to tell the creative team and make an announcement to fans that it was to be an ongoing, then retract it (Shades of Omega Flight). I guess I can stop buying at two different comic stores now.


10-21-2011, 08:12 PM
The upgrading & then downgrading got us an extra 10 pages in #8 & an extra variant so it's not all gloom.
I'll be happy with the well done maxi-series we've got.
Just a shame the way we had hopes raised & dashed, but that's business for you.

10-21-2011, 08:24 PM
yeah. if they just would have kept it a 8 issue maxi series i would have been fine with it, but upgrading it then cancelling it makes it seemed like it failed. i really hope we get a straight answer on this as to why (sales, creative decision.....)

10-21-2011, 08:25 PM
The one thing I really am bummed about the series not continuing is that there's no classic "heads in the crosshair" issue for #12:

http://www.alphaflight.net/gallery/data/505/thumbs/af1_12.jpgAlpha Flight v1 #12
http://www.alphaflight.net/gallery/data/506/thumbs/af2_12.jpgAlpha Flight v2 #12
http://www.alphaflight.net/gallery/data/507/thumbs/af3_12.jpgAlpha Flight v3 #12

Though it does look as if Heather is killing Mac on the solicit for #8 of v4... sort of matches what Greg told me at NYCC that they are going to do something shocking. hmm...

10-21-2011, 08:28 PM
IFanBoy didn't seem to get much from Marvel

UPDATE: When we asked Marvel Comics about the cancellation they issued a “no comment”,

10-21-2011, 08:43 PM
the more i think about it the dumber it seems on marvels behalf. i really wish they would have left well enough alone with the maxi series. let the team re-establish itself and go from there. but to upgrade it, then cancel it seems really dumb. it dooms the property from ever having a chance of being credible, because people are going to not bother investing the time since they will think it doesn't stand a chance, and also makes the creators look bad as they upgraded it, then canceled it. just end the maxi series, it makes everyone look better.

i really have to question who's making the decisions at marvel. poor, poor, poor business practices. actually, just plain dumb.

10-21-2011, 09:19 PM
Damn, that really sucks! I mean, where's the love for the Canadians?? *sighs* Damn, knew it was too good to be true.

Alpha Rider
10-21-2011, 09:55 PM
That's what happens when you just look at the bottom line. If DC never did their #1 thing, maybe Alpha wouldn't have got canned. These suits can't tell their asses from their heads. I mean we can all see that what DC did is just a cash grab, to get higher sales, but as everyone knows as most of those series continue the sales of those books will drop. Dispite all the #1's out by DC, AF did respectably well selling over 23,000 copies.

This what Marvel suits are http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sA2LQfKMZNA

Jason Eberly
10-22-2011, 12:58 AM
Maybe they are going to launch a new title starring the same exact characters called "CANADIAN AVENGERS"!

Oh, they'll probably have to add Wolverine, Spider-Man, and Luke Cage as members, though.

Isn't that Marvel's modus operandi these days?

10-22-2011, 02:16 AM
this is bad. kiss my Canadian, Tim Horton's lovin' arse, Marvel. again.

10-22-2011, 09:24 AM
This is some ****ing bull****. Why don't they just downgrade the paper quality or something? And maybe cancel a title that ISN'T selling as well? WTF?

Itr's a real shame I just never cared about DC's characters or universe. Marvel has such great history and characters, and such a big name, but they never seem to know wtf they're doing with it!

They almost had me on board as a fan again, too. ****ing Marvel.

10-22-2011, 09:34 AM
Well, when the series was supposed to be 8 issues we were pretty damn happy, remember? They just put it back to where it used to be. Still, it sucks, but this is where we were earlier in the year. What we got was amazing so now should be the time to celebrate volume 4 and the fun times! Sort of weird about the change in plans though, yeah.

I'm still feeling so up on Alpha Flight. Marvel really did try to promote this comic and made particular effort to push it in ways we never saw with v3 nor Omega Flight and hell, we got Dale Eaglesham! So let's enjoy the last three issues and go out on a high note.


Speak for yourself. :p

This mini series and short lived ongoing series BS is part of what drove me away from marvel. The fact that Alpha was going to go ongoing is what got me interested in Marvel again. I miss the days when series went a good fifty issues or more before being cancelled, and when sales were bad they'd have the common sense to figure out why fans stopped responding, and make some changes. The fact there are so many new volumes of old series is just absurd. Someday we'll be on Alpha Flight Vol 10, the three-book mini-series and begging for more scraps. **** Marvel.

10-22-2011, 09:42 AM
i really wish we could get the real story as to why this series is being ended. its not based on sales as 3 other titles with similar sales are in the same boat(avengers academy, xfactor and thunderbolts) heck, black panther and daken are even lower than alpha's sales.

so please, some adult, not some marvel editor thats going to speak to me like a infant, i would love to hear the real reason why this series was so mistreated.

10-22-2011, 11:37 AM
Well, when the series was supposed to be 8 issues we were pretty damn happy, remember? They just put it back to where it used to be. Still, it sucks, but this is where we were earlier in the year. What we got was amazing so now should be the time to celebrate volume 4 and the fun times! Sort of weird about the change in plans though, yeah.

I'm still feeling so up on Alpha Flight. Marvel really did try to promote this comic and made particular effort to push it in ways we never saw with v3 nor Omega Flight and hell, we got Dale Eaglesham! So let's enjoy the last three issues and go out on a high note.


You're right that all Marvel did was return the title to the mini/maxiseries it was meant to be, but unless they're going to produce more of these in the future I can't see any hope of AF seeing the light of day again. Well, they might show up in the X-men or Avengers, or Spider-man, or Deadpool as punching bags like they use to. Maybe we should hold off speculating about the team's future until the final issue to see where they leave off, but I can't help feeling like Charlie Brown after Lucy pulls the football away.

Marvel did promote this quite a bit, far more than any time before, but it still seemed like only a drop in the Marvel flood of Fantastic-Spider-X-Avengers-Pool Events. I don't think Axel Alonso said one word about the book in his CBR columns after the first issue came out, nor did Tom Brevoort have anything to say in the few interviews with him. Honestly, compared to the terrific job the creative team did to spread the word, Marvel promotions did very little. Now, if there was stuff being done on Twitter or FaceBook, I'll admit I don't follow those, but I would have expected to hear about something coming from those venues either here or another forum. I didn't, and so assume there was nothing, but please if anyone can correct me I'd be willing to change my opinion.

I hope someone from Marvel will eventually explain why the book was reduced from an ongoing while other titles with lower numbers are left to limp along. If there was a solid business reason for this move as opposed to some other book getting the axe so AF could be saved, I think fans should hear it. Otherwise this is just self-fulfilling prophecy that AF won't sell, and only serves to poison the water for any future attempts.

Well, I guess all that's left is to enjoy the remaining issues (as I know I will), before going back to my non-Marvel lifestyle. :(

10-22-2011, 12:25 PM
It just seems like Marvel had a con in Canada and wanted to give the sales a temporary spike and didn't want to take **** from fans all weekend so announced an ongoing they were never going to keep.

Unfortunately Phil, i agree with you.

To me, this shows Marvel as a spineless, no-class, lying company...which I have known for quite some time that they are!

As well, i beleive we will shortly see a big push forward, to try to get all or most of their comics as 'digital only', thereby massively reducing the cost to the company.

In the end, despite what many of us feel is an I-hate-Alpha-Flight slant from some of the suits at Marvel (right or wrong, the perception is there, and has even been fed by some of those very same suits), this is about DC kickin' Marvel's arse.

i wrote on another thread somewhere that what DC did with their company-wide relaunch was very ballsy. Short-term (long-term won't be known for quite some time yet), it worked, and worked well.

Marvel panicked. That is what short-sighted, stuck-in-a-rut executives with little business sense do; they panic.

Unfortunately, long-term, the future of comics IS digital comics, like it or not. Kids don't read books anymore. And WE are all getting older...

10-22-2011, 12:31 PM
i really wish we could get the real story as to why this series is being ended. its not based on sales as 3 other titles with similar sales are in the same boat(avengers academy, xfactor and thunderbolts) heck, black panther and daken are even lower than alpha's sales.

so please, some adult, not some marvel editor thats going to speak to me like a infant, i would love to hear the real reason why this series was so mistreated.

It was purely about sales.
Let's not get back to this conspiracy theory.
If you check out Rob's thread elsewhere in this forum you'll see that, as you pointed out, AF was only outselling 3 ongoing titles, the reasons for why or why not they haven't been cancelled I've outlined.
The mini was losing sales on a rapid slide.
Yes X-Factor & the other titles you mentioned were selling similar, but they hadn't dropped dramatically over the course of 4 issues.
It's not the sales of a single issue it's the dramatic rate at which the book was losing readers, as I tried showing in the sales figures articles, without going into pessimistic mode.

The only real confusing thing is the ongoing announcement.
Did Marvel genuinely think the #1 numbers would sell or were they just telling Canadian fans what they wanted to hear at the Con in order to avoid a weekend full of AF questions, because it was an easier option.

The timing of the cancellation isn't out of the blue & the news of all the editorial firings hints that Disney are taking a very different route with Marvel than Time Warner did with DC.

10-22-2011, 01:32 PM
i understand that, but didn't the readership also start to level off with only a 4% loss in readership from 3 to 4?

10-22-2011, 02:16 PM
I wonder if any Alphans will join the Avengers?

10-22-2011, 03:14 PM
also, if marvel is only allowing a series to trend out for only 4 issues, they have some seriously poor decision makers with very bad attention deficit disorders.

sorry. i'm done with my rants. this one really annoys me though.

10-22-2011, 03:20 PM
It's not a poor decision at all though, it's a case of stopping thousands of dollars from slipping through their fingers like grains of salt.
You HAVE to see it as a business point of view.
Writers and Artists can't be expected to work for free. Nor can the people above them, and nor can the people every step below them from printing to distribution to sales.
I know I couldn't finance a title personally, and that's still essentially what Marvel/Disney execs have to do on a daily basis.

Feel free to rant, it's part and parcel of this place and you're not being offensive.

Alphan East
10-22-2011, 03:54 PM
The only real confusing thing is the ongoing announcement.
Did Marvel genuinely think the #1 numbers would sell or were they just telling Canadian fans what they wanted to hear at the Con in order to avoid a weekend full of AF questions, because it was an easier option.

I think it was a little of both. I believe they wanted to look good up here and get the people at the Expo excited enough to go out and buy more Alpha Flight, hoping to get the numbers increased.
I think its a rotten thing to play with Alpha fans like this. They dangled a carrot in front of us and then yanked it away when we didn't put enough money in their profit line.
I understand that, in the end, it's just business... but its an unethical business.
If they think that all Alpha fans will simply put their money into other Marvel books instead, they are mistaken. I just came back to Marvel after a 10 year absence because of this title. Since Alpha returned, I have also bought a few other titles to show my appreciation. But that loyalty only exists as long as Alpha is around.
This version of Alpha Flight is well-written, well-drawn, and extremely enjoyable to read. But when they are gone from Marvel... so am I.

10-22-2011, 04:09 PM
I wonder if any Alphans will join the Avengers?

Hopefully not (IMHO). We've already seen Alpha Flight as written by Bendis.


Le Messor
10-22-2011, 06:28 PM
Though it does look as if Heather is killing Mac on the solicit for #8 of v4... sort of matches what Greg told me at NYCC that they are going to do something shocking. hmm...

Mac dying is shocking? Haven't we seen that already?

My initial reaction to this news (which didn't come from this site) was 'maybe it's old copy'; ie: they were using a solicit written before the extension to on-going.

Del has now said more than once on this thread 'Freg have pretty much confirmed on twitter'; but what have they said, exactly? I'd like to hear from them or Wolfie?

- Le Messor
"If I don't see you in the future, I'll see you in the pasture."

10-23-2011, 04:58 PM
I understand that, in the end, it's just business... but its an unethical business.
If they think that all Alpha fans will simply put their money into other Marvel books instead, they are mistaken. I just came back to Marvel after a 10 year absence because of this title. Since Alpha returned, I have also bought a few other titles to show my appreciation. But that loyalty only exists as long as Alpha is around.
This version of Alpha Flight is well-written, well-drawn, and extremely enjoyable to read. But when they are gone from Marvel... so am I.

Completely agree with Alpha East. I'm in the same boat. I came back to comics (and Marvel specifically) because of the news about Omega Flight. I stuck around, but now i am done with Marvel. I'll collect any Alpha stuff that is good and that i want to read and own, but other than that they can't have my money. Image and Dark Horse and DC can have it, but not Marvel, not any longer.

Alpha Rider
10-23-2011, 06:22 PM
I'm alot like you FP07 I only collect two tiltes from Marvel AF and GR. That it. If Marvel wants my money they better make those series into ongoing ones and not canncel it after a few years as they did to the last GR, 35 issues then canned only to bring it back three years later because of the movie? Why not just keep it going? I guess it's better than nothing.

10-24-2011, 02:53 AM
I guess it's better than nothing.

That quote, my friend, once uttered, brings about the ruin of civilizations.

10-24-2011, 04:23 AM
Same here, guys. I only came back for Alpha, and was starting to consider buying some other titles, because I miss Marvel's characters. But man, just reading up on what's been going on with characters I liked is depressing enough to put me off. Canceling Alpha only a month or so after announcing it as an ongoing is pretty much the final nail in that coffin.

That quote, my friend, once uttered, brings about the ruin of civilizations.

Can I be your fourth wife?

Le Messor
10-24-2011, 04:50 AM
...starting to consider buying some other titles, because I miss Marvel's characters. But man, just reading up on what's been going on with characters I liked is depressing enough to put me off.

I keep hearing that... and yet, Marvel don't change their ways.
Then blame outside forces for comics selling less.

- Le Messor
"If happiness is in your destiny, you need not be in a hurry."

10-24-2011, 05:06 AM
I keep hearing that... and yet, Marvel don't change their ways.
Then blame outside forces for comics selling less.

- Le Messor
"If happiness is in your destiny, you need not be in a hurry."

That, and Marvel continues to hire dickheads who say in interviews that they don't care how fans feel about how characters are treated, because they will still buy the book for those characters. Which was confusing, as said character was killed off, ergo no longer a reason for said fans of said character to buy said book, but ... yeah... I shouldn't try to work out the logic behind Marvel anymore. Ow.

Le Messor
10-24-2011, 06:19 AM
Then I read this (http://www.comicbookmovie.com/fansites/joshw24/news/?a=48745):

"Alpha Flight always gets canceled. I've loved just about every Alpha Flight run there's been, but the book doesn't gain enough readers ever. It always gets canceled. I didn't even bother picking this up because I doubted it would even make it to issue 8"

Well, Zombie over easy, what do you expect? If you're not reading it, how can you expect it to have enough numbers to make it?

(I'm not about to join the site to tell him that, though... but if anyone here's a member...?)

- Le Messor
"If I am not for myself, who is for me? And when I am for myself, what am I? And if not now, when?"
~ Hillel The Elder

10-24-2011, 08:23 AM
And therein lies the entire problem.

10-24-2011, 02:24 PM
Can I be your fourth wife?


hey! i've only been married TWICE! What the...!...

Alpha Rider
10-24-2011, 05:35 PM
The way I got married was I went went up to a girl and said "You look like my 7th wife." and she said "How many times have you've been married?" and I said "Six."
So FP07 Don't feel bad, some of us have driven around the same block more than once. Damn Google maps keep telling me to make 4 right turns.

10-24-2011, 06:18 PM
who's feeling bad? not me. "feeling bad" was my 2nd marriage; i'm single now, and enjoying life without any dating or women at all, just me and my daughter hanging out. been date-free for 2 years now.

10-24-2011, 07:03 PM
Good piece at Bleeding Cool ("http://www.bleedingcool.com/2011/10/20/the-spinning-pennies-of-marvel%E2%80%99s-isaac-perlmutter/)

It’s not quite as general as Heidi implies though. It started with letterers, then colourists, then inkers – Marvel have asked creators to establish a lower rate they’ve dubbed “B-rate” along with their current rate. If the book a creator is on is currently selling below a certain threshold, the B-rate is used instead of the “A-rate.” They are of course told first and can chose to leave the book or stay depending on their circumstances. But this has effectively cut certain freelancers overall pay, for the same amount of work delivered. It has yet to touch pencillers or writers, however.

10-24-2011, 10:00 PM

hey! i've only been married TWICE! What the...!...

LMAO Apparently there's a waiting list?

I could have sworn you said three once, but I bet I misread a joke or something. XD

10-25-2011, 01:38 AM
LMAO Apparently there's a waiting list?

I could have sworn you said three once, but I bet I misread a joke or something. XD

Nope, just twice. Sorry, you'll have to go on the list. Luckily for you, my list is alphabetical, starting with E, so once i find and divorce that 3rd one, you'll be the first call i place!

(Mind you, the list for # 3 is wide open, so if ya wanna move up onto that one...)

10-25-2011, 11:37 AM
Gee, I feel awkward, still with my one and only wife and 5 children....;)

10-25-2011, 12:24 PM
Gee, I feel awkward, still with my one and only wife and 5 children....;)


Oh, wait...you're SERIOUS?!??!

Just kidding. Good on ya! I got no problem with those that can make marriage work, really i do not! I was too immature when i married the first time (and my wife was far more screwed up than i realized, as well - but, it takes two to tango, so...), and definitely on-the-rebound the second time and chose unwisely (which is why I have been over two years without a woman, even a date - needed the time to find myself again and prioritize what was important and what wasn't; like Alpha Flight! lol). If there is a third time, God-willing, I'm giving it my all.

And if I need a fourth time, (a) it better be because number three died young, and (b) I know where EccentricSage lurks... :)

Alpha Rider
10-25-2011, 04:41 PM
And if the fourth one dosen't work out you'll be incompition with me. But the way I go, I'll probably be on the 9th one by the end of the year.

10-26-2011, 03:05 AM
And if the fourth one dosen't work out you'll be incompition with me. But the way I go, I'll probably be on the 9th one by the end of the year.

I'm not sure whether to throw rice, or just get you a "My Condolences" card, lol. Ah well...life is what you make it, eh?

10-26-2011, 05:24 AM
Nope, just twice. Sorry, you'll have to go on the list. Luckily for you, my list is alphabetical, starting with E, so once i find and divorce that 3rd one, you'll be the first call i place!

(Mind you, the list for # 3 is wide open, so if ya wanna move up onto that one...)

Well, if you're ever in Chicago, I guess I've got a date. lol ;)

And if I need a fourth time, (a) it better be because number three died young, and (b) I know where EccentricSage lurks... :)

Well ****, now I'm going to be watching over my shoulder for a guy in a save Alpha Flight t-shirt. *checks tree outside window*

10-26-2011, 12:29 PM
Actually, look for a guy in a "Save the Trees" shirt, he might be on Sasquatch's shoulder in your front yard. Mind you, that guy wouldn't be me...it would just be interesting if you went looking for such a person, and he were actually there.

Well, if you're ever in Chicago, I guess I've got a date.

EccentricSage!...You should be careful! Now you've piqued my interest. :oops: And, if there is even a HINT of seriousness there, I'm both flattered and honoured.

Unfortunately, my bank account informs me I won't be making any long trips to Chicago soon (uh, long as in "long drive" or "long distance", not meaning long as in "staying forever" or "moving in", heh heh...I'll be quiet now...). Although, if you were to tell me you have season tickets to the Blackhawks, i might just sell everything I own and be there, say, now! lol

E.S., if you ever want to check out the sunny Okanagan Valley, the ultimate holiday and retirement destination in Canada, come on by and I'll give you the tour! "We've got government subsidized health care!"

~ FP07

10-26-2011, 01:19 PM

10-26-2011, 01:26 PM
that is wrong but pretty funny {guardian}

10-26-2011, 03:59 PM

I'd buy it for a buck-fifty though...

10-26-2011, 04:01 PM
Maybe someone could do an interview with Mark, Fred, Greg, and Dale (and the rest of the creative team and some other folks from editorial) a la the old Comics Feature or Comics Journal, and hopefully find out the reasons behind the cancellation and what plans, if any, are in the works.

Cynical me, I'm not surprised this happened, although this is a better-executed version than certain volumes that shall remain..2 and 3.

I hope the finale is superb!

10-26-2011, 05:35 PM


Alpha Rider
10-27-2011, 04:13 PM
I'm not sure whether to throw rice, or just get you a "My Condolences" card, lol. Ah well...life is what you make it, eh?
I don't which last longer, my marages or an Alpha Flight series? Well at least with AF I can always look back with fond memoires.

Tiberius Bane
10-27-2011, 07:39 PM
I pretty much just lurk here but felt i had tobadd my two cents. I have been collecting marvel comics since volume 1. This latest move by marvel has now caused me to do something i never thought i would do. I am going to drop all of my marvel books except punisher. I currently get over 20 marvel books but found other than alpha flight and frank castle's books i was only buying them out of habbit. So this may be a business decision for marvel but it is for me too. Dynamite and dc will continue to get my money. Marvel, not so much.

10-28-2011, 09:22 PM
I haven't seen this anywhere on the alphaflight.net yet so figured I post it here. Axel Alonso was asked (a softball question) about Alpha Flight's cancellation, and chose to answer it by not answering it, but instead telling us to buy the new series' that are coming out to replace cancelled series'.

Read it here. (http://www.comicbookresources.com/?page=article&id=35193) CAUTION: SPOILER PAGES FOR ISSUE #6.

The relevant part is near the bottom.

EDIT by rplass: This news has been promoted to an article on the main page. Thanks, Legerd!

10-29-2011, 02:02 AM
Yah, pretty weak.

Alpha Rider
10-29-2011, 10:59 AM
I still say we should have an "Occupy" Marvel.

10-29-2011, 02:25 PM
I still say we should have an "Occupy" Marvel.

We're supposed to have a Nor'Easter tonight. It will be interesting to see how many "Occupy" participants continue after that...

Tiberius Bane
10-29-2011, 06:06 PM
I haven't seen this anywhere on the alphaflight.net yet so figured I post it here. Axel Alonso was asked (a softball question) about Alpha Flight's cancellation, and chose to answer it by not answering it, but instead telling us to buy the new series' that are coming out to replace cancelled series'.

that is what I dont understand. Marvel cancels a book I enjoy and expects me to support their new titles? I dont care about the scarlet spider or venom or a seventh deadpool book. With dc's new 52 and marvel cancelling alpha and me dropping most of their books as a result, i am going to be saving a lot of cash come february.

Alpha Rider
10-29-2011, 09:43 PM
Here, here.

11-09-2011, 04:16 PM
Given the sales figures dropping over the last few issues I can see why Marvel did what they did. Of course I'm not happy about it, but I think their only flubb up was to announce it as an ongoing before seeing where the figures levelled out.

11-13-2011, 01:33 PM
Feh...I only support books with characters I like and enjoy reading...The Scarlet Spider, Venom, etc.. can go drown in a East River for all I care. Dana

11-13-2011, 01:54 PM
What I don't understand is the..."Our budget doesn't allow for so many extra books...So let's cancel Alpha Flight and these other current books, then we can publish a whole stable of new and untried, much hyped books." ...Huh?! She-Hulk and Spider-Girl living long passed their expiration date with those numbers just pisses me off, when Alpha had been canned at what...25,000? Dana

11-13-2011, 01:55 PM
The formatting of posts is messed up.

11-14-2011, 01:23 AM
Agreed, formatting is a mess right now. You cannot (or at least, i can't) "reply with quote", can't add any smilies, can't add links or photos, none of that stuff works right now. Also, when i just now came on the site, i got the version of the site with no images at all, just plain text; looked like a real jumbled mess. I hit refresh, and then it came up with the images and boxes and stuff. Weirdness.

11-14-2011, 01:32 AM
Dana, it is interesting you mention the "new and untried, much hyped books" that are still around, but Flight is not...

I find it odd, how there was a discussion earlier on this site, about some of the younger Flight characters that could have been put on this latest version of the team...

Now we have the X-Schism, which has a lot to do with how Cyclops and Wolverine differ on the handling of teenagers with powers. And we have Avengers Academy (best written book Marvel puts out, hands down), whose sales numbers are apparently not that great, which has survived the latest cuts, mainly because the comic deals with teenage heroes. In fact, I'd go so far as to say that Avengers Academy came abotu because Marvel knew about Schism years in advance, and wanted to draw Avengers fans into it as well, so they started Academy - this has been planned for years!

Makes me wonder; if they (Marvel suits) had given the go ahead for Alpha Flight to include some younger heroes, instead of telling their own, completely independant story about a government turning on its heroes, if Alpha Flight would not have stuck around longer as well. After all, in that case Flight would have been part of what is going on in the Marvel U now, the discussion of what to do with teens with powers. Instead, they built Volume 4 around something that was quickly on its way out (Fear Itself). The debate over teens is an ongoing one on the Marvel U, while Fear Itself was an annual event, not soemthing that sticks around once it is gone.

Just my thoughts.

Le Messor
11-14-2011, 04:55 AM
Agreed, formatting is a mess right now. You cannot (or at least, i can't) "reply with quote", can't add any smilies, can't add links or photos, none of that stuff works right now. ... or edit old posts. Well, that is true (of me too), but I figure, the site's sick, I'll humour it. (Mutts, can't add a pic of Peter Falk in Princess Bride... just pretend I did, 'kay? :)) I'm just glad I can post at all again! (p.s. I did the html by hand here, which is why it's working at all - if it is.) - Le Messor "If I wanted pain, I'd be born." "I know you're only being serious."

03-16-2012, 08:05 AM
What I don't understand is the..."Our budget doesn't allow for so many extra books...So let's cancel Alpha Flight and these other current books, then we can publish a whole stable of new and untried, much hyped books." ...Huh?! She-Hulk and Spider-Girl living long passed their expiration date with those numbers just pisses me off, when Alpha had been canned at what...25,000? Dana

Yeah, Dana, a LOT of books have-come-out or are-coming-out from Marvel...yet, didn't they pare down their staff just recently? And wasn't that lumped in with the Alpha Flight 'cancellation', as a way of telling us that Marvel just couldn't continue to put out so many books per month and they couldn't keep so many people on staff?
Worse yet, the books they are now publishing that I REALLY wanted to succeed, like Defenders, are substandard and totally inferior!

Le Messor
03-16-2012, 04:23 PM
Yeah, I'm with FP.
Also, the sheer number of X-Men and Avengers books is not helping their case.

- Le Messor
"If it isn't broken, don't fix it."

03-21-2012, 03:33 PM
I wonder how those new and untried books are doing now?


03-22-2012, 10:00 AM

Scarlet Spider #1 - 53,410
Scarlet Spider #2 - 33,794

Defenders #1 - 85,969
Defenders #2 - 38,935

Compares to AF Volume 4's
#2 - 26,862
#1 - 46,851

So from a business sense, completely justified.

03-22-2012, 11:27 AM
" So from a business sense, completely justified. "

While i understand your point, devil's advocate says that two months does not an accurate portrayal make. Now, if we were to give it eight or nine months, then compare?

Also of note, both those new series you listed have a HUGE dropoff from issues 1 to issues 2. Scarlet Spider dropped 63.2% of its readers after just one month. Defenders dropped 45.2% of its readers after just one month. Those are big numbers. For comparison, AF mini-series (not even an ongoing, so it is comparing apples to oranges) dropped 57.3% of its readers from issue 1 to issue 2.

The trickey thing will be, do these drops continue? And by how much? And where do they level out, and how long does that take?

Only time will tell.

And, as far as "untried", Defenders hardly falls into that category; i'm sure it will do better than AF, purely on the basis of people knowing the Defenders brand (and wanting it to succeed; i should know, as one of those sales numbers for both those issues is me, even though i have hated the series so far).

03-22-2012, 12:31 PM
Oh yeah, definitely compare again after 8 issues if you're justifying AF being cancelled and Scarlet Spider NOT being cancelled, but that's not what I'm doing; that's not the issue.

But to cancel something selling 18,408 copies (AF #8 ) to make way for Something selling 53,410 copies (Scarlet Spider #1) makes complete sense.

Yes, chances are that Scarlet Spider will drop off loads too, but that's long term.

In short term business boom, they're spending the same amount on Scarlett Spider #1 as they did on AF #8 production-wise (I'm assuming Freg share writing pay) and getting much more return, hence the justification.

Our, very valid, complaint as AF fans will be if Scarlet Spider #8 (if it makes it that far) drops below 18,408 copies and they keep the series going....

And I only used Defenders as it was one of the titles Axel mentioned in the interview in question.

Edit: To correct smiley 8 ) 8)

03-23-2012, 01:53 AM
Thank you, Phil...I was curious about how they were doing.
