View Full Version : X-Men Legacy 264 Thread *SPOILERS*

03-29-2012, 08:45 PM
For those Weapon Omega fans who plan to buy the book, this thread contains spoilers.

For those cost conscious folks who don't like Weapon Omega and leafed through the book at their LCS to see the ending instead of buying it, you already know what happened.




OK - Spoilers

First, I liked Rafa Sandoval's art on the issue. IMO it reminded me of Leonard Kirk's art on the Dark X-Men mini series.

So Mimic and Weapon Omega arrive at the Jean Grey School for Higher Learning and we find out that Weapon Omega has become ill from absorbing Mimic's powers. There is no explanation as to how Sugarman gained possession of the Omega Machine (see New Mutants 25-27) that Pointer was using during the Dark X-Men mini to feed his addiction to mutant powers.

The ending of that issue was not what I was expecting. Christos Gage threw me a curve ball.

03-30-2012, 05:26 AM
I'm sorry...what is it about Mimic's powers that would cause Weapon Useless to become ill, exactly?

Le Messor
03-30-2012, 07:27 PM
Does it still count as spoilery if you don't give away the ending?

- Le Messor
"If some people didn't tell you, you'd never know they'd been away on vacation."

03-30-2012, 08:26 PM
I'm sorry...what is it about Mimic's powers that would cause Weapon Useless to become ill, exactly?

I'm confused too. Apparently Norman Osborn did something to Michael Pointer so he could only absorb mutant power. And since Mimic isn't a mutant, absorbing mutant power from a non mutant made him sick. I don't understand Marvel physics as to why this would be. As rplass would say, I must have been reading Alpha Flight comics instead of paying attention in Physics class.

Does it still count as spoilery if you don't give away the ending?

Since you asked, here is a spoiler:

Pointer absorbs some their power and becomes an unstable bomb. Mimic comes up with the bright idea that he and Rogue can absorb Pointer's powers to safely discharge him. Something goes horribly wrong during the process and Mimic and Rogue fail to discharge Pointer. And no it wasn't because Mimic was staring at Rogue's cleavage during the process.

03-31-2012, 12:21 AM
"Mimic isn't a mutant"

He ain't?!?! Is he, like, the only non-mutant former-member of X-Men, then? When was this decided?

"it wasn't because Mimic was staring at Rogue's cleavage during the process"

No, that was me. Me staring, I mean; NOT me that that Mimic was staring at. That'd be creepy. Me staring at Rogue is MUCH less creepy.

03-31-2012, 12:44 AM
"Mimic isn't a mutant"

He ain't?!?! Is he, like, the only non-mutant former-member of X-Men, then? When was this decided?

Ever since his orgins actually, he gained his powers from a chemical accident (isn't that always the case?) not the mutant-gene. However, later on in his career they said he had a "latent" mutant gene, which may be ignored.

Also he isn't the only non-mutant member either.... others include: Longshot, Fantomex, Hepizah, Lockheed, Juggernaut, Omega Sentinel, Moira MacTaggart, Dr. Yuriko Takiguchi, Deadpool, Warlock, Danger, Ariel, Dr. Kavita Rao, Ms.Marvel/Warbird/Binary, Clock & Dagger (tehnically) and I'm sure there is more.

EDIT: Found another....Ink

Le Messor
03-31-2012, 12:44 AM
Mimic isn't a mutant

He ain't?!?! Is he, like, the only non-mutant former-member of X-Men, then? When was this decided?

Oh, that Mimic. For some reason, I was picturing a woman.
He got his powers in a lab accident (breathed in some gaseous chemicals from one of his father's lab experiments) in (Uncanny) X-Men #19.

- Le Messor
"If rabbits feet are so lucky, what happened to the rabbit?"

Le Messor
03-31-2012, 01:02 AM
Also he isn't the only non-mutant member either.... others include: Longshot, Fantomex, Hepizah, Lockheed, Juggernaut, Omega Sentinel, Moira MacTaggart, Dr. Yuriko Takiguchi, Deadpool, Warlock, Danger, Ariel, Dr. Kavita Rao, Ms.Marvel/Warbird/Binary, Clock & Dagger (tehnically) and I'm sure there is more.

(Didn't mean to repeat K-M's points, but we must've been typing up our posts at the same time.)

Warlock, Danger, and Ariel - though two aliens and a robot - are generally considered to be mutants. I think Longshot is, too; but most of the people you listed aren't. (I know nothing of this Dr. Yuriko Takiguchi of which you speak.)

- Le Messor
"If only we'd stop trying to be happy, we could have a pretty good time.
~ Edith Wharton

03-31-2012, 01:08 AM
Danger has no DNA she is not a mutant, they "say" she is but she technically isn't.

Yeah Ariel is an alien mutant, but she is not the typical "earth" mutant thats why I included her. Your right she should be omitted.

Warlock didn't know they classified him as a mutant, I guess his compassion was different from the rest and that made him a mutant? Regardless I lumped him in the same boat as Ariel. Just because your different doesn't make you a mutant though. The X-Men need to stop copyrighting that,

Naaaa Longshot is an artificially created humanoid life-form, not a mutant. He is a mutate not a mutant. Same thing as Deadpool.

03-31-2012, 01:35 AM
I wasn't aware that Moira MacTaggert (who has no powers, if i recall correctly) was ever technically a member of the X-Men. Of course, who can REALLY keep track of who is an X-Men member now, as basically every mutant still alive is a member of X-men now (don't even get me started on the stupidity of that). Cloak & Dagger - according to Norman Osborne, they're mutants (not that I'd ever trust ol' Normie). Not sure how Warlock gets to be on the New Mutants team and yet isn't a mutant? Where is the sense in that? Furthermore, how can Mimic mimic the powers of mutants who get their powers through the X-Gene if he doesn't have an X-Gene of his own? There is no logic to that. Sorry, now i am just ranting.

03-31-2012, 01:42 AM
Yeah she was a member, and concerning Cloak and Dagger (too lazy to type it out myself)....

"Cloak and Dagger were considered both latent mutants whose powers were activated when they were injected with an experimental illegal drug in earlier appearances. In later years, they are listed as mutates, as which they are listed in the Civil War: Battle Damage Report. However some mutants, such as Sunfire, Polaris, and Thunderbird, who have been in similar circumstances to Cloak and Dagger's have also required external stimuli to awaken their latent powers.Uncanny X-Men writer Matt Fraction stated: "No, they don't [think of themselves as part of the mutant community], and that's the thing: in a time when there are so few mutants left, can they afford to not at least acknowledge the existence of this community, this family?" As such, in the Utopia crossover, when recruited by Norman Osborn as part of his "Dark X-Men", Cloak and Dagger comment how they aren't mutants. This is further confirmed by Doctor Nemesis, who ran a full range of genetics scans on Dagger, stating that her powers were derived solely from the drug that changed both her and Cloak".

03-31-2012, 03:50 AM
I think the "latent mutation" thing with Mimic and Cloak & Dagger has come and gone several times, right?

Cloak and Dagger not being mutants (at least having some sort of latent mutation) at all (via Dr. Nemesis) doesn't make any kind of sense, though...They were given a synthetic Heroin...They would simply get high, not gain superhuman powers. There was also some attempt to connect their powers to magic/demonic sources/the Dark Force dimension, etc...But I don't think Marvel really did a lot with that storyline.

As for Warlock...IIRC, Warlock was called a mutant by the New Mutant team, because he was the first of his kind to reject his race's inborn instinct to kill their parent.


Le Messor
03-31-2012, 05:36 AM
Warlock didn't know they classified him as a mutant, I guess his compassion was different from the rest and that made him a mutant?

But Dana's comment about rejecting their killing of parents thing has probably also been mixed in there.
I've seen him lose all compassion and turn into a violent raving lunatic when everybody had their powers turned off.

- Le Messor
"If pigs could vote, the man with the slop bucket would be elected swineherd every time, no matter how much slaughtering he did on the side."
~ Orson Scott Card

03-31-2012, 06:46 AM
Of course, who can REALLY keep track of who is an X-Men member now

I am. But Sshhhhh... it's a secret.

04-30-2012, 06:47 PM

In X-Men Legacy 265, the X-Men gain a new member but it's not Phil. Mimic and Pointer and even Rogue pretty much spend the entire issue doing what Pointer does best - whining about their situation. This issue would have been a whole lot better if it ended with an explosion or two. Instead Pointer goes back to comic book limbo again for the next writer to use him as a hero, or villain, or victim. I'm sure Flightpath will be disappointed ;)

Mimic ends of rejoining the X-Men instead.

04-30-2012, 07:48 PM
Chris, is Mimic the fellow standing next to Jeffries in that preview panel from Avengers Academy #29?

04-30-2012, 09:04 PM
Chris, is Mimic the fellow standing next to Jeffries in that preview panel from Avengers Academy #29?

No. Looks like Sebastian Shaw to me. He recently joined the Generation Hope cast. And he's supposed to play a part in the Avengers Academy Avx arc.

04-30-2012, 09:55 PM
If you'll recall, because Sebastian Shaw can't, Emma Frost gave him a mental "lobotomy" back in Uncanny X-Men 534. In Generation Hope #13, Cerebra detected Sebastian Shaw in Pakistan and Hope Summers mistook an amnesiac Shaw for a "new" mutant light and brought him back to Utopia to a not so thrilled Cyclops and a surprised Emma Frost.

05-01-2012, 04:05 AM
I'm sure Flightpath will be disappointed ;)

I'm sure he will, too!

Le Messor
05-01-2012, 06:46 AM
No. Looks like Sebastian Shaw to me. He recently joined the Generation Hope cast.

Really? More villains and heroes going back and forth like it doesn't matter?


At least the reasoning you give below works.

- Le Messor
"If you can keep your head while all those around you are losing theirs - you won't have anyone to talk to."
~ Mark T. Shirey

05-01-2012, 01:10 PM
Really? More villains and heroes going back and forth like it doesn't matter?


At least the reasoning you give below works.

- Le Messor
"If you can keep your head while all those around you are losing theirs - you won't have anyone to talk to."
~ Mark T. Shirey

Mik, I think that was basically what Schism was all about; drawing sides, but doing it in unusual ways, thereby finding ways of using characters in different settings and around different groups of supporting charcaters than one would normally have found in X-books.

Personally, I expect most of it to go back to the way it was, at some point in the near future.

Le Messor
05-01-2012, 04:26 PM
Mik, I think that was basically what Schism was all about; drawing sides, but doing it in unusual ways, thereby finding ways of using characters in different settings and around different groups of supporting charcaters than one would normally have found in X-books.

Hmm... Maybe, but I got tired a long time ago of the way people kept switching sides.
It's one of the reasons I dropped FF after the first twelve or so issues; it was about a group of villains trying to kill Reed Richards, and we're supposed to side with the villains.


After a while, it just comes across that the creators don't care - or don't want us to - whose side anybody is on. Heroism? Villainy? It's all the same, isn't it?
That's one of the ideas they parodied in Kingdom Come.

- Le Messor
"If you can't imitate him, don't copy him."
~ Yogi Berra (attrib)

05-01-2012, 04:58 PM
Hmm... Maybe, but I got tired a long time ago of the way people kept switching sides.
It's one of the reasons I dropped FF after the first twelve or so issues; it was about a group of villains trying to kill Reed Richards, and we're supposed to side with the villains.


After a while, it just comes across that the creators don't care - or don't want us to - whose side anybody is on. Heroism? Villainy? It's all the same, isn't it?
That's one of the ideas they parodied in Kingdom Come.

- Le Messor
"If you can't imitate him, don't copy him."
~ Yogi Berra (attrib)

Can't say as how I disagree with you.

'Course, your FF reference is just drawing blank looks from me. So is 'Kingdom Come'.

On a good note, i DO know who Yogi Berra is! Does he still live in Jellystone Park?

Le Messor
05-01-2012, 05:19 PM
Can't say as how I disagree with you.

You can if you want to! Don't let them stop you!

'Course, your FF reference is just drawing blank looks from me. So is 'Kingdom Come'.

FF is a spin-off of Fantastic Four. It was the first comic I tried in my quest to find something current that was worth reading.
(FF is the full title, btw.)

Do you not know what Kingdom Come is? Or are you asking about how I'm tying that parody to that comic.

On a good note, i DO know who Yogi Berra is! Does he still live in Jellystone Park?

:D Wrong Berra.

- Le Messor
"If you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice."

05-01-2012, 09:32 PM
Personally, I expect most of it to go back to the way it was, at some point in the near future.

Me too. I expect Shaw to regain his memory really soon. Cyclops must have been drunk to trust Sebastian Shaw around any young red heads shooting off phoenix flames.

05-02-2012, 04:11 AM
You can if you want to! Don't let them stop you!

Them who? if there is more than one of them, and they are bigger than me, I am using my mutant power to 'scream like a little girl and run for miles' !

FF is a spin-off of Fantastic Four. It was the first comic I tried in my quest to find something current that was worth reading.
(FF is the full title, btw.)

Heard of it, but never read it. That's the Future Foundation with Spideyman, right? Yeah, never read it. Incidentally, did i read somewheres that Johnny Storm is already alive again?

Do you not know what Kingdom Come is? Or are you asking about how I'm tying that parody to that comic.

Um...the first one, mainly. Don't know what it is, too lazy to look it up.

:D Wrong Berra.

- Le Messor
"If you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice."

"It's because I'm smarter than the average bear." - Yogi Bear

Le Messor
05-02-2012, 04:48 PM
Heard of it, but never read it. That's the Future Foundation with Spideyman, right? Yeah, never read it. Incidentally, did i read somewheres that Johnny Storm is already alive again?

It is. I don't know what you personally may or may not have read, but me, I've lost track of who's dead right now. (I'm about two months behind on FF; I'll pick up the next two because I ordered them from my LCS, but that's all.)

Do you not know what Kingdom Come is?Um...the first one, mainly. Don't know what it is, too lazy to look it up.

Kingdom Come is a Kurt Busiek / Alex Ross mini series by DC in, what, the mid-late 90's? It's largely about parodying the anti-heroes of the day, and it generally considered a classic comic book work.
Unlike a lot of classic comic book works, I thoroughly enjoy it.
It's a sort of dystopian future Elseworlds, in which Cable Magog has led Superman into retirement, which makes most of the classics retire.
It's really good.

- Le Messor
"If you choose not to live with reality, reality will come and live with you."
~ jan@bagend.atl.ga.us

05-02-2012, 09:12 PM
Saw the Astonishing X-Men 50 wedding comments over on the home page, which btw were quite funny, and decided to add more spoilers about Michael Pointer.

If you read X-Men Legacy 265, Michael Pointer definetely won't be showing up at Northstar and Kyle's wedding (if it is their wedding which I'm sure it is.) Unless Beast comes up with a fast cure for Pointer, right now Pointer is more suited for funerals.

Pointer didn't go boom like so many people were hoping for. Rachel used her telepathic powers to put Pointer in a coma to reduce his brain wave activities (I didn't know he had so many) so all the extra energy will process naturally in his body over time instead of exploding at once. Then the X-Men sealed his comatose body in a statis tube underneath the school. I'm sure the X-Men's insurance premiums just went up again after this.

05-02-2012, 09:41 PM
Out of site, out of mind. Don't care much for the chracter, so meh!

It is an interesting way to explain a character going into "limbo-status" rather then not just appearing and us guessing what happened. Now we know....and knowing is half the battle.

Le Messor
05-03-2012, 07:05 AM
Now we know....and knowing is half the battle.

The other half is violence!

Then the X-Men sealed his comatose body in a statis tube underneath the school.

So they literally buried him alive?
Why, when I get so sick of heroes acting unheroic, does that just make me laugh?

- Le Messor
"What's the fun of burying somebody if they're already dead?"
~ The Master, Buffy The Vampire Slayer

05-03-2012, 07:23 AM
Thanks for the update, Chris!

Isn't, like, Krakatoa or whatever, living beneath the new X-School?

05-03-2012, 08:09 AM
So they literally buried him alive?

He's not buried in a hole. They just placed him in some container in Beast's reinforced sub basement lab. Beast is still working on a developing a quicker cure.

05-03-2012, 12:41 PM

It sounds like a set up for a future plot...Store him away in a stasis tube beneath their base to be a life-sucking plot point later.


05-03-2012, 12:47 PM
Thanks for the update, Chris!

Isn't, like, Krakatoa or whatever, living beneath the new X-School?

Its Krakoa...LOL! Krakatoa is the real island that was obliterated by its volcano in the 1880s. Krakoa sucks mutant life force and power similarly to Pointer...The X-Men are storing up all the life-sucking mutants?


05-03-2012, 01:41 PM
Its Krakoa...LOL! Krakatoa is the real island that was obliterated by its volcano in the 1880s. Krakoa sucks mutant life force and power similarly to Pointer...The X-Men are storing up all the life-sucking mutants?


lol. Ooooopz. Yeah, just read that "new X-Men save original X-Men from living island" thing [ "Hi Mik!" ] recently, so I might have gotten my Kraks confused. Any chance it is related to the Kraken in Pirates of the Caribbean?

Krakoa is living (Mutant) earth, is it not? I recall reading that their (Jean Grey School for Higher Learning) entire grounds are now animated, as they are all part of this "Kraka-kapow!" thingy.

I'm just guessing, but I am thinking that these two (Krak-man and Whiney-Pants) are gonna be a B-A-D mix in the future somewheres soon.

Le Messor
05-03-2012, 04:22 PM
lol. Ooooopz. Yeah, just read that "new X-Men save original X-Men from living island" thing [ "Hi Mik!" ] recently, so I might have gotten my Kraks confused. Any chance it is related to the Kraken in Pirates of the Caribbean?

I've always figured the X-Men's island was sort of named after the real one you got confused with.
The Kraken is a genuine mythical creature; been the bane of sailors for centuries.
Science is starting to catch up, as they're beginning to find evidence that it could be based on something real... there've been creatures washed up on shores, the colossal squid, etc...

Krakoa is living (Mutant) earth, is it not?

Well, as you would have read, the whole island came to life - it isn't just the earth, but the flora and fauna of that island.

I recall reading that their (Jean Grey School for Higher Learning) entire grounds are now animated, as they are all part of this "Kraka-kapow!" thingy.

Sounds familiar, but I don't know.

I'm just guessing, but I am thinking that these two (Krak-man and Whiney-Pants) are gonna be a B-A-D mix in the future somewheres soon.

Either that or completely forgotten.
They could build it up as a vampire-like story, with people getting more and more tired all the time, not knowing why...

- Le Messor
"If you don't control your mind, someone else will."
~ John Allston

05-03-2012, 07:42 PM
Interesting. Haven't read Wolverine & The X-Men so I didn't know Krakoa was currently living underneath the school grounds.

Jason Eberly
05-03-2012, 08:45 PM
Kingdom Come is a Kurt Busiek / Alex Ross mini series by DC in, what, the mid-late 90's? It's largely about parodying the anti-heroes of the day, and it generally considered a classic comic book work.
Unlike a lot of classic comic book works, I thoroughly enjoy it.
It's a sort of dystopian future Elseworlds, in which Cable Magog has led Superman into retirement, which makes most of the classics retire.
It's really good.

Indeed it is really good, but didn't Mark Waid write it? Busiek and Ross did Marvels for, well, Marvel.

05-04-2012, 07:35 AM
Interesting. Haven't read Wolverine & The X-Men so I didn't know Krakoa was currently living underneath the school grounds.

Quite literally, he IS the school grounds. And a very nice defense mechanism when attacked, i might add. Although Wolverine tried to convince him to incorporate a "beer gardens" and was ticked that Krak didn't go for it.

Le Messor
05-04-2012, 04:18 PM
Indeed it is really good, but didn't Mark Waid write it? Busiek and Ross did Marvels for, well, Marvel.

Knew I'd get that wrong!
(Checks his GN.) Yep, you're right, it's Waid, and Marvels is Busiek.
I kind of always think of Kingdom Come as a follow-up to Marvels; Alex Ross going 'I did that for Marvel, let's see what I can do for you, DC' and forget they had writers.

- Le Messor
"If you come to a fork in the road, take it."
~ Yogi Berra (attrib)

10-26-2012, 02:54 PM
Pointer appears on the Variant for next weeks X-Men Legacy #275 and judging from the preview pages so far may appear within it: