View Full Version : Wanted...

09-11-2012, 04:44 PM
Just putting out a call to all of you.

I'm re-dabbling with a side project to the site, that I was playing about with during the downtime, and looking at tinkering with it again with the mind of it either being a side project or something that might one day be incorporated into the site.

I'm looking for a few people to help me out with it, that have a lot of knowledge of Alpha Flight guest appearances, it's chronology and basically a few hours spare each week.

It might not pan out, and it might not be your kind of thing, but if you fancy it drop me a PM. {guardian}

09-11-2012, 09:39 PM
Just putting out a call to all of you.

I'm re-dabbling with a side project to the site, that I was playing about with during the downtime, and looking at tinkering with it again with the mind of it either being a side project or something that might one day be incorporated into the site.

I'm looking for a few people to help me out with it, that have a lot of knowledge of Alpha Flight guest appearances, it's chronology and basically a few hours spare each week.

It might not pan out, and it might not be your kind of thing, but if you fancy it drop me a PM. {guardian}

I can't, I'm not on the internet. :-\"

Le Messor
09-12-2012, 04:57 PM
Oh, FP, that's too bad...

uh... waaaaaaaaaait a second...