View Full Version : Good News Everyone! FF & X-Men Movies

Le Messor
09-28-2012, 07:30 AM

And if you know the show, you know what it means for Farnsworth to say good news!


What do you figure... Reed abuses Sue and the kids? Jean's a centrefold (nah nah nah, my memory's just been sold)? Cyclops is a serial killer? The Prof is a peeping Tom? Johnny's a drug addict?

~ Le Messor
"Is it a game of chance? Not the way I play it."
I agree with the poster who doesn't want to live on this planet anymore.

09-28-2012, 02:48 PM
I think it'll be fine. I've heard he got the gig because he was friends with the guy who wrote X-Men First Class (i think?) and who they want to do the second one too, or something similar to that. Or maybe not. Or maybe?

Le Messor
09-28-2012, 04:05 PM
I've heard he got the gig because he was friends with the guy who wrote X-Men First Class (i think?) and who they want to do the second one too, or something similar to that.

Not sure that helps. J.J. Abrams is friends with Akiva Goldsman (look him up on IMDb), and even put him in the new Star Trek movie.
It all goes to prove that good writers can be friends with bad ones; much less, good writers can be friends with sleazy* ones.

* I'm not saying Millar is sleazy, I'm saying he writes sleazy.

~ Le Messor
Xander: "Dead guy here interrupted our tutorial." (to dead guy) "Been meaning to thank you for that."

09-29-2012, 02:35 AM
Oh well. What can we say, its Marvel. We'll see what he comes up with. Millar seemed excited about it on Twitter, though.

09-29-2012, 03:46 PM
Technically it's not Marvel though; it's Fox.

Le Messor
09-29-2012, 05:08 PM
Millar seemed excited about it on Twitter, though.

Well, yeah, why wouldn't he be?

And, as Phil pointed out, yeah, it's Fox - Marvel don't have the film rights to these characters.

~ Le Messor
"This is Hollywood, where secular humanism is paramount; scientism is universal; mindless T & A is Fox."