View Full Version : X-factor #250 Variant

12-17-2012, 01:37 PM
I like this a lot.
Shame Wildchild's not on it, but at least he was considered for it:


Le Messor
12-17-2012, 02:55 PM
Shame he dropped off the end.

Did Peter David ever write him in X-Factor? I know his basic run was in not-PAD's X-Factor, but it'd be cool, I think, if one of the better writers out there (and my top pick for new AF writer!) had written him.

~ Le Messor
"It is the business of the future to be dangerous."
~ Hawkwind

12-17-2012, 11:10 PM
PAD left X-Factor after issue 89. John Francis Moore put Wild Child in the book around issue 112 and then Howard Mackie took over in issue 115 and gave us that Alpha Flight crossover in #116.

Yeah it would be cool if PAD wrote Alpha Flight. I'm still enjoying his current run on X-Factor. He did recently mention Aurora in X-Factor #229 when Madrox kept jumping around different realities. In that alternate reality, Quicksilver was at Madrox's and Layla's wedding reception trying to pick up Aurora behind the scenes.

12-18-2012, 04:04 AM
In that alternate reality, Quicksilver was at Madrox's and Layla's wedding reception trying to pick up Aurora behind the scenes.


12-18-2012, 05:45 AM
Wildchild always gets shafted. God damn.

I wish Peter David was still on X-Factor when Wildchild was on the team. Or that Moore had stayed on longer, because he wrote Wildchild a lot better than Mackie. Seemed like Mackie didn't know what to do with him other than dwell on him being ugly and the whole feral tough guy trope waaaay too much, which was absurd because he was not that ugly. He had fangirls in the 90's, and ranged from hot to adorable depending on the artist. Not to mention Mackie kept starting sub plots that he never bothered to wrap up. So frustrating. Even if Marvel hadn't sabotaged the book with terrible terrible art towards the end, Mackie's writing was becoming increasingly incoherent, with loose threads everywhere, and characters doing stuff that didn't make sense. So much wasted potential when they had such a great line up!

Marvel nostalgia is really unpleasant.

Le Messor
12-18-2012, 02:39 PM
In that alternate reality, Quicksilver was at Madrox's and Layla's wedding reception trying to pick up Aurora behind the scenes.

From the way you're writing, though, we didn't see her?

Not to mention Mackie kept starting sub plots that he never bothered to wrap up. So frustrating. Even if Marvel hadn't sabotaged the book with terrible terrible art towards the end, Mackie's writing was becoming increasingly incoherent, with loose threads everywhere, and characters doing stuff that didn't make sense...
Marvel nostalgia is really unpleasant.

It can be. It can be.
It's a two-edged sword.
Claremont is just as notorious (if not more so!) for leaving loose ends.
But not senseless characters. :(

~ Le Messor
"All my memories are painful. The bad ones are painful for themselves; the good ones because they remind me of the happiness I once had, but no more."

12-18-2012, 04:10 PM
Wildchild always get shafted.

http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/d/d0/Shaftposter.jpg :)

Even if Marvel hadn't sabotaged the book with terrible terrible art towards the end, Mackie's writing was becoming increasingly incoherent, with loose threads everywhere, and characters doing stuff that didn't make sense.

Sounds like the fault of editorial. The writing/threads/loose/stuff, at least. Isn't that the sort of stuff that an editor (or editors, as the case may be) is supposed to make sure doesn't happen?

Marvel nostalgia is really unpleasant.

Don't even get me started! ;)

12-18-2012, 08:25 PM
From the way you're writing, though, we didn't see her?

I remember Quicksilver making a joke about Aurora. But Aurora was not shown in the book. Wish I had a scan of it but I have no idea which box the comic is in. Maybe Rob or Phil owns this issue?

12-19-2012, 04:03 AM
I've got the issue but can't get to it till Saturday...

Le Messor
12-19-2012, 05:04 AM

Shut yo' mouth!

12-19-2012, 01:54 PM
Shut yo' mouth!

Can't; my foot is in there!

Le Messor
12-19-2012, 02:28 PM
I often have the same problem.

12-19-2012, 07:25 PM
http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/d/d0/Shaftposter.jpg :)

Sounds like the fault of editorial. The writing/threads/loose/stuff, at least. Isn't that the sort of stuff that an editor (or editors, as the case may be) is supposed to make sure doesn't happen?

Don't even get me started! ;)

I suspect Marvel's editorial at the time scarcely did more than spell check. FFS, they thought Wildchild was 16 just out of nowhere. It's like they all went 'oh hey, look, the comics industry is bottoming out. Well, **** it.' That and answer fanmail with 'hey, glad you love the characters, sorry, but we're going to **** them all over now, but you like Sabertooth and Mystique, right? Everyone likes Sabertooth and Mystique, right? Right guys? And then there's going to be this new guy called X-Man...' It's like Marvel set out to do the opposite of things fans wanted, and not just with X-Factor. At least they didn't kill Strong Guy and brought back Multiple Man, though for the life of me I can't remember what their purpose was within the over arching plot, glad they at least existed.

Le Messor
12-20-2012, 04:04 AM
That and answer fanmail with 'hey, glad you love the characters...

It's always frustrated me when they'd answer letters about how horrible something was (which they did print, from time to time) by saying 'you'll love what's coming up'... and what was coming up was more of the same stuff they were already complaining about.

~ Le Messor
"It is the final proof of God's omnipotence that He need not exist in order to save us."
~ Peter De Vries