View Full Version : Wolverine and his time with Alpha Flight

05-11-2013, 08:39 PM
I think it'd be a great series to show Wolverine's time with Alpha Flight, from when he was found by the Hudsons in the woods on to when things went bad. Perhaps they already have covered that extensively somewhere in the comics? I may have missed it, i know wolverine is over used but it'd also be cool to see him go back and re-join Alpha Flight but not be the center point of all the stories. Either of these ideas might help put them back on the map-Personally I wish we could just have a relaunch with Byrne, but it seems he'd never work with Marvel again....

05-11-2013, 10:00 PM
I'd even settle for a mini-series of Wolverine's time as a clandestine agent with the Canadian government, the stuff that (presumably) even Jamie Hudson did not know about; as long as the series gave proper space and time to talking about Department H, as well.

By the way, welcome aboard mistersaturday !

05-12-2013, 06:55 PM
yeah that would be a cool storyline to present as well, i was always interested in that period of Logan's life but have never seen much in the comics about it. Glad to be here!! LOVE alpha flight and everything related!!

05-13-2013, 07:50 AM
A Wolverine & Alpha Flight oneshot would be nice the next time there's a big Wolverine anniversary month or something.

It's a shame that Fox have got the Wolverine film rights rather than Marvel/Disney/Paramount as we'd see a lot more comic tie-ins for the new film.

05-14-2013, 01:51 AM
I, too, would like a little retro mini series or maxi series about Wolverine's time with AF. I used to like him as a character, so a story set in the past would be refreshing provided it is done with respect and not just a big retcon designed to shock people.

It would, of course, also potentially serve as an opportunity to learn more about the Flights back when there was the three original teams. I always felt some of these characters never got the background development they deserved, and how else would I see more Diamond Lil? ;_; I always wondered what Gamma Flight were like before they became villains. That was the most compelling part of Byrne's run for me, unfortunately. I guess I just tend to root for the underdogs.

05-14-2013, 10:07 PM
I, too, would like a little retro mini series or maxi series about Wolverine's time with AF. I used to like him as a character, so a story set in the past would be refreshing provided it is done with respect and not just a big retcon designed to shock people.

It would, of course, also potentially serve as an opportunity to learn more about the Flights back when there was the three original teams. I always felt some of these characters never got the background development they deserved, and how else would I see more Diamond Lil? ;_; I always wondered what Gamma Flight were like before they became villains. That was the most compelling part of Byrne's run for me, unfortunately. I guess I just tend to root for the underdogs.

This is a great post! I agree completely. Would also love to peek into the early Beta and Gamma Flight lore.

Le Messor
05-16-2013, 05:39 AM
There have been a few stories set during Wolverine's time in the Flight, but not all that many. We could definitely use a new one.

~ Le Messor
"Just think of all the billions of coincidences that DON'T happen."
~ quoted by Dick Cavett

05-20-2013, 05:46 PM
I always thought ideas like this were a great way of bringing back dead characters without actually bringing them back. Telling untold stories from the past would be a way of maintaining the character's copyright without the need for some farfetched resurrection. Plus, it would be cool to see early AF days featuring Wolverine.