View Full Version : Wolverine

02-23-2014, 07:15 AM
I like Wolverine.

Or, rather, I like the IDEA of Wolverine.

I like what Wolverine WAS, once upon a time.

A man of mystery. A man with an unknown past. This made him...I want to say "helpless"...maybe I'll use "human" instead.

A man who had a savage side to him, a side that scared him. A man who could be soothed and calmed by the love and care of (Heather Hudson) a good woman.

I don't like Wolverine, the bloodthirsty killer. I don't like the Wolverine who just accepts that he is a killer, that "the best at what he does" crap. I don't like the Wolverine who decides that slaughter is ever the best way to deal with a situation.

I don't believe this is how Wolverine was meant to be, when he was first created. Personally, I think this character is all-but-ruined, for me. He is as overdone, and over-dramatized, as Tony Stark, another character that I used to love but now I cannot stand (although I will admit that Robert Downey Jr does a PHENOMENAL job of portraying him in the movies).

Thoughts? Feel free to discuss.

As an aside, I will add this: Many well-meaning writers have also ruined the character of James MacDonald Hudson. He was best when he was a very reluctant hero. In spite of the fact that Mac wore his country's flag on his chest, he also took that suit and moved to America to take a job; was he really thinking he could be his country's "Guardian" from another country? And I'm not saying that JB was wrong; I think this just proves how reluctant of a hero that Mac was, he never planned on doing this long-term (making his original death all the more tragic). Even when Mac was brought back to life, he should have been kept on the sidelines, as a scientist and bureaucratic-go-between, giving up the Guardian suit except in extreme situations.

Le Messor
02-26-2014, 04:40 AM
I'm watching the latest Wolverine movie right now...

I think this just proves how reluctant of a hero that Mac was, he never planned on doing this long-term (making his original death all the more tragic).

Two days to retirement!

~ Le Messor
"We in the police business call it retirony."