View Full Version : Conway Twitty is a must

Mekko Hotvle
06-02-2014, 01:13 PM
So now that is out of the way, how is everyone doing? I am new to the boards and a new follower of the Alpha Flight. Though I will admit the issue of Walter being a female is a bit strange and Box going crazy is how I feel when I lose to a girl in a game of UNO. but nevertheless, AF is a great read and the most underrated team in the Marvel Universe. (I also think the Royal Flush Gang is the most underrated in the DC world). So now for a couple random thoughts: If a AF is made for TV/movie, Northstar and Aurora should be played by the Baker Twins (First Nation members), Shaman played by Wes Studi and Talisman played by Ashley Callingbull (First Nation member). Last thing: Who is your favorite AF character and their quote?

06-02-2014, 07:11 PM
Welcome, MH!

My fave Alpha Flighter has always been Wild Child.

And I would tend to agree with you about the Royal Flush Gang!

Crackity Jones
06-02-2014, 09:34 PM
Hi, Mekko.

I don't know that I really have a favorite Alpha Flight member. I just know it's NOT Mantlo's Heather.
I take that back: I really adore Aurora and Northstar.
I like Mac a lot, too, but it's been so long...
If Northstar remained a complete snarky jerk to Heather all of Mantlo's run, I could possibly say that I'd like it a lot.
But, so far, Mantlo ruins ALLTHECHARACTERS, so I don't have high hopes.

06-02-2014, 10:20 PM
Welcome to alphaflight.net, Mekko Hotvle!My favorite quote is from Northstar in AF 25 "Is this a trial then? If so, I see no one here whom I acknowledge to have the authority to pass judgement over me."That always stuck with me as the ultimate in Northstar arrogance, best line he ever said.

Le Messor
06-03-2014, 05:28 AM
Welcome, Mekko.
I also like rplass's quote above (which is also useful in real life!).

I think I like Byrne's Heather the best.
Though my favourite quote from a member is probably Puck's 'A high-tech problem requires a low-tech solution' from Domino #1, I believe. (All of which is unlike me, but the quote stands out.)

Don't spoiler things for Crackity - she's reading these things for the first time.

~ Le Messor
"Coincidence? I've learned in this line of work there's no such animal."
~ Heather

Mekko Hotvle
06-05-2014, 04:21 PM
Thanks for the welcome, Fellas and Milady Jones.

Le Messor
06-05-2014, 04:26 PM
You're welcome for the welcome. :)