View Full Version : Bendis on Cancelling X-Men Titles

07-11-2014, 07:04 PM

07-12-2014, 02:33 AM
I can already predict what it is.
It's already been set up with the Avengers 2 movie.
Mutants will go away.
But the new term for them will be Inhumans.
Just as Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver are being called Inhumans in the Avengers 2 movie.
I assume, this is so that Marvel can create an "X-Men" movie despite Fox currently having the rights - since they won't be mutants anymore.
Same reason why Quicksilver can appear in X-Men Days Of Future Past, as well as Avengers 2.
They're going to say it's different characters, in a round about way.
That's my theory and I am sticking to it.

07-12-2014, 03:09 AM
God, people are ridiculous. Marvel isn't gonna cancel the X-Men, just like they're not going to cancel the Fantastic Four and they would never cancel Spider-Man just because they don't own the movie rights. Ludicrous rumours.

07-12-2014, 07:05 AM
God, people are ridiculous. Marvel isn't gonna cancel the X-Men, just like they're not going to cancel the Fantastic Four and they would never cancel Spider-Man just because they don't own the movie rights. Ludicrous rumours.

Replace the word "cancel", though, with "pause", and re-read your statements again. Think about it, how many times have a character or team or series been "paused", or put on hold, or killed off to be brought back at a later time? Even Wolverine is going to die at last, and presumably be gone for at least a year or so, in order to revive the character. And Peter Parker was killed off, as well. Suddenly, not so ridiculous?

And, as stated in the article, the question that was asked? it was never directly answered. Why? Why would they not just answer, No?

Crackity Jones
07-12-2014, 09:56 AM
That man cannot even attempt to put rumors to rest without being a condescending jerk.
The sooner they end the X-Men, the sooner HE can stop writing them. Can I get a "THANK GOD"?

But, I doubt they will CANCEL the X-Men. If anything, it's more like what FP said. It makes absolutely NO business sense for them to completely cancel-FOREVER-the X-Men.

07-12-2014, 01:16 PM
God, people are ridiculous. Marvel isn't gonna cancel the X-Men, just like they're not going to cancel the Fantastic Four and they would never cancel Spider-Man just because they don't own the movie rights. Ludicrous rumours.

I've missed you! :lol:

07-12-2014, 01:17 PM
And, as stated in the article, the question that was asked? it was never directly answered. Why? Why would they not just answer, No?

Because this way we're all talking about it.

07-12-2014, 01:18 PM
The sooner they end the X-Men, the sooner HE can stop writing them. Can I get a "THANK GOD"?
The first 15 issues of his All-New X-Men are REALLY good.

Crackity Jones
07-12-2014, 01:29 PM
The first 15 issues of his All-New X-Men are REALLY good.

It was good until BoTA. But even when it was good, it still wasn't great.

07-12-2014, 03:50 PM
God, people are ridiculous. Marvel isn't gonna cancel the X-Men, just like they're not going to cancel the Fantastic Four and they would never cancel Spider-Man just because they don't own the movie rights. Ludicrous rumours.

I don't believe for a moment that they're going to cancel the X-Men. Not at all. Too much money there. But reboot the X-Men? Yes. I can see that possibly. And in said reboot, change them from "mutants" to "Inhuman" - I can see that happening as well. They're already doing it, as I said, in Avengers 2, in order to use Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver.

07-12-2014, 03:51 PM
The first 15 issues of his All-New X-Men are REALLY good.

If by good, you mean, you needed toilet paper, sure.

Le Messor
07-12-2014, 07:09 PM
X-Men with a fiery passion and are looking to destroy it. And this goes back way before movies or cartoons, this goes waaaay [sic] back, so even though the best artists on the planet and franchise writers have been put in charge of this very important part of the Marvel universe

Well, weren't Chuck Austen, Greg Land, and Bendis also put in charge of X-Men titles?

Just as Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver are being called Inhumans in the Avengers 2 movie.

Weren't they called 'Miracles'?
(Which in no way contradicts your theory, just alters the phrasing a little.)

And Peter Parker was killed off, as well. Suddenly, not so ridiculous?

Only in, ugh, the Ultimates universe.

If by good, you mean, you needed toilet paper, sure.

~ Le Messor
"I found it soft, yet strong and absorbent."
~ Blackadder reviewing a magazine

07-12-2014, 07:21 PM
Le Messor, I'm pretty sure that Superior Spider-Man was in the regular Marvel U. I didn't read it, but I am fairly confident that Doc Oc took over Parker's body and life when Parker died.

Le Messor
07-13-2014, 12:36 AM
Le Messor, I'm pretty sure that Superior Spider-Man was in the regular Marvel U. I didn't read it, but I am fairly confident that Doc Oc took over Parker's body and life when Parker died.

Oh, that. Wrong death of Peter Parker.

My bad.

~ Le Messor
"Your car is a real good driver."
~ Mikaela, Transformers

07-13-2014, 07:02 AM
Oh, that. Wrong death of Peter Parker.

My bad.

~ Le Messor
"Your car is a real good driver."
~ Mikaela, Transformers

No, not bad; just mistaken.

Crackity Jones
07-13-2014, 10:02 AM
Well, weren't Chuck Austen, Greg Land, and Bendis also put in charge of X-Men titles?

Ugh, Chuck Austen.
I thought his Draco Arc was going to be the death of my love of comics.
And *shivers* that art was nightmarish.

07-13-2014, 04:19 PM
If by good, you mean, you needed toilet paper, sure.
So just to check, you have read all 15 issues that I'm referring to?

Well, weren't Chuck Austen, Greg Land, and Bendis also put in charge of X-Men titles?

Ugh, Chuck Austen.
I thought his Draco Arc was going to be the death of my love of comics.
Austen made Northstar an X-Man. I'll always respect him for that.

Weren't they called 'Miracles'?
(Which in no way contradicts your theory, just alters the phrasing a little.)
Yup. The whole 'Inhuman' thing stems from anti-Marvel paranoia and hatred that's been spread round the internet with no evidence. (Not aimed at Tawmis; I've read maaaaaaaaaaaaany other people saying it)

Le Messor, I'm pretty sure that Superior Spider-Man was in the regular Marvel U. I didn't read it, but I am fairly confident that Doc Oc took over Parker's body and life when Parker died.
Parker didn't die.
Doc Ock's switched their personalities and then his body died.

Le Messor
07-13-2014, 04:30 PM
Austen made Northstar an X-Man. I'll always respect him for that.

Could you like him for that instead?

Yup. The whole 'Inhuman' thing stems from anti-Marvel paranoia and hatred that's been spread round the internet with no evidence. (Not aimed at Tawmis; I've read maaaaaaaaaaaaany other people saying it)

Wait... are you trying to say they're making comics for a world that hates and fears them?

Parker didn't die.
Doc Ock's switched their personalities and then his body died.

Part of my confusion.

(FP - 'my bad' can mean 'my mistake', I think. I certainly meant it that way. :))

~ LM
"No task, rightly done, is truly private. It is part of the world's work."
~ Woodrow Wilson

07-13-2014, 07:10 PM
Parker didn't die.
Doc Ock's switched their personalities and then his body died.

Phil, no offense, but...I fail to see how that differs from dying. The body that Peter Parker was trapped in, died, leaving him with no body for his consciousness to live on in. Although his original body survived, he was not in possession of it. I'd call that 'being dead'.

07-14-2014, 04:19 AM
His body was alive and his consciousness was alive.
No part of him was ever dead; he just wasn't in control of his own body.

07-14-2014, 04:49 AM
If you are in somebody else's body, and that body dies with you in it, and you cannot go back into your own body...I call that being dead.

07-14-2014, 03:16 PM
If you read ASM #698-700 and Superior Spider-Man it's made clear he never died.
The clues were there all along; Slott had it planned from the start.

07-15-2014, 02:54 AM
Replace the word "cancel", though, with "pause", and re-read your statements again. Think about it, how many times have a character or team or series been "paused", or put on hold, or killed off to be brought back at a later time? Even Wolverine is going to die at last, and presumably be gone for at least a year or so, in order to revive the character. And Peter Parker was killed off, as well. Suddenly, not so ridiculous?

No, it's still pretty ridiculous. Killing off a single character isn't the same as shelving an entire corner of the universe for no reason other than pettiness. Even when they "killed" Peter Parker (which, as mentioned, they didn't really), it didn't mean they suddenly weren't publishing Spider-Man books.

Whatever they do with Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch in order to make them (and possibly some variation on mutants in general) viable for the MCU isn't going to suddenly rearrange the entire mutant corner of the comic world, especially since the movie isn't even finished being made yet.

07-15-2014, 02:57 AM
I've missed you! :lol:

clearly twitter wasn't enough to contain my lack of filter forever :x

07-15-2014, 08:24 PM
Okay, let's add to the list of "Things Marvel Would never Do Because It Sounds Stupid" -


Um, how about replacing Thor with a brand-new Thor? Also, I see in this article that we are also getting a brand-new Captain America this fall as well.

Yup, there is No Way that Marvel will stop putting out X-Men books. LOL. Think Again, true believers!

07-15-2014, 09:03 PM
Okay, let's add to the list of "Things Marvel Would never Do Because It Sounds Stupid" -


Um, how about replacing Thor with a brand-new Thor? Also, I see in this article that we are also getting a brand-new Captain America this fall as well.

Yup, there is No Way that Marvel will stop putting out X-Men books. LOL. Think Again, true believers!

Indeed. New Captain America is coming. Thor will be a brand new female character. (Even though there is already an existing Thor Girl).

And with the popularity of both of these characters (Cap and Thor) with their movies - and they're making these bold moves... if one thinks they won't tamper with the X-Men in a major way (or all "mutants" - well that's just silly!) Like I have been saying - they won't cancel the X-Men - EVER - but I have a feeling they're going to do something that allows Disney not to fook around with FOX and movie rights.

They had Dark Horse stop their run of STAR WARS (here very soon) - and what is Marvel doing?

Releasing their old Star Wars comics again.

Disney wants to capitalize in every regard. And if it means changing X-Men to something else - I see it happening.

07-16-2014, 06:04 AM
Okay, let's add to the list of "Things Marvel Would never Do Because It Sounds Stupid"
Why is it stupid though?
What's wrong with young female readers having a big three Avenger they can look up to?
Eric Masterson has been Thor, Beta-Ray Bill has been Thor, hell, a Frog has been Thor. Why can't a woman become Thor?

We all know it'll be reversed by the time Avengers 2 is in theatres so why not enjoy the storyline if it's good. Or y'know, actually wait and see if it is before calling it stupid?

Also, I see in this article that we are also getting a brand-new Captain America this fall as well.
Again, See Bucky-Cap, Nomad, etc etc.

Yup, there is No Way that Marvel will stop putting out X-Men books. LOL. Think Again, true believers!
They won't.

(Even though there is already an existing Thor Girl).
That's the equivalent of saying because there was Xavier there couldn't be Jean Grey, or Emma Frost, Or Psylocke.

They had Dark Horse stop their run of STAR WARS (here very soon) - and what is Marvel doing?
Releasing their old Star Wars comics again.
That was always part of the license though.
What's wrong with a new generation being able to finally read these comics for the first time?
And new material is coming.

Disney wants to capitalize in every regard.
Which is the job of any company, surely?
Do you work for free?

And if it means changing X-Men to something else - I see it happening.
Changing, possibly. Cancelling, no.
As you said above the point is to capitalize; X-books sell, Inhuman books don't. Marvel aren't going to destroy profits just to spite Fox.

07-16-2014, 06:51 AM
Why is it stupid though?
What's wrong with young female readers having a big three Avenger they can look up to?
Eric Masterson has been Thor, Beta-Ray Bill has been Thor, hell, a Frog has been Thor. Why can't a woman become Thor?

We all know it'll be reversed by the time Avengers 2 is in theatres so why not enjoy the storyline if it's good. Or y'know, actually wait and see if it is before calling it stupid?

My point was, people are calling the rumours of cancelling (or halting, stopping, or momentarily ceasing, or ultimately changing) the X-Men comics Stupid...things Marvel would never do. Yet here are examples of huge changes coming, ones which people would never have believed would be happening, yet here they are.

My comment was more about those who call the rumours of what is coming Stupid.

And I don't necessarily think that changing Cap and Thor is a Bad Thing, not at all. Actually, I don't collect those titles (or any Marvel titles), so I couldn't care less. Heck, at this point, I am all for it! It is a 'plot' that Marvel has come up with, one to freshen up stories, and to sell more merch...which should indeed be expected of them. In the same way, whatever change comes to the X-Men comic franchise, will be done with the same thoughts in mind - and I likely won't think THAT is Stupid, either.

07-16-2014, 09:34 AM
My point was, people are calling the rumours of cancelling (or halting, stopping, or momentarily ceasing, or ultimately changing) the X-Men comics Stupid...things Marvel would never do.
Changing is totally different though.

The thread title specifically says the word 'Cancelling' which is ludicrous.

There have been X-Men titles since 1963.

Even when the title wasn't publishing new stories it reprinted old issues and thus there were X-titles.
Even when the Age of Apocalypse were on there were X-titles.

X-titles practically got Marvel through bankruptcy in the 90's.

If you took out every X-title in the Top 300 (http://icv2.com/articles/markets/29081.html) Marvel would seriously lose their marketshare and not make a profit.

Yet here are examples of huge changes coming, ones which people would never have believed would be happening, yet here they are.
Changes are not 'Cancelling' though - There will still be a Thor title and a Captain America title.

My comment was more about those who call the rumours of what is coming Stupid.
You're the only one that's used the word stupid though.
Panicking that the sky is falling or prematurely dancing on Marvel's grave based on unsubstantiated rumours of 'Cancelling' X-titles is pointless.
If we get an official press release from Marvel saying that the X-Titles have been 'cancelled' then people can deal with it (and you can fully rub this thread in my face)

In the same way, whatever change comes to the X-Men comic franchise, will be done with the same thoughts in mind - and I likely won't think THAT is Stupid, either.
Then I'm really lost as to what your point is.

The whole thing stemmed from rumours regarding the Fantastic Four title.
Fantastic Four is a different beast; it's less profitable and it's one single title.
I can totally see another FF situation or a Heroes Reborn situation; but again that's a change, not a cancellation.
However I admit cancellation could be possible for that particular title based solely on money.

The X-titles won't be cancelled.
Changed, is a possibility; and I've never disagreed with that.

Even if the only X-titles are ones without the word "X-Men" (ie. Cyclops, Storm, X-Factor, whatever...) there will still be X-titles.

Wolverine, even in death hasn't been cancelled; there are at least a year's worth of books with Wolverine in the title coming out while he's dead.

07-16-2014, 09:48 AM
Whatever they do with Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch in order to make them (and possibly some variation on mutants in general) viable for the MCU isn't going to suddenly rearrange the entire mutant corner of the comic world, especially since the movie isn't even finished being made yet.


Well, isn't it possible that Marvel has come up with a plan of action that has some big cosmic character coming along, The Collector or The High Evolutionary or Thanos, or whomever, and this character then reveals that "mutants" were never any such thing. That they aren't the next stage of human evolution, but something implanted into humans on purpose.

That is really all that it would take to "suddenly rearrange the entire mutant corner of the comic world" - it makes perfect sense, at that point, to have all "mutant" titles drop the terms mutant and mutie, even drop the "X" out of the titles, change things up and go on, somewhat sort-of status quo, but with a big change in behind the scenes.

That also alleviates any pressure when it comes to Marvel Studios now using characters that were 'previously associated' with the X-Men, as the X-Men are no more.

You see, that is the problem here; I can see PLENTY of perfectly logical reasons for Marvel to change up the mutant corner of its universe.

And, let's be honest of two things here; (1) Fans of a certain book, aren't going to drop it suddenly because its characters no longer call themselves mutants (or Marvel changes the title of the series), and (2) Marvel doesn't make much money on comics, they are MUCH more concerned with movies and other merchandising where they make the real bucks.

07-16-2014, 09:56 AM
Then I'm really lost as to what your point is.

The whole thing stemmed from rumours regarding the Fantastic Four title.
Fantastic Four is a different beast; it's less profitable and it's one single title.
I can totally see another FF situation or a Heroes Reborn situation; but again that's a change, not a cancellation.
However I admit cancellation could be possible for that particular title based solely on money.

The X-titles won't be cancelled.
Changed, is a possibility; and I've never disagreed with that.

Even if the only X-titles are ones without the word "X-Men" (ie. Cyclops, Storm, X-Factor, whatever...) there will still be X-titles.

Wolverine, even in death hasn't been cancelled; there are at least a year's worth of books with Wolverine in the title coming out while he's dead.

Actually, Phil, the 'whole thing' came from this thread, originally.


And I'm not quick to dismiss this as mere fiction.

And, X-Titles without the word "X" in them are still X titles?!? That makes very little sense.

I'm talking about the potential to limit the use of most of the mutant characters, pick and choose a few to use (on teams called Avengers, Defenders, whatever, just not a 'mutant team'), and then wait a few years for the hullabaloo to die down, see what they want to do down the road. It may not make sense from a comics viewpoint, but from a Financial viewpoint, big-picture? Considering that another movie company is getting filthy rich off of Marvel's mutant characters? Yeah, it makes a Lot of sense.

07-16-2014, 12:23 PM
Well, isn't it possible that Marvel has come up with a plan of action that has some big cosmic character coming along, The Collector or The High Evolutionary or Thanos, or whomever, and this character then reveals that "mutants" were never any such thing. That they aren't the next stage of human evolution, but something implanted into humans on purpose.
Why would they stop calling themselves X-Men though?
They still have the "x-factor" even if that "x" is implanted.
They still have "x-tra" powers.
They were still founded by "X-avier"

Your fix doesn't explain why they'd stop being X-Men which is what you say this whole mess is to avoid.

it makes perfect sense, at that point, to have all "mutant" titles drop the terms mutant and mutie, even drop the "X" out of the titles, change things up and go on, somewhat sort-of status quo, but with a big change in behind the scenes.
It makes no sense at all.
X-Men is a brand that sells.
You lose that brand name you lose money.
Marvel may as well burn their profits.

That also alleviates any pressure when it comes to Marvel Studios now using characters that were 'previously associated' with the X-Men, as the X-Men are no more.
What pressure though?
Where is this pressure?

You see, that is the problem here; I can see PLENTY of perfectly logical reasons for Marvel to change up the mutant corner of its universe.
Change, yes. Cancel, no.

Fans of a certain book, aren't going to drop it suddenly because its characters no longer call themselves mutants (or Marvel changes the title of the series)
A name can mean a lot.

Marvel doesn't make much money on comics, they are MUCH more concerned with movies and other merchandising where they make the real bucks.
Absolutely completely untrue.

The money does not go to the same place.

Marvel Comics and Marvel Entertainment/Studios are two completely unconnected beasts finance-wise; one does not fund the other, the money never swaps hands. A deficit in comics is never filled with a surplus from the films.

Marvel Comics wants to make as much money as they can from Comics.

People at Disney may not want to give Fox free advertising for their films but it doesn't mean they'll risk their comics publishing arm to do so.
This is shown by the high volume of Disney books starring Marvel characters there has been since the buy-out; they aren't just interested in the films.

07-16-2014, 12:36 PM
Actually, Phil, the 'whole thing' came from this thread, originally.


Which came from

And I'm not quick to dismiss this as mere fiction.
No, instead you're promoting it as likely happening and creating ways to defend it.

And, X-Titles without the word "X" in them are still X titles?!? That makes very little sense.
I'm pretty sure 'X-Factor' has an X in it.
The point is that it's the word "X-Men" that is supposedly the issue as Fox currently own the film rights to "X-Men"
But titles starring X-Men characters are clearly still X-Titles.

It may not make sense from a comics viewpoint, but from a Financial viewpoint, big-picture? Considering that another movie company is getting filthy rich off of Marvel's mutant characters? Yeah, it makes a Lot of sense.
Again, the two are not connected and no it doesn't make sense.
While Marvel Studios/Disney wish they were getting the film money from the "X-Men" films they're not going to cut their publishing profits just to spite Fox.
The comics get a small spike when the films come out, at least in trades/collections etc. - Fox's films help Marvel Comics to an extent.
If Marvel get rid of the X-titles now they'll be destroying the fan-base that watches the films and then the films will be worthless when they regain the rights.

07-16-2014, 03:02 PM
Which is the job of any company, surely?
Do you work for free?

No. And that's my point. Why would Disney sit on making an X-Men movie, because Fox has the rights to Marvel's mutants?
As a way to get around it, they're making Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver Inhumans in Avengers.
We have seen already that the Terigan Mist or whatever - has restored mutant powers to MANY mutants who lost their powers thanks to Scarlet Witch's "No More Mutants."
Is it a far stretch to say - the mist restored these powers - because they were mutants? And those humans, who have recently gained powers, did so because they had the "X" factor in their genes (let's not call it the Mutant Gene). And the Mist simply awakened their powers.
And thus, couldn't we logically say, that all "mutants" are indeed Inhumans?
Is that such a far leap?
I think not.

07-16-2014, 03:39 PM
No. And that's my point. Why would Disney sit on making an X-Men movie, because Fox has the rights to Marvel's mutants?
As a way to get around it, they're making Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver Inhumans in Avengers.
We have seen already that the Terigan Mist or whatever - has restored mutant powers to MANY mutants who lost their powers thanks to Scarlet Witch's "No More Mutants."
Is it a far stretch to say - the mist restored these powers - because they were mutants? And those humans, who have recently gained powers, did so because they had the "X" factor in their genes (let's not call it the Mutant Gene). And the Mist simply awakened their powers.
And thus, couldn't we logically say, that all "mutants" are indeed Inhumans?
Is that such a far leap?
I think not.

No, but it would still be completely pointless. Retroactively calling them Inhumans isn't going to magically let Marvel Studios make movies about X-Men characters, that's not how licensing works. They can use Quicksilver specifically because he's an Avengers character every bit as much as he's an X-Men character and so fell into a tricky grey area regarding who can and can't use him. They're not allowed to use the twins BECAUSE they're not calling them mutants, mutantdom is just the one PART of them that Fox inextricably owns. Just because you say "turns out Gambit was an Inhuman all along" doesn't make him eligible for Avengers 3, he's still an X-Men character and Fox still owns the movie rights to him.

So no, while it wouldn't be IMPOSSIBLE for Marvel to rebrand the entire X-Men line (not even remotely close to 'cancelling' it, as this thread starting out by saying), it would be completely pointless and would only serve to hurt their sales by completely altering a flagship property, in name if nothing else. If all McDonalds changed all their signs to Burgerville overnight, it probably wouldn't go so well. Branding counts for a lot. It's never gonna happen.

07-16-2014, 03:59 PM
No. And that's my point. Why would Disney sit on making an X-Men movie, because Fox has the rights to Marvel's mutants?
Because of the legal contracts signed before Disney were on the scene, that Marvel made to stop them going bankrupt.
Marvel Studios will not risk getting sued.

As a way to get around it, they're making Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver Inhumans in Avengers.
We have seen already that the Terigan Mist or whatever - has restored mutant powers to MANY mutants who lost their powers thanks to Scarlet Witch's "No More Mutants."
We haven't seen that at all.
The Phoenix Force and Hope Summers un-did Scarlett Witch's hex at the end of AvX.

The Terrigan Mist had absolutely nothing to do with it.

All the Terrigan bomb did, at the end of Infinity a year after AvX & a year after new mutants, was re-awaken the hidden Inhumans.

And they're not making them Inhumans in the films as far as we know so far - they were clearly called 'Miracles'

Is it a far stretch to say - the mist restored these powers - because they were mutants? And those humans, who have recently gained powers, did so because they had the "X" factor in their genes (let's not call it the Mutant Gene). And the Mist simply awakened their powers.
Yes it's a complete stretch in the Marvel mythology.

And thus, couldn't we logically say, that all "mutants" are indeed Inhumans?
Is that such a far leap?
It really is though.

It's the IP and branded trademark of the character/series that's the problem; not the word mutant. The word mutant isn't copyrighted. There are varying films with mutant in the title and there still can be.
The mutant gene isn't the problem it's the trademarked character names under the X-Men umbrella.

The agreement between Disney and Fox for Scarlett Witch & Quicksilver so that both companies and universes can freely use the characters is that they're not referred to as mutants in MCU films so as not to cash in on each other's films - a fair compromise and one that certainly doesn't stop X-Men comics being created.

Le Messor
07-16-2014, 05:08 PM
You're the only one that's used the word stupid though.

He never said those things were stupid - only that they sounded that way on the surface.

The X-titles won't be cancelled.
Changed, is a possibility; and I've never disagreed with that.

Mutatis mutandis... or something. Mutancy is about change.

Well, isn't it possible that Marvel has come up with a plan of action that has some big cosmic character coming along, The Collector or The High Evolutionary or Thanos, or whomever, and this character then reveals that "mutants" were never any such thing.

Hasn't this already happened? Aren't they the result of Celestial tampering?

Marvel doesn't make much money on comics, they are MUCH more concerned with movies and other merchandising where they make the real bucks.

"Moichandising! Moichandising! Where the real money for the film is made!"
~ Yogurt

It may not make sense from a comics viewpoint, but from a Financial viewpoint, big-picture?

I've never known Marvel (or DC, for that matter) to be big-picture thinkers.

~ Le Messor
Dr Evil: "We punch a hole in what I call" (air quotes) "the Ozone layer."
#2: (cough) "Sir... That, too, has already happened."

07-16-2014, 07:25 PM
We haven't seen that at all.
The Phoenix Force and Hope Summers un-did Scarlett Witch's hex at the end of AvX.
The Terrigan Mist had absolutely nothing to do with it.


It is also shown in this series that depowered mutants, if exposed to the Terrigen Mists, gain an uncontrollable version of their former powers. For example, the Mists restore the hyperacute senses of Callisto (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Callisto_%28comics%29), but all the amplified stimuli cause her to fall into a coma (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coma). However, the effect is only temporary as powers fade after a short while. As shown with Quicksilver, the bodies of those exposed to the mists for extensive periods begin to produce their own Terrigen Crystals with the same mutagenic effects. At the end of the Son of M (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Son_of_M) series, the U.S. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States) government confiscates the Terrigen Crystals dropped by Quicksilver, which leads Black Bolt (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black_Bolt) to declare war on the United States.

07-16-2014, 07:29 PM
Emphasis on the temporary part.
And even then, that wasn't 'many'

Use on X-Cell (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/X-Cell) depowered mutants provided moments of renewed powers but then caused them to explode

Plus that was 8 years ago.

07-16-2014, 07:40 PM
Emphasis on the temporary part. And even then, that wasn't 'many'
Plus that was 8 years ago.

It was temporary, sure. But if you're saying "It was 8 years ago..."
Can I just bring up Vulcan? The third Summers brother (ugh).
And what they did with Giant Size X-Men #1, which was over 30 years ago?
Or Bucky to Winter Soldier?
Marvel has no problem jumping back to reference some event many years ago.
And make it work for some random event.

07-16-2014, 07:50 PM
Sorry, my fault for not explaining myself.

I mean that since that storyline 8 years ago, they have undone the Scarlet Witch's 'No More Mutants' without the 'Mists and destroyed all the Terrigan Crystals with the Terrigan Bomb, dissipating all the remaining mists into the Earths atmosphere, so there are no more mists.

Currently anyway. I'm sure it'll be changed in an equal amount of years.

07-16-2014, 08:33 PM
Look, I'll just say this, and then sit back and let this thread go into oblivion, before I get too frustrated (what can i say? i write passionately.).

All I am trying to do here is cause people to see that there is more than one way of looking at this. - Ironically, i thought Phil would be the one to do this, since he always plays devils' advocate. Further ironically, Phil has been the greatest detractor of what i am saying, when i thought he would be the detractor of this threads' detractors, and... *head explodes*

There's people here Insisting that any significant change to X-Titles won't happen. People are fans of certain books, I get it; they're passionate about books, creators, and characters. Which often means they don't think as rationally as they ought to, however. Words like Ludicrous, and No WAY (two words, but you see what i am getting at) have been tossed around, and i encapsulated those phrases and passionate words into the word Stupid, for which i now apologize as that seems to have gotten some people's gruff - to me, that was a way of summing up words and feelings, i saw people as thinking this whole idea of change coming to X-Titles, and mutants (or X books) possibly being cancelled/stopped/momentarily-ceased/completely-changed, whatever, by Marvel, as being a Stupid idea, as in, Not Going To Ever Happen.

From there on, my only point was to point out that this wasn't as stupid or as unlikely as some people seem to think.

Whether you agree or not...meh, people are people, we all have our own opinions. To me, it makes no friggin' difference what Marvel does, I don't care if they make Iron Man a cross-dresser or if they put Deadpool in Star Wars comics. I Don't Care, because I don't regularly buy any Marvel products. Which means, as a Not Fanboy, I tend to look at things differently. I'm not campaigning for these changes in Marvel, because i don't care, I have absolutely no vested interest in any of this.

Again, i don't care so much what your opinions are, we are all different and that is good. But there is no point in stirring this conversation up anymore, people just seem to be getting upset, so it isn't worth it.


07-16-2014, 10:07 PM
Well, I guess that's the end of that. :lol:

07-17-2014, 01:43 AM
Marvel has made mistakes in the past, like making Sasquatch a mutant, Puck, both avoiding Sentinels who can detect the x-factor, which neither character has.

07-17-2014, 05:53 AM
(what can i say? i write passionately.)
Always a good thing.

Ironically, i thought Phil would be the one to do this, since he always plays devils' advocate.
When it's based on fact, not the speculation of one anonymous poster.

Further ironically, Phil has been the greatest detractor of what i am saying
Not on purpose, I promise.

There's people here Insisting that any significant change to X-Titles won't happen.
Speaking personally I haven't done that.
I fully agree 100% with you that there will be significant change and soon.
Just not a complete cancellation - as the anonymous poster put and Bendis referenced, as seen in the thread title.
Had the word 'Cancelling' not been used I'd possibly never have posted in this thread.

People are fans of certain books, I get it; they're passionate about books, creators, and characters.
That's the thing; I wouldn't be especially bothered if they did cancel all the X-books; I'd just read something else instead.

Which often means they don't think as rationally as they ought to, however.
Here's where I disagree; my points are completely rational as they're financial based and I'm looking at them from the point of a profit making company.
You have mentioned that you write with passion, and there are times when your passion appears to be taking pleasure in Marvel's downfall. That may not be the case in the slightest but it sometimes comes across that way, in many threads.
Then again I probably come across as a heartless corporate robot; them's the breaks.

Words like Ludicrous, and No WAY (two words, but you see what i am getting at) have been tossed around, and i encapsulated those phrases and passionate words into the word Stupid, for which i now apologize as that seems to have gotten some people's gruff - to me, that was a way of summing up words and feelings
Ludicrous and No Way were both mine, and again meant from a financial position.
If I misunderstood your use of stupid that's my issue and certainly not one for you to apologize for.

i saw people as thinking this whole idea of change coming to X-Titles, and mutants (or X books) possibly being cancelled/stopped/momentarily-ceased/completely-changed, whatever, by Marvel, as being a Stupid idea, as in, Not Going To Ever Happen.
Again, had it just ended at changed I could have agreed with you.

To me, it makes no friggin' difference what Marvel does
The problem is that it clearly does.

I don't care if they make Iron Man a cross-dresser or if they put Deadpool in Star Wars comics. I Don't Care, because I don't regularly buy any Marvel products. Which means, as a Not Fanboy, I tend to look at things differently. I'm not campaigning for these changes in Marvel, because i don't care, I have absolutely no vested interest in any of this.
If you don't have a horse in the race then why are you always betting?
You clearly do care and you clearly are a fanboy (in a non-derogatory way that covers all of us here, myself included) if only because you WANT to enjoy what Marvel puts out and you WANT to care, if only out of nostalgia for what Marvel used to be and could/should be today.
Whenever Marvel does something stupid, and they do - I'm in no way saying they're perfect, you're the first person to be calling for Marvel's head on a chopping block.
Like it or not that's caring.
If you didn't care you wouldn't have an opinion.
If you had no interest in Marvel at all you wouldn't post the things you do.

Again, i don't care so much what your opinions are, we are all different and that is good. But there is no point in stirring this conversation up anymore, people just seem to be getting upset, so it isn't worth it.
Well if at any point I've given the impression I'm upset I apologize, that's genuinely not the case.

Always bro, always.

07-17-2014, 05:56 AM
Marvel has made mistakes in the past, like making Sasquatch a mutant, Puck, both avoiding Sentinels who can detect the x-factor, which neither character has.

That's the thing.

Take when Northstar & Aurora became elves rather than mutants.
How stupid was that?
How annoyed were we all?

Imagine that times hundreds of thousands.

That's what would happen if Marvel made every mutant an Inhuman.
Sales would drop.

Let's flip it:-

Sasquatch, Shaman, Snowbird are suddenly Inhumans or Mutants.
How would you all feel about that?

Le Messor
07-17-2014, 06:23 AM
That's the thing.
No, that's the Thing:
Phil, you should know this!

Imagine that times hundreds of thousands.

We'd have a geek revolution on our hands! Almost as bad as the time the Picard / Kirk factions declared open battle; or the Leia and Han people went on a mass migration.

Sasquatch, Shaman, Snowbird are suddenly Inhumans or Mutants.
How would you all feel about that?

About how we felt when the twins became elves. Or when Sas DID become a mutant! A wolf mutant. (Thanks, Loeb.)

~ Le Messor
George Takei: You see, the show was banned after the Star Trek wars.
Captain Zapp Brannigan: You mean the mass migration of Star Wars fans?
Nichelle Nichols: No, that was the Star Wars trek.
~ Futurama

07-17-2014, 12:33 PM
That's the thing.
Take when Northstar & Aurora became elves rather than mutants.
How stupid was that?
How annoyed were we all?
Imagine that times hundreds of thousands.
That's what would happen if Marvel made every mutant an Inhuman.
Sales would drop.
Let's flip it:-
Sasquatch, Shaman, Snowbird are suddenly Inhumans or Mutants.
How would you all feel about that?

I don't think it's any crazier than DC rebooting their entire Universe (to the New 52). Sure there are plenty of upset fans, but they're in no danger financially, by any stretch of the imagination.

07-17-2014, 12:33 PM
No, that's the Thing:
Phil, you should know this!

Now that was funny! :D

07-17-2014, 12:41 PM
I don't think it's any crazier than DC rebooting their entire Universe (to the New 52). Sure there are plenty of upset fans, but they're in no danger financially, by any stretch of the imagination.
DC's reboot added titles though, it didn't cancel them...
Not having titles loses money...

07-17-2014, 08:45 PM
DC's reboot added titles though, it didn't cancel them...
Not having titles loses money...

Oh! I am not arguing they'd ever cancel X-Men. (I thought that was clear from my previous posts?) :D

I am arguing that they could make a drastic change, like change them all to Inhumans.

Or something other than "mutants"...

Rest assured, I'd argue against anyone and everyone, if they said Marvel plans to cancel X-Men. That in itself, is a silly notion. :)

But I foresee a big change coming to the mutant world. :)

(And it's not because I am holding the Watcher's eye in my hand, I promise!)

07-18-2014, 02:55 AM
I am arguing that they could make a drastic change, like change them all to Inhumans.

Or something other than "mutants"...

But WHY?

Change is the only constant in comics, things radically change constantly. A few years ago, the X-Men were based in San Francisco, then they were a pair of dueling schools, there is absolutely bound to be a new status quo coming on down the line, but completely changing the entire premise of the series in a way that wouldn't even really result in new/different stories... why? What would be the purpose? The Inhumans already exist, they are a different thing, they are a separate thing, and most importantly, they are a far less popular thing.

The only connection the two have is that Inhumans may be taking the place of mutants in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, solely because they don't have the rights to mutants. It would be to fill an important gap in the makeup of the world, but it still would have nothing to do with the X-Men, and no such contradictions exist in the comics. They don't have a reason to change mutants to something less recognizable in the comics, so why the heck would they do it?

Le Messor
07-18-2014, 06:23 AM
Wouldn't the Inhumans be tied closer to The Fantastic Four than The Avengers anyway, which would tie them up with Fox, too, making that a moot point.

~ Le Messor
"It's a moo point. The kind of point a cow would make."
~ Joey

07-18-2014, 03:13 PM
I am not saying that they WILL change it. (I personally THINK they will).
With the success of the Avengers franchise (in movies - Avengers, Cap, Thor, Iron Man) - and apparently in Avengers (movies) they're not allowed to reference the "Mutant" word. So either, they don't ever say they're mutants and just never ask how it comes up. Or they change how Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver "got" their powers.

Now we have seen, many times, where things that happened in movies, make it into the comics. Admittedly, typically it's pretty minor. For example, we saw Sabretooth's appearance change for awhile to resemble the Sabretooth from the Wolverine movie. We saw Mystique get the "scaled" look that she had from the X-Men movies (prior to X-Men: Origins).

So, if they do go another route to explain how Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch got their powers; I could see Marvel making a change to the comics, so any new readers they acquire have that same connection to the movies. Maybe they will just change those two. Maybe they won't even change them. But Marvel has said there's a big event coming that will have a huge impact.

So I am speculating. I am just saying, I could see it. Just so, everything syncs between comic and movie. And also frees up Disney/Marvel to possibly use the characters since they will be free of "the mutant name."

All speculation.

07-18-2014, 04:21 PM
But that's the thing; if they change Scarlet Witch & Quicksilver into Inhumans so they can use them in the films (though I think they'll go the route you touched on and just not mention the specifics of their powers which ties into the 'miracles'), so be it, as to be fair they're more Avengers than they are X-Men (Peter David has already said that he was told from the start he could only have Quicksilver in All-New X-Factor until 2015, when he'll be moved to Avengers books) but changing all the X-Men into Inhumans doesn't serve any purpose - Marvel can't just suddenly make a 'Wolverine The Inhuman' film, so it's a null point.

07-22-2014, 02:22 PM
(in responce to initial post)

I didn't find it condescending at all, TBH... I've seen people who are like that on the internet. I go to /co/ on 4chan for example... which generally has some useful threads and decent conversation depending upon time of day and stuff.... but there are always those fans who think that a book should be exactly the way they themselves want it, and if anything takes a new direction they don't like they loose their god damn minds with conspiracy theories and act like it's the end of the world. It's always fans of A and B listers... characters who are the most likely to come back after being killed off and such, who ***** the most. I'm totally with Bendis on this.

I'm not sure what they have planned for the X titles, but it's not like the X titles never change. And I hope Wolverine stays dead for a good while. It will be the best thing that's happened to that character in a long time, what with all the 'Origins' bull****. I hope that when they bring him back that they retcon 'James Howlet' out of existence. I hope when he comes back his franchise will be refreshed a bit. Granted, I'm doubting his death will actually stop them from publishing a book about Wolverine in the afterlife or some ****, but then, that might actually be interesting... they've done everything else two or three times over.

As to books going on hiatus... well, that's better than putting someone sub par on a book to fill space, or making someone write the book who doesn't want to do so. This isn't the 90's, Marvel has money, so it's not like a crisis where books are being canceled abruptly without tying up any loose ends. I don't think it's really such a big deal, and if I had money, I'd be collecting comics again.

Also, I would LOVE for them to reboot the X movie franchise. Or at least get a different actor to play Storm. They marginalize her in every movie despite what an important character she is. I think it's because Hally Berry is so god awful.

Le Messor
07-22-2014, 04:40 PM
I'm doubting his death will actually stop them from publishing a book about Wolverine in the afterlife or some ****, but then, that might actually be interesting... they've done everything else two or three times over.

... and they've already done that once. Puck was in it. So they still have one or two times to go.

Or at least get a different actor to play Storm. They marginalize her in every movie despite what an important character she is. I think it's because Hally Berry is so god awful.

You think it's because of Halle Berry?

I don't think she's awful - but she's no Storm. I always wanted Vanessa Williams (see Eraser). Actually, I wanted Tina Turner, maybe Grace Jones, but they're both far too old now.

~ Le Messor
"We don't need another hero. We don't need to know the way home."
~ Tina Turner

07-22-2014, 07:01 PM
Funny, I thought Vanessa Williams would have made a perfect STORM as well.

I will say this about this thread - it reminds me of the X-Men (since that's the topic).

It keeps dying.

Then coming back.


Then coming back!


07-22-2014, 11:56 PM
Oh yeah, I know... but sending them to Hell still seems like a stupid idea to me... I don't know if it made more sense in context of the writing or whatever, and maybe it's because I'm not Christian, but I think it's stupid... Especially since 'Hell' is already covered by the Norse part of Marvel Mythology come to life. I'm sure you can imagine how I feel about Nightcrawler actually being the son of a demon or some crap, too...:roll: I mean, if a devout member of an abramic religion goes to ether some version of Heaven or 'Hell', cool, I'm down with that... but making characters demons for no reson when their powers had already had an origin, and sending an atheist to hell... yeah...no...

But yeah like you said, they've only done it once! XD And I mean, was he even REALLY dead that time?

As to Storm in the movies... Hally can only play abused women. She belongs on Lifetime, not in superhero movies. Pathetic. I'd heard from others that there were deleted scenes for Storm in Days of Future Past, where in the final cut she's just a background character. Given the fact that Storm is a very important X-Man but has been nothing but a 'Sexy Lamp' in ALL the X-Men movies, if it's true she had scenes and they got cut, yeah, I'm blaming Hally for turning Storm into a simpering bimbo. That probably has SOMETHING to do with it.

I was thinking Iman for storm... She's statuesque, intimidating, but warm and kind underneath, and she actually is from Africa and has an incredible commanding voice... she wouldn't really even have to TRY. lol

Le Messor
07-23-2014, 06:23 AM
I'm sure you can imagine how I feel about Nightcrawler actually being the son of a demon or some crap, too...:roll:

Worse, the mutant that 'demons' now are.
I don't like Chuck Austen.

But yeah like you said, they've only done it once! XD And I mean, was he even REALLY dead that time?

Oh, who can even keep track?

As to Storm in the movies... Hally can only play abused women.

I loved her in The Flintstones!

Given the fact that Storm is a very important X-Man but has been nothing but a 'Sexy Lamp' in ALL the X-Men movies, if it's true she had scenes and they got cut, yeah, I'm blaming Hally for turning Storm into a simpering bimbo. That probably has SOMETHING to do with it.

There are many, many reasons why scenes or even entire characters end up on the cutting room floor.
Do you blame Christopher Lee for Saruman not being in The Return of the King (Theatrical release)?

~ Le Messor
"Denial is not just a river in Egypt."

Crackity Jones
07-23-2014, 09:34 AM
(Peter David has already said that he was told from the start he could only have Quicksilver in All-New X-Factor until 2015, when he'll be moved to Avengers books)

This makes me so sad. ANXF is one of the best current x-books out. Pietro's back and forth snark with Gambit is fun. Makes me feel like he's not just some team's speed b!tch.

I am going to really miss one of my fave characters in this book when he leaves. To become, yet again, the Avengers' Speed B!tch.

07-23-2014, 01:08 PM
There are many, many reasons why scenes or even entire characters end up on the cutting room floor.
Do you blame Christopher Lee for Saruman not being in The Return of the King (Theatrical release)?

No, but then Christopher Lee probably didn't have a line in Return of the King where he says something like:

"Do you know what happens to a toad when struck by lightning?" (Dramatic Pause) "The same thing as everything else!"

Granted, that's a writing thing - but I wonder if she said, "I think I should say something like this..." And it's Halle Berry, and they probably thought, "Well, just let her have this moment..."

Le Messor
07-23-2014, 05:05 PM
"Do you know what happens to a toad when struck by lightning?" (Dramatic Pause) "The same thing as everything else!"

I may be the only person on the planet who actually likes that line...
but I do think it should've been reversed.


"Do you know what happens to a toad when struck by lightning?" (Dramatic Pause, lightning strike) "The same thing as everything else!"
should have been:

"Do you know what happens to a toad when struck by lightning?" (Dramatic Pause) "The same thing as everything else!" (lightning strike)

to giver Mortimer a moment to reflect on what he's saying. I think it would've been better that way.

Then again, I think the mid- and post-credits scenes in Captain America 2 should've been swapped around, too. So what do I know?

~ Le Messor
"If you want work done, select a busy man; the other kind has no time."
~ Elbert Hubbard

07-23-2014, 06:35 PM
Then again, I think the mid- and post-credits scenes in Captain America 2 should've been swapped around, too. So what do I know?

The only reason they did it the way they did is to have the more important one (plotty and directly dealing with an upcoming film) come first so more people will see it. They did the same thing with Thor 2!

...this has nothing to do with anything, carry on.

07-24-2014, 05:19 AM

I've done some deleting of several users posts.

If anyone has an issue with that please PM me, or if you really have an issue with the way I've dealt with and wish to complain about me please Pm Rob (rplass)

I'm going to put my foot down on this big time before it goes any further because while nothing posted by any of the users was said with malice the direction of the thread was heading for conflict, albeit unintentionally.

Can we all please step away from discussing religion on this thread.

If you wish to continue it please do it via PM.

03-09-2015, 02:16 PM
CBR has an interesting look at the rumour:


Le Messor
03-11-2015, 06:35 AM
A lot of Alpha Flight in that article! :)

I, for one, think the X-Men titles could use a little pruning.

~ Le Messor
"Abraham Lincoln once walked down the street with his two sons, both of whom were crying. "What's the matter with you boys?" asked a passerby. "Exactly what is wrong with the whole world," said Lincoln. "I have three walnuts, and each boy wants two.""
~ (told by George Sweeting)

05-07-2015, 01:06 PM


05-07-2015, 01:30 PM
ohhhhh where would that leave AF? more fractured? I'll keep an open mind ;)

Le Messor
05-07-2015, 04:26 PM
That... that totally doesn't make sense. Surely Quicksilver would know by now?

~ Le Messor
"An adventure is only an inconvenience rightly considered. An inconvenience is only an adventure wrongly considered."
~ G.K. Chesterton

05-08-2015, 01:55 PM
Yeah that doesn't make much sense, but could be altered due to the incursions and it's now poisonous.

If if that's the case AF actually won't be too fractured. Most people it would affect aren't currently on the team (sans aurora)

05-08-2015, 05:09 PM
It could all be wrong.
Even Rich would admit he doesn't get it 100%.

Le Messor
05-08-2015, 05:30 PM
I just read on CBR about the top 5 bad things Quicksilver has done, and it only enforces my original point.

You're right, Phil - maybe Rich has been misinformed.
Or maybe a major Marvel crossover is based on scanty research? (I'm sorry, but it wouldn't be the first time. Remember Dr Strange, who has apparently used chaos magic, saying there's no such thing as chaos magic?)

~ Le Messor
"Almost all rich veins of original and striking speculation have been opened by systematic half-thinkers."
~ John Stuart Mill, born May 20, 1806

05-11-2015, 09:07 PM
Looks to be true afterall


05-12-2015, 03:46 AM
That's from back in March and is where the rumour comes from.
The world part might not be literal.

05-12-2015, 09:38 AM
Doh! I didn't look at the date. Whoops

07-01-2015, 12:41 AM
So I am now, more convinced than ever, (especially with "Extraordinary X-Men") that my thought process (almost a year ago to the day!) is still correct.
Marvel is going to be doing away with Mutants and probably making them "Inhumans" or an off shoot of Inhumans.

I posted about this idea when I learned what the core concept of Extraordinary X-Men was about:

Le Messor
07-01-2015, 05:54 AM
Marvel is going to be doing away with Mutants and probably making them "Inhumans" or an off shoot of Inhumans.

If so, I hope it backfires on them. Trying to force popularity is something that shouldn't work, in my book.

~ Le Messor
"Anger is a more noble emotion than indifference."
~ quoted or originated by Terry Rossio

07-01-2015, 07:43 AM
Marvel is going to be doing away with Mutants and probably making them "Inhumans" or an off shoot of Inhumans.

If that were the case then every mutant would have gone.
It's more akin to after House Of M when they decimated the mutant population.

07-29-2015, 10:01 PM
If that were the case then every mutant would have gone.
It's more akin to after House Of M when they decimated the mutant population.

Well what I mean, they're going to say the "mutant" gene is due to the Inhuman genes within humans. So they will do away with the terminology of calling them "Mutants" and just call them "Inhumans."

07-30-2015, 06:28 AM
Surely that would have to effect every single mutant though? The gene wouldn't be able to pick and choose which mutants are and aren't Inhuman?

07-31-2015, 03:55 AM
Surely that would have to effect every single mutant though? The gene wouldn't be able to pick and choose which mutants are and aren't Inhuman?

Well, my thinking is "mutants" are an offshoot of the Inhumans. Like they have a "tainted" version of the Inhuman gene. Sort of like pure-breds and what not. You can have a pure breed horse (read pure blood Inhuman), and have that horse breed with a donkey (read human) and come out with a mule (read mutant). It has the horse's gene (Inhuman), but isn't a pure Inhuman.

This way, Marvel can say, "The Marvel Universe doesn't have mutants. They're an off shoot of Inhumans. Screw you FOX Studios!"