Hey, Tawmis!
HEY! How dare you post this thread?

... before I did.

I just got back from seeing it, and was just coming onto Alpha Waves to start this very thread here.

Is this movie as awesome as the trailers would have you believe?
In a word: yes.

It was awesome! I loved it! I want to tell everyone I know!

... but, Mik, you never say anything is perfect. What are your nitpicks?

Uh... Okay.

Sorry Tawmis, I did have a couple of nits with it.
It was too dark. I'm using dark here in the literal sense... I don't dare attempt a metaphor. Almost throughout, it was physically underlit.
Xandar was bright, but it was the only part that was.

Speaking of Xandar:
The Nova Corps; there was something off about their portrayal. I'm hesitant to say what on a spoiler-free thread, but they could be disappointing to Nova fans.

Their Yondu sucked. He was more than the cameo I'd been led to believe, a lot more; but he was nothing like the Yondu in the comics. Okay, he was a blue man, and controlled an arrow through whistling; but he didn't look the same, talk the same, act the same, have the same motivation, or live in the same millenium as the Yondu I know.

Neither of those things made me do any less than love that movie.
Do you guys remember when going to the movies was about having fun?
The director (James Gunn?) does. And it shows.
Watch this movie. Enjoy it. Love it.

~ Le Messor
... still freaking out over that post-credits scene...