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Thread: Article: Alpha Flight To Return In 2015?

  1. #1

    Default Article: Alpha Flight To Return In 2015?

    From CBR...

    Let's wrap the week with a few questions from the CBR Community: macroblaster1999 has taken note on some perceived lower-tier characters getting a spotlight recently at Marvel, and asks, "Are there plans for less-known teams like the Great Lakes Avengers or Alpha Flight?"

    Great Lakes Avengers…?
    "Cannot predict now."
    Alpha Flight…?
    "Signs point to yes."

  2. #2


    hmmmm....interesting. I could see a mini maybe, but doubt an on-going.

  3. #3
    Harvester of Sorrows Department H
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    That's cool.

    I don't have any context, so to me 'plans for Alpha Flight' could mean a guest appearance in an upcoming issue of X-Men.
    (That's not a complaint; the last guest appearance in X-Men was awesome! Just sayin'.)

    ~ Le Messor
    " doesn't matter how beautiful your theory is, it doesn't matter how smart you are-- if it doesn't agree with experiment, it's wrong."
    ~ R.P. Feynman

  4. #4


    If the rumours of a Marvel Reboot do end up being true, Alpha Flight would be one most benefitted as their continuity is so skewed. Hell, they get "reset" every appearance anyway. All growth is forgotten. Might aswell start from scratch.

  5. #5
    Harvester of Sorrows Department H
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    Quote Originally Posted by Canucklehead View Post
    If the rumours of a Marvel Reboot do end up being true...
    There's not enough 'grrr' in 'groan' for how much I hope not.
    Those rumours have been around for a while, so I have hope, but reboots always seem to me to be more cynical attempts at manipulating the audience than actual creative ideas meant to improve anything.

    And the last two we've been through - the Ultimate Universe and the Nu52 - ended up being... not my cup of hot chocolate, shall we say?

    ~ Le Messor
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  6. #6


    Now, that's my kind of Monday morning news!

  7. #7
    Harvester of Sorrows Department H
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sypes View Post
    Now, that's my kind of Monday morning news!
    Yesterday, to help me through Monday, somebody sent me an article saying a guy in Camden (just outside of Sydney) is now driving a Batmobile.
    That's Monday news!

  8. #8


    If they make another AF book the team should change slightly. More thought has to be put into it, IMO. Mac and Heather finally run Department H. Walter and Shaman yield to their scientist/medicine roles. Aurora, Northstar? Snowbird, Marrina? Bring back Ghost Girl and add Killjoy, need to say how/why they are back. Puck leads. Need to give the team a clear direction, lots of opportunity.

  9. #9


    Quote Originally Posted by Mokole View Post
    Mac and Heather finally run Department H. Walter and Shaman yield to their scientist/medicine roles.
    This would be a very nice beginning for a new series... but with them still having the ability to "suit up" if the need arises.
    There are enough Flight-related characters to form a mission team without them. Puck, Talisman, Aurora (in the yellow suit), Snowbird, Windshear (or Chinook nowadays). I don't see Marvel letting Northstar out of X-Men... he's just too popular.
    Actually, I would also bring back Madison, since he doesn't seem to be used much anymore in X-Men, to handle the scientist role and allow Sasquatch more freedom to go on missions.
    There... I'm putting that down as my Christmas wish.
    The Flight Forever !

  10. #10


    Quote Originally Posted by Mokole View Post
    If they make another AF book the team should change slightly. More thought has to be put into it
    I agree, but definitely needs to be 'slightly'
    Too much change and we get Vol.3

    IMO. Mac and Heather finally run Department H.
    I'd like that.

    Need to give the team a clear direction, lots of opportunity.
    Agreed 100%
    The team needs to be dealing with world(/universe)-wide threats, saving The Avengers etc. and dealing with threats they can't handle/cope with.
    The team has a large mystical/mythical aspect so playing that up a lot appeals to me; Doctor Strange shouldn't be the only hero that people go to when they need a magic fix.

  11. #11


    Quote Originally Posted by Phil View Post
    The team has a large mystical/mythical aspect so playing that up a lot appeals to me; Doctor Strange shouldn't be the only hero that people go to when they need a magic fix.
    Absolutely. With Shaman, Talisman, and Snowbird on the team, they can go toe-to-toe into the mystic with anyone.

    And no, not Volume 3... definitely not Volume 3... anything but Volume 3. I would literally rather see nothing than another Volume 3.
    The Flight Forever !

  12. #12
    Harvester of Sorrows Department H
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mokole View Post
    Mac and Heather finally run Department H. Walter and Shaman yield to their scientist/medicine roles.
    As long as they continue the superheroics that made me interested them in the first place, that's not bad.

    Quote Originally Posted by Phil View Post
    I agree, but definitely needs to be 'slightly'
    Too much change and we get Vol.3
    Or worse... Vol.2. :P

    Quote Originally Posted by Phil View Post
    The team has a large mystical/mythical aspect so playing that up a lot appeals to me; Doctor Strange shouldn't be the only hero that people go to when they need a magic fix.
    Yep! That was always something that appealed to me about the original book; it went mystical.

    ~ Le Messor
    "A fool's brain digests philosophy into folly, science into superstition, and art into pedantry. Hence University education."
    ~ George Bernard Shaw

  13. #13


    I'd love to see Marvel have an Alpha miniseries every year (4 or 6 issues) or every other year, at least (with the classic team as we saw them in Vol.5, with Heather & Talisman).


  14. #14


    Quote Originally Posted by Le Messor View Post
    That's cool.

    I don't have any context, so to me 'plans for Alpha Flight' could mean a guest appearance in an upcoming issue of X-Men.
    (That's not a complaint; the last guest appearance in X-Men was awesome! Just sayin'.)

    ~ Le Messor
    " doesn't matter how beautiful your theory is, it doesn't matter how smart you are-- if it doesn't agree with experiment, it's wrong."
    ~ R.P. Feynman

    With whats happeng in X-Men post Axis, it really doesn't fit into character of Northstar, Aurora, and Jeffries to stay

  15. #15


    Interesting news indeed!

    While I do enjoy the AF appearances, I just wish that there was more consistency between the appearances across the board. For example, when last we left AF (at the end of the Van Lente/Pak/Eaglesham run), Heather was AWOL with baby Claire (and potentially still brainwashed) while Mac was with the original Alphans. AF then appears to help Red Hulk in a story about the return of the Aztec gods in the Hulk (when it featured Rulk). Puck then, presumably, left on a short hiatus to LA and joined up briefly for the entire run of Uncanny X-Force (v3) to defeat the Owl Queen.

    When next we see them in AXM, Heather is back with Mac (in a new/old suit), there is no mention of baby Claire or what happened since the 12 issue series, and Puck is with Talisman and back in his big P costume (no mention of his more contemporary X duds).

    For me, these "jumps" in logic are just a bit too hard to take. Clearly, lots happen in between their appearances and I wish the writers would take some time to address them even if AF are appearing as guests in other titles. Just my 2 cents.

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