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Thread: Article: Alpha Flight To Return In 2015?

  1. #46


    Could see Validator make the cut

  2. #47
    Harvester of Sorrows Department H
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    Quote Originally Posted by Phil View Post
    Well, if All-New, All-Different applies the same way it did to X-Men back in the day then we could see an international team of Avengers so we might see a Canadian in it...?
    Why not? We did with the X-Men!

    ~ Le Messor
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    Last edited by Le Messor; 01-20-2015 at 02:34 PM.

  3. #48


    Quote Originally Posted by -K-M- View Post
    Could see Validator make the cut
    I suppose there's as good a chance as any.
    I have a feeling we won't see again after Hickman leaves though. If she survives.

  4. #49


    So... from the looks of it, like when the regular x-verse ceased publication for 4 months for the AoA, the 616 Universe is going to effectively cease for 4 months as every Universe ever is colliding/incursion-ing/merging to form Battleworld. The heroes are still our heroes, with their history and memories, but in a new planet made up of the remnants of every Universe.
    During this time new series' will launch.
    Where they end up is anyone's guess...
    Last edited by Phil; 01-20-2015 at 05:06 PM.

  5. #50


    My impression is - they're rebooting the whole universe, when everything collides. And the result will be a mishmash of worlds and realities called "Battle World." (So Earth is going to be this mess of different pieces; and will no longer really resemble Earth). Heroes will be from all kinds of time lines. And from the video, potentially multiple versions of the same heroes.

    And the video seems to lend to the idea; that all books are being rebooted into this Battleworld. And this this WILL be the new Marvel Universe from here on out.

  6. #51


    Yeah, I'm with you on most of that, but not the word 'reboot' as the characters will retain their histories and memories - everything that has happened up till now will still of happened; it'll just be a new status quo.
    I think it'll be put back by September, only, like when X-Man, Dark Beast etc. came over to the 616 when the AoA ended, certain characters will remain in the 'new & improved' 616 that's left in it's wake.

  7. #52
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tawmis View Post
    the result will be a mishmash of worlds and realities called "Battle World."
    Which is pretty much what happened with the original Secret Wars, only that was alien planets.

    Quote Originally Posted by Phil View Post
    Yeah, I'm with you on most of that, but not the word 'reboot' as the characters will retain their histories and memories - everything that has happened up till now will still of happened; it'll just be a new status quo.
    I think it'll be put back by September, only, like when X-Man, Dark Beast etc. came over to the 616 when the AoA ended, certain characters will remain in the 'new & improved' 616 that's left in it's wake.

    ~ Le Messor
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  8. #53


    That's how they'll bring back Wolverine ... and maybe other characters. Who else died recently?

  9. #54


    Quote Originally Posted by Sypes View Post
    That's how they'll bring back Wolverine ... and maybe other characters. Who else died recently?
    What worries me is seeing multiple of the same character running around. Won't it be a little confusing if regular Hawkeye is running around along with Ultimates Hawkeye running around too?

    Tom Brevoort in the video said, "If we wanted to bring Gwen Stacy back - this is how we'd do it! We could even do four different ones!"

    While I am sure, the "4 different ones" is a jest in regards to Gwen - what would stop them from having 4 different Wolverines running around?

    Now it won't have to just be ONE Wolverine in every book - there can be AoA Wolverine, 616 Wolverine, Ultimates Wolverine, Days of Future Past Wolverine, all a part of different teams...

  10. #55
    Harvester of Sorrows Department H
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    Good point, Sypes!

  11. #56
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tawmis View Post
    What worries me is seeing multiple of the same character running around. Won't it be a little confusing if regular Hawkeye is running around along with Ultimates Hawkeye running around too?
    Possibly. I've already seen a Spider-Gwen book advertised.

    Then again, we've already had two Beasts, two Cables, and two Nighthawks running around. (But, yeah, they'll totally use this to fill their books with a plethora of Wolverines.)

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    Last edited by Le Messor; 01-22-2015 at 03:39 AM.

  12. #57


    Wouldn't it be (somewhat) cool if Wolverine came back from another universe and he was the leader of Alpha Flight? He had stayed in Weapon X and created Alpha Flight, and now there would be a book of Wolverine and Alpha Flight. New members, old ones etc, all tied in with Wolverine.

    I always thought he was over exposed, but if he's gonna be in every freaking book again, put him in an Alpha Flight book and let's sale / buy that baby.

  13. #58
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    Come to think of it, they're already advertising a book called Wolverines.
    (From the one image I've seen, I recognise Mystique, Sabretooth, and Deathstrike. Katana guy and molten metal guy (Cypher?) I don't.)

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  14. #59
    Harvester of Sorrows Department H
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tawmis View Post
    My impression is - they're rebooting the whole universe, when everything collides.
    Quote Originally Posted by Phil View Post
    Yeah, I'm with you on most of that, but not the word 'reboot' as the characters will retain their histories and memories - everything that has happened up till now will still of happened; it'll just be a new status quo.

    Also, shouldn't all this discussion be on this thread?

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  15. #60


    Quote Originally Posted by Sypes View Post
    Wouldn't it be (somewhat) cool if Wolverine came back from another universe and he was the leader of Alpha Flight? He had stayed in Weapon X and created Alpha Flight, and now there would be a book of Wolverine and Alpha Flight. New members, old ones etc, all tied in with Wolverine.

    I always thought he was over exposed, but if he's gonna be in every freaking book again, put him in an Alpha Flight book and let's sale / buy that baby.
    I thought something similar. They're currently selling multiple X-Men titles without Wolverine and a Wolverine book with multiple replacement characters. They could easily restart the MU with Wolvie and Alpha Flight (which would obviously help it sell more then 12 issues) and Multiple X-Men titles with those replacement Wolvies. Help spread the wealth.

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