Quote Originally Posted by Phil View Post
I think that was more a metaphor and a traditional super-hero splash page than a direct nod to any sanctioning.


They were back working for the Government in Red Hulk:Mayan Rule (which is set straight after Vol.4), and then in Amazing X-Men:World War Wendigo. Also, they were free to go to the US to attend Northstar & Kyle's wedding in between the above two storylines.
So chances are they were exonerated.

However however... On the other hand.... - the Government did restart Omega Flight and send them to deal with the Garden Origin Site infestation in Avengers, rather than Alpha Flight....
Which reminds me, I'm getting an edition of world war wendigo trade on loan from my schools library so il let you know what I think. And Garry, you say you don't hate it, then fine you don't hate it, I mispoke. but to be fair, that makes me utterly terrified to read your review of mantalo or something else that you actually hated. I don't nessecairly like mantalo (after hobnell he was the weakest of the volume 1 writers) and their are many decisions he made I utterly hated ( creating persuasion, making heather care more about her boy toy then she did the rest of the team post bedlam, the utter insanity of having the dreamqueen and sorceror arcs occur right after each other with no time to breathe etc) but their were storylines and arcs I did like (the pestilence arc (I know controversial opinion) the puck Tibet two parter, Revamping box from Bochs to Jefferies, etc) and I'd rather not get angry reading your opinions on those. As much as you don't hate volume 4, the way you wrote about came off to me as unfair in many places and I'm only going to assume that my perception won't change reading your opinion on something you legitimately hate. Your welcome to your opinions, I just will choose not to read them from here on in. Best of luck to you though.