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Thread: Article: Flashback Fridays - February 15th 2006

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    Default Article: Flashback Fridays - February 15th 2006

  2. #2
    Harvester of Sorrows Department H
    Le Messor's Avatar
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    Canberra, Australia


    Wow... I just mentioned this issue on another thread...

    I didn't know Lobdell hadn't worked for Marvel since.

    "Puck would next show up in Hell in 2010's Wolverine #2."
    Don't mention that issue! Do you want to bring Eccentricsage down on us?!?

    "Alpha Flight had been given the most high-profile attention they had in a long time, in much the same way as Hawkeye had when Bendis (temporarily) killed him off in Avengers."
    Ohhh, no! That's the kind of thing that gives people Ideas!

    "Hopefully this time, we won't be the fans feeling cheated. On or off panel."
    The fannes are the men and women that will not be cheated for nothing.

    ~ Le Messor
    "Every powerful movement has had its philosophy which has gripped the mind, fired the imagination and captured the devotion of its adherents."
    ~ John Stott

  3. #3
    Semper ubi sub ubi Legerd's Avatar
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    Writer Brian Michael Bendis spoke of how many e-mails, blog and message board posts he received by fans who couldn't believe that the team had been killed off; many lapsed fans who hadn't read the last two volumes of relaunches.
    Alpha Flight had been given the most high-profile attention they had in a long time, in much the same way as Hawkeye had when Bendis (temporarily) killed him off in Avengers.
    I remember Bendis saying this, and I still don't buy it. He did the team no favours with this story, and trying to claim he somehow helped promote them by it merely reveals the kind of person he is, IMO. Of course, I could almost believe Bendis was being serious if he hadn't doubled down on his dickishness by later coming up with the term "Alpha-Flighted" to describe a group being soundly beaten with little effort on the part of the attacker.

  4. #4


    Quote Originally Posted by Legerd View Post
    I remember Bendis saying this, and I still don't buy it.
    Yeah, we've got no way of knowing so it could be hyperbole.

  5. #5


    10 YEARS ALREADY? Time to get off my @$$ and finish the project I am working on (it begins right after the Collective leaves and has Earthmover and the Goddess Sedna involved).

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