Quote Originally Posted by Yankee View Post
I just curious, random query, do you know if every province and territory is represented in alpha flight? I know there's a ton from ontario, Snowbirds from NT, Marrinas from Newfoundland, Shaman/Talisman/Vindicator are from Alberta, the first Puck and First Box are from Saskatchewan, Northstar and Aurora are from Quebec, I'm assuming Yukon Jack is from well the Yukon, Sasquatch and Groundhog are from BC, that would leave Manitoba, PEI, Nova Scotia, and Nunavut unguarded. And I know there are several american members ( us agent, spider woman, Michael Pointer)
I'm not sure how much we actually count the American members of Omega Flight, though... (Oh, and Windshear is English, I believe? )

Anyway - see my 'Location' entry. Sorry, I don't even know what all the provinces are, let alone can answer the question. Alpha Flight pre-dates Nunavut, though.
Also, don't worry too much about places being unguarded. Remember, in the Marvel Universe, the only place that is guarded is New York City. My entire country is out of the running.

~ Le Messor
"False freedom leaves a man free to do what he likes; true freedom, to do what he ought."
~ Anonymous