This is kind of weird. I first started collecting comics with a triple-pack of Oz editions; Alpha Flight #4 (reprinting the lead stories from v1 #s 8 & 9), a Superman annual, and Amazing Spider-Man #10 (reprinting The Amazing Spider-Man #243).
I've just opened that issue of Spider-Man for the first time in a very long time, and the letters page is inside the front cover.
Here's a letter from within:
"Dear Comic Comments,
Alpha Flight has indeed proven the worth of comics.
Most of my friends favour Aurora and Puck. Well, please let it be known that there is a petite 20-year-old blonde with admiration for Walter Langouski (sigh). Sometimes I wish I were part of the team. Anyway, thank y ou for Alpha Flight, all of them!
Caroline Brent,
East Orange."

(NB: the spelling of Langkowski was hers, not mine; I just didn't want to put (sic) and (sigh) in a row.)

~ Le Messor
"Any jackass can kick down a barn, but it takes a good carpenter to build one."
~ Sam Rayburn