It's not that I don't want to go into a comic book shop, but that it's inconvenient to do so on the right day/week when the issue comes out. Being on the road a lot for work and with other life matters (i.e. family, friends, etc), I don't have a chance to do it on the comic book publisher's schedule. I do realize that buying the electronic version would be the best option for me, but I prefer the paper read (how very vintage of me!). I'd even be willing to pay more to have it delivered to my home. What I've been doing for the Transformers series is buying the issues when they are bulked together in a neat little book, which is mailed to me.

Quote Originally Posted by Le Messor View Post
Phil, write your huge post.

K-M-, I do the same thing, but Sypes didn't want to go into a shop.