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Thread: Captain America: Civil War

  1. #16
    Harvester of Sorrows Department H
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    Default Marvel's Civil War

    Here's the review I emailed to a few people afterwards. It's kinda long (TL;DNR: is good.)

    (Trying not to be spoilery.)

    I have a habit; I think some of you share it. When I don't agree with what I'm seeing in a movie or comic, I refuse to call it by its official name. When Linkara talks about All-Star Batman And Robin, he calls the first title character 'Crazy Steve', in honour of the crazy hobo wearing Batman's costume. I'll talk about Heath Ledger as a great villain in The Dark Knight, but not by the name the screenwriters call him. As an Alpha Flight fan, I'll speak of Volume 2, but never call that 'Alpha Flight'.

    I have never, ever meant this as a good thing.

    Until now.

    Marvel's Civil War doesn't focus on Captain America specifically, and I think it's a better movie for it. The best you could say is, it continues the Winter Soldier story from, well, Captain America: The Winter Soldier; but even then, this one doesn't need Cap's name attached to it. The movie continues the stories of characters from earlier movies, specifically the new Avengers: Vision and the Scarlet Witch; and expands the MCU with a couple of major new characters (you probably already know who they are).
    I could call this Avengers: Civil War, but the new characters and The Winter Soldier aren't Avengers in the MCU. Yet. (They all have been in the comics; but who hasn't? Okay, most of Alpha Flight, but, y'know...) Oh, and a couple of movie Avengers are missing.

    How does it fare as an adaptation?
    I loved this movie. It's going to hang around in the top half of Marvel movies for me. The comic book Civil War... not so much.
    Compared to the comics, this was a balanced, two-sided exploration of the issues (those who haven't read the comics express disagreement). It was sooooo much better than the Event comic it was based on - and I was always worried that it'd be a bad movie because of said comic.

    The worst thing I'm going to say about it is (and this is praising with faint damnation, believe me), I wish they hadn't named a particular character 'Zemo'. He had nothing in common, nothing, with his comics counterpart, and there was no need to use up that name on him.
    Similarly, I was a tiny bit disappointed in Crossbones - they used a couple of smears of paint to give us a sense that they'd seen his comic costume, and that's it. That's all we'll ever see of either of these characters in the movies (I expect).
    (I'd have preferred if Redwing was a real bird, too, to the shock of nobody.)

    Those are all purist nitpicks. Non-readers aren't going to notice; I don't even hugely care about any of them. - If fans of any of the above wants to go on a ranty complain about them, I won't argue back, but not one of these even approached dealbreaker territory for me.

    This was a spectacular, fun movie, with a lot of character.

    It had its subtle moments (I like the bit where we find out what happens when a cat meets a bird .)
    I recommend it, and it is a marvelous continuation of the MCU.

  2. #17
    The Erie Canal Warrior Alpha Flight
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    Quote Originally Posted by Le Messor View Post
    The worst thing I'm going to say about it is (and this is praising with faint damnation, believe me), I wish they hadn't named a particular character 'Zemo'. He had nothing in common, nothing, with his comics counterpart, and there was no need to use up that name on him.
    the thing with Zemo is, while I one hundred percent agree that the Zemo in the movie acts nothing like the Zemo in the comic, Zemo was was probably the show stealer of the movie, basically the exact opposite of every other main villan in the marvel movies so far in terms of he had no visions of world domination or conquest,he simply wanted to tear the group that he's blames for the death of his family apart, Now Yes I would have much rather he been named after a villain which was closer in the comics to the performance we got on screen like say Aleksander Lushkin from the winter soldier arc, ( it didn't even have to be a cap specific villain, just someone with character motivations that Daniel Bruhl expertly portrayed on screen.) but in the end yes like you said it's a nitpick. What I just find hilarious is that they get Hugo weaving, a Brit (I think in case I'm wrong and he turns out to be Amerian) to play the German Red Skull, and then they get Daniel Bruhl, an actual german to play Zemo, but then they change the characters nationality in the movie to be sokovian. Not a complaint just got a chuckle out of it
    Last edited by Le Messor; 05-16-2016 at 04:28 PM.
    "like Warren Moon before he defected, a perfect spiral!" - Eugene Judd

  3. #18
    Harvester of Sorrows Department H
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    (Apologies, Yankee - I edited most of my post out of yours, except the relevant line.)

    I had no problem with the character of Zemo in the movie, I even liked him as a character and agree with you that he had great motivation; I just wish they'd given him a different name. You've even named somebody who'd have been a better name for him.

    Hugo Weaving is an Aussie.

    ~ Le Messor
    "Heads that are filled with wisdom have little space left for conceit."
    ~ Anonymous

  4. #19


    For me, Spider-man was the best thing in the whole movie. Far and away. Iron Man was good but the movie would've made more sense without the 'accord' nonsense. Black Panther and Ant-Man were also good. Also would have been much, much better

    if someone had died, not by 'accident' either.

    Everyone I went with thought it had too much 'okay, that made no sense' points.

    Why did Tony need to watch his back, he didn't do anything wrong. Hawkeye is so upset, doesn't get that people wouldn't appreciate him helping a mass murderer escape custody? Why did Cap hate the accords, all movie he was concerned with protecting Bucky? Bucky killed many, many people, who's to say he was brainwashed the whole time? Why did ol' Bucky never do anything about it? Why couldn't they deprogram him? Why was Cap so afraid of Bucky, a mass murderer, going to trial? Why did Falcon want Iron Man to go alone, only makes sense if he's working for Zemo. Zemo's plan was ridiculous, given what went on in the movie., and how did absolutely no one clue in to him at any time, ever, despite all the evidence? It goes from SHIELD has great recognition tech to their tech is from the 70's, depending on need. They didn't make enough of how uncontrollable Scarlet Witch's power is, though they touched on it enough, that she is a walking time bomb no matter how much training she gets. How did a camera wind up there, showing off what Bucky did, on some hick road in who-knows-where America? So Howard Stark was in his 80's, based on the movies, when he died, he and his wife sure had kids late, really late. And why destroy the airport, kind of makes Stark's point for him, rather hugely, since it was Caps' forces destroying multiple vehicles, planes, the entire airport!

    Cap had blinders on the whole movie, everything had to be a fight. No brains, no pain I guess. An okay movie but too much forced writing to keep it together. We liked it well enough but it goes in the B pile, not close to A grade.

    So Cap is now a criminal, attacking the Raft and all. Law and order don't have a place in his life anymore, he's the Law.

    Keep your stick on the ice.

    Live it.

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