To be honest, I have not enjoyed the recent comic book renditions of the X-Men or Wolverine. As much as Old Man Logan was a very entertaining look into the future and a great story arc, I am not interested in seeing that character every month in the mainstream. The original Logan was much more interesting because there was so much from his history they could pull from.
As for the movies:

X1: Very enjoyable
X2: My favourite of all of them
X3: Could have been better but it just didn't deliver
Origins: This was a giant middle finger to the fanbase
The Wolverine: Loved seeing the Japan Saga brought to screen, but they totally blew it on the Silver Samurai character
First Class: Michael Fassbender was excellent in this... the rest pretty much sucked
DOFP: Very good, the Quicksilver kitchen scene is timeless (no pun intended)
Apocalypse: So much potential to revitalize the franchise, but fell flat