I sway more. I always liked characters with interesting and unbelievable but still, oddly, workable powers. Box (Madison Jeffries) and Feedback are my two favourites from when I was younger. Puck came third. Now, with Box and Feedback being MIA for so long Puck is #1. Why? He comes across as Canadian, a real person, interesting, a ladies' man, trustworthy, intelligent, a 3-d person who you'd want to know and trust. A great fighter, a friend, on and on. Those two lines from Marvel:

To Marvel after a fight, going to shower with meteor dust in 'every crevice': "Well, let me know if you need any help with that."
"Don't sleep, usually. Side effect of being bite-sized. Everything hurts."
"Just the way it is. Bonus of not sleeping is I get to take up new hobbies. I'll knit the hell out of a scarf for you."

And so on. At least in that issue they got him right, mostly.