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Thread: Getting Things Back On Track

  1. #1

    Default Getting Things Back On Track

    Hello one and all, yes the rumors of my demise have been greatly exaggerated.

    First, let me apologize to all member for the site falling apart somewhat over that past little while. I also want to apologize to Phil and Rob who I left in the lurch to keep things alive here. This is entirely my fault for being neglectful! Server technology has changed, and I haven't kept the site up to date. I don't want to make excuses, my work has simply fully stolen my life recently. I don't anticipate this changing, but I do intend to dedicate some time to getting things as they should be for the site. I doing so I intend to give full access to both Phil and Rob, who have been doing a great job of keeping things together while I was neglectful.

    I have partially resolved some loading issues with the site, we will for now see a few header error, this is due to a PHP server upgrade, which the current version of our website software doesn't get along great with. The resolution for this is to upgrade software (which is overdue anyway) Not the smallest task in the world, especially considering there is a very new version. In order to get this rolling, I will initiate a full backup. I have Tuesday and Wednesday off work and will then install the new software.

    Here are our option, that I would like some feedback on.

    1. Upgrade to latest release of v.4 software. This means it should get rid of errors, and I may be able to re-establish some of the third party plugin software that we use (gallery, wiki etc.) My concern there is that versions are so out of sync that it may be a lot of time and work to get them talking to each other properly again

    2. Upgrade to latest version of software, v.5. Instead of using 3rd party plugin software for many of the current functions, built in options are in the new software version.

    Pros: More powerful and flexible. Has mobile options, replaces many 3rd party functions, will last longer with tech upgrades
    Cons: Possible loss of existing Gallery database, possible lost of old Wiki data. Both of these are somewhat broken now anyway.

    Lets here some feedback, and on my days off I'll get to work.

    Thank you all for hanging in there, and I'm so sorry for being neglectful for so long!


    My thoughts, go with the newest possible software, get the basics operational, and go from there.

  2. #2


    Welcome back! I think the v5 upgrade is the way to go as well.
    Are you an Alpha Flight Collector?

  3. #3


    Welcome back Ben and I agree with Rob v5 upgrade sounds like the way to go

  4. #4


    Hey dude,
    Good to hear from you, and apologies for hounding - I get that real life comes first.

    I'd say go with 5 too, but maybe back some stuff up first if possible?
    If it's a manual thing I'm happy to do some copying and pasting.

    Really keen not to lose the articles/interviews and appearance forum.

  5. #5


    Hah, yer a funny man Phil! Real life implies having a life! For almost a year I've been running the top rated fine dining restaurant in the city...that means LONG hours, and never seeing my wife and "child" (now almost 16 years old) Interestingly enough my son is now almost the age I was when I first got involved with what was then the online AF community...a mailing list of 20 people.

    I'll go ahead with the upgrade to v.5 I did a full file backup today, and will do a database backup tomorrow. I appreciate the offer for assistance in this, it's not a huge process, did it all in one swell foop via FTP for the files. Database backups happen daily on server side, I just want to have a copy on my hard drive as a fail safe. From there, I will buy the upgrade, and make sure my ducks are all in a row before uploading and starting the process. I'll do everything I can to ensure a minimal loss of data. The software is mighty flexible with preservation during upgrades. I'll be sure to take all necessary steps to make it as seamless as possible. I foresee the main obstacle being in restoring/recreating the visual components. We may have a default skin for a bit as I chip away at things.

    Fingers crossed that we don't have any major upset to the system, these thing rarely go exactly as planned.

  6. #6
    Harvester of Sorrows Department H
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    Hey Ben,

    Great to hear from you! I'll admit I've been a little worried. Good to hear that things are fine.

    I don't have anything to add about the software, though. Sounds like I'm too late to chime in either way - I wasn't coming to the site while True North was out but I hadn't read it.

    Anyway, welcome back! Hope you can stick around.

    ~ Mik

  7. #7
    Semper ubi sub ubi Legerd's Avatar
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    Jan 2004
    Kansas City, Missouri


    Glad to hear you're still alive, Ben. I know how life can get in the way of things but it sounds like you're doing well and that's all that matters.

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