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Thread: Who runs the Twitter?

  1. #1

    Default Who runs the Twitter?

    I was thinking it's not Ben (Ben still owns this site right?)

    Because he rarely pops up on here (and there's still the forum issue; though that may be a larger monster than simply enjoying the ease of tweeting).

  2. #2


    Tis mainly I.

    Rob has access to the account too.

  3. #3


    Ah, very cool.

    Do I tag you guys too often? There was a run where I just re-read Alpha Flight V1 from Byrne's run. I think I tagged you guys in each (or almost all of them)

  4. #4


    Nah, go for it.

    I don't really have time to re-read old issues at the moment, but always happy for the association!

  5. #5


    Since I don't really read any new comics these days... I am proving to myself, and my sake of sanity (what little remains) - it's not that I've "grown out of comics" - it's more that I simply don't enjoy what passes as comics these days!

    Which is fine, because there's an entire generation of people (if Twitter is to be believed) that adore what's happening in comics currently - and that's great.

  6. #6
    Harvester of Sorrows Department H
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    Canberra, Australia


    Quote Originally Posted by Tawmis
    Since I don't really read any new comics these days... I am proving to myself, and my sake of sanity (what little remains) - it's not that I've "grown out of comics" - it's more that I simply don't enjoy what passes as comics these days!
    I worried about that for a while, too. Then I read a few comics that were new to me, but actually very old, and realised that I still loved some of them. (Don't get me wrong - there are some new comics being published that I love, but I was going through a drought at the time.)

    ~ Le Messor
    "Water finds its own level - except in a storm."
    ~ P.K. Shaw

  7. #7


    Yeah; there's two titles (I can think of) that I now actively collect.
    - ElfQuest (which is like every blue moon, and sure to be a "limited number of issues"). ElfQuest runs hot and cold these days (the original series - which is available to read legally for free on their site - and I HIGHLY recommend it - is some of the best story telling - runs 20 issues) - (should you be interested)
    - Ragnarok (by Walt Simonson, which comes out every 2 months). First series was pretty good; this one has been running hot and cold as well.

    I am, because I have like $150 credit at my local store due to gift cards...
    - New Mutants, solely because it had the Starjammers in it. Once I run out of credit, I will probably drop it. If it lasts that long.

  8. #8
    Harvester of Sorrows Department H
    Le Messor's Avatar
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    I have the original ElfQuest in hard form, but that's all. I've heard bad things about later series and mini-series, and have been burnt in the past with bad follow-ups to good series.
    I've read all of it, but have yet to read it in chronological order (I bought it in dribs and drabs, when I could, so read it wildly out of order).

    Ragnarok? It that Simonson reliving his glory days on Thor? (That sounds like it's meant to be dismissive, but I've heard nothing but good things about those days, and Marvel probably won't let him take over that title again.)

    ~ Le Messor
    "A good horse should seldom be spurred."
    ~ Thomas Fuller

  9. #9


    For ElfQuest - Kings of the Broken Wheel and Siege at Blue Mountain are both good. A one shot special called (I think) "The Seeker and the Sword" (or something to that nature) is also really good. (Note, these are all with Richard & Wendy Pini...) Anything after that... Well, tastes vary, and it's not for me. Though I have been collecting the Wendy & Richard Pini stuff (even though it's not up to par of the "old days").

    As for Ragnarok (if you're not a Thor fan for Marvel, you won't enjoy it) - but I've been collecting THOR _forever_ (began shortly after I got into comics in the 4th grade after being introduced to Avengers and X-Men)... and nothing comes close to what Walt did on Thor. He did such a fantastic job of weaving Norse Mythology aspects and still keeping it in the Marvel Universe. There's nothing, in my view, that's even come close. As for his book Ragnarok - it's about Thor... but it's not Marvel... and it's very, very, very, very different than his Thor comic at Marvel... it's Thor, pretty much undead, after Ragnarok has happened... like his head is a skull with no bottom jaw... the hammer is more aligned to the Nordic symbol of Thor's hammer...

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