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    Harvester of Sorrows Department H
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    I don't actually have Uncanny #109 - only Classic #26. So that's what I'd have to read.

  3. #3

  4. #4
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    Wait, to you I'm not a day late, right?

    I might after work this evening. I've got some extra time now that 'going home' means walking to the next room (as opposed to a 90min bike ride).

    ~ Le Mik
    "I feel as a horse must feel when the beautiful cup is given to the jockey."
    ~ Edgar Degas

  5. #5


    Today! Been going half an hour!
    Whenever you can is fine.

  6. #6


    #ReReadAF - Uncanny X-Men #109 -

    X-Men #109, back before the Uncanny addition, where it all started to begin for our Canadian team

    Although Mac was later retconned into being one of the shadowy men in the background of Giant Size X-Men #1 this was the first appearance of the character and the beginning of the opening up of Wolverine's origins.

    I didn't come into the world of Alpha Flight until a lot later (and I have to admit, I wasn't born when this issue came out), so my first exposure to the team was 'Repo Men' the episode of the X-Men animated series that was partially based on this episode.

    Based on one of Byrne's pre-professional creations 'The Canadian Shield' when JB brought the character in the name was too close to the spy organisation, so was dubbed 'Weapon Alpha' by Claremont.
    This of course later changed to 'Vindicator' and eventually 'Guardian'
    But hey, it's 1977 so let's not get into that yet.

    It's classic Claremont/Byrne/Austin X-Men at its very beginning, with this being JB's second issue on the title.
    The issue starts off as one of Claremont's downtime issues.
    It's no softball game, but after the previous Phoenix Saga it's a lot more grounded character work in the way that only Chris worked.

    Sean loves Moira, Storm loves nakedness, Scott loves Jean, Kurt loves Amanda, Piotr loves brooding needlessly, blah blah blah, we don't care about all of that stuff now do we?
    15 pages in(!) we get to a one panel interlude (which is a bizarre choice, as it pretty much becomes the main story of the issue, with the next page, and y'know, the cover...) where we get our first sinister glimpse of Mac

    Bursting into the next page we get the full introduction, that only comic & soapopera villains do, of one James MacDonald Hudson, better known as Weapon Alpha! (in a scene recreated by Arthur Adams for the cover of Classic X-Men #16 in 1987 - but more on that later)

    Logan instantly recognises Mac, and here we get the GS retcon.
    At this point in time Wolverine's not had many appearances so he's not quite got the bodycount he has today, but he's been shown to be a decent fighter. Mac definitely holds his own against him here.

    One thing that's clear here is that Logan has never seen the Battlesuit before. Something that gets lost in later writer's retcons and additions to the lore.
    There is a nice line here using the term 'Groundhog' which Lobdell & Furman pick up on 14 years later.

    The ongoing battle between the two obviously drags in the rest of the X-Men (it is their book after all, eh?) who save Logan's unconscious butt.
    And Colossus, Storm and finally Banshee all take on Mac.

    Despite taking down Logan, Mac's definitely shown here as inexperienced and his poor choices end up injuring a civilian.
    This definitely isn't the last of Mac's poor choices. Or first, if again we're looking at retcons (Aren't comics great?!)

    It's also obvious that the Canadian Government haven't done their homework here where the X-Men are concerned.
    But hey; 'James Hudson is no fool!' and decides to abort the botched mission.

    But not without leaving some serious foreboding...
    'I'll be back, "X-Men"-- once I've found out who you all are!'
    'And, next time, to equalize the odds, I'll bring Alpha Flight with me!'

    Ahh, a good ol' Claremont plot dangle.

    But wait! The ominous foreboding isn't done there!

    'Once upon a time... we were buddies... almost brothers... Today's fracus was jus' the beginnin' An' from here on in, things are gonna get worse!'

    I sure hope people remember that for 11 issues time!

    And the rest is history!

    As a Bonus Additional read off the back of this issue Classic X-Men #16 reprints it, with two additional Mac related pages, by CC & Kieron Dwyer, that delve more into the shared last of him & Logan, on the back of the AF series, & also includes Heather post mission.

    Well, that's my recap of the issue done, with a few facts spattered in there.
    It's a pretty basic X-Men issue, & gateway into AF lore, so I'm sure there won't be too many dividing opinions on it, but what are your thoughts on it? What memories, if any, does it evoke?

    Tomorrow we'll be skipping those aforementioned 11 issues to some Chaos in Canada with Uncanny X-Men #120.
    No idea why, or what could be happening in this one... 😉

  7. #7
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    I don't think I've ever noticed before, but the way Kurt says "I was in a hurry" (to get inside) implied he really needed to go.

    Wasn't Byrne among the people who retconned that Logan had see the battlesuit? At least in part? (I seem to remember him being in the scene where Mac's wearing it and people are working on it from the origin issue. I'm probably imagining things.)

    There are a few new people on the twitter thread, I notice!

  8. #8


    Time for the second part of the #AlphaFlight #ReReadAF - Uncanny X-Men #120

    When last we left Mac, there were definitely signs of more to come, fleshing out the backstory of the then new & interesting Canuck, Wolverine.With issue #120 Claremont and Byrne are co-plotting, so that means a few more Byrne creations in the mix

    The Cover by Bob Budiansky gives us our first shadowy sinister glimpse of the two members of AF (other than the already met Mac) who get the most screen time in the issue.The issue is definitely a cameo of their superhero identities, but features a nice device...

    The issue opens with the comics debut of then Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau (despite not being named) assessing the team involved in Weapon Alpha's previous battle.Trudeau eh? I wonder if he'll ever have any family?

    Hudson's last mission is very much seen as a failure, and Mac is definitely painted as a company man, right from the get go.It's also revealed here that he has a Doctorate.

    To try and correct that failure Mac calls upon the previously teased Alpha Flight.What's interesting here is the civilian guises being used.And also the fact that each of them is very much rooted to differing parts of Canada

    This first cameo/appearance uses the codename of "Snow-Bird" for McKenzie, which is quickly forgotten.Byrne has gone on the record as saying that as with Guardian, Shaman and Snowbird were characters he'd created pre-career.
    Although Shaman was previously called "Chinook"A name which Steven T Seagle brings back into Alpha lore 18 years later.This panel is as much as we see of Birdy in this issue, so we'll go into her origins later.

    We get a bit more fluff with Wolverine and Mariko before the X-Men board a plane. A pretty big plane. A pretty heavy plane.Which I mention for no reason whatsoever...

    As the plane prepares to take off they're faced by a man on the runway!It's 'that character who attacked... last summer'11 issues, last Summer, yeah that works...

    The Canadian government really want their property back, eh?But as we know Mac alone wasn't successful, this time he's not alone!The plane is halted by one of the shadowy characters from the cover!

    In a feat which no writer other than Byrne ever seems to remember, the character who we all know to be Sasquatch manages to lift and throw an entire 250 ton airplane.

    I'll save team dynamics for the next issue, when we really get into the intros, but here we're given Sasquatch's codename, & the hint that he, like Mac previously, is very new to this game.Speaking of Mac; hey, let's slip in a new codename & hope no-one notices...
    Claremont at his finest there, and something that continued to drive a wedge between him and JB.A comparison to Hulk is made, which sets up some future foreboding for sure.

    Throughout it all we never see the whole of Sas in great detail.We then get introduced to the other shadowy figure from the cover. Who, let's face it wasn't going to be Snow-Bird or Aurora, or Northstar based on their civilian panels.Again, his costume kept hidden.

    Our next intros use some really nice comic techniques, utilizing panels and doing what is so unique to this medium.The twins (gasp, did I say that?) take on the Elf, in amazing speed, without ever being fully seen.We do get a glimpse of their costumes though.

    The panels don't give away their exact powerset just showing them as formidable foes. And, if you hadn't worked it out from the bookended surnames earlier, that they're brother & sister. Also shown is that they aren't speaking English, and that they too are mutants.

    We get a bit more 𝚆̶𝚎̶𝚊̶𝚙̶𝚘̶𝚗̶ 𝙰̶𝚕̶𝚙̶𝚑̶𝚊̶ Vindicator action, a rematch of sorts versus Storm and Banshee.Again, Mac doubting himself and wearing the burden of leadership on his shoulders already.It's also revealed here than Logan was supposed to lead AF

    The final pages see Sasquatch capturing Wolverine, with the definite understanding that Langkowski (see; easy to spell correctly...) knows Logan.He also refers to him as Colonel, which I don't think is ever referred to again? (X-fans, prove me wrong)

    And that, #FlightFans is the end of the issue!A pretty lowkey first appearance for the team, all in all.A very sinister, secretive debut.Almost as if it were building up to something else, something more, something... to be continued...

    So that was Uncanny X-Men #120.Well, on the cover at least. The publishing insignia still lists it as X-Men.What do people think of the issue?Who picked it up in 1979?Does anyone own any original art from it?

    Today's Bonus Additional Read is Classic X-Men #26 which features 1 additional AF related page by Dwyer, focusing on the team selection & more of Heather.Plus a cover by Kerry Gammill, whose shadow hints at a certain Great Be... (Lets not spoil that just yet)

    We'll be back at the same time tomorrow for Uncanny X-Men #121!#ReReadAF

  9. #9
    Harvester of Sorrows Department H
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    I've never read this issue without already knowing who Alpha Flight are. Kinda ruins the suspense.

    I notice they do try to make them heroes. Clumsy heroes, but heroes. ('I don't like hunting mutants.' 'Sas, you threw too hard.' 'They're not villains.')

    It was weird that Scott was the one to recognise Jimmy, since he wasn't there in the earlier fracas. Not a plot hole, or anything; I mean, 'guy in a Canadian flag costume,' how hard is that to recognise? Just a little odd.

    Quote Originally Posted by Phil View Post
    Langkowski (see; easy to spell correctly...)
    Hah! It was years before I noticed, and then only when my attention was drawn to that 'n' right here on this very site!
    Same with Jeanne-Marie (I'd thought it was Jean-Marie. I have no excuse.)
    Quote Originally Posted by Phil View Post
    (Sas)knows Logan.He also refers to him as Colonel
    Captain, surely? (It's 'Captain' in Classic X-Men, at least. Is that a change? I could go get my copy of #120, but that's in another room.)
    Odd, in looking for my original copy of #120, I found my copy of #109 that I don't own!
    This issue is the first time, I think, the readers learn Logan's name (we first learn it when Wolverine tells Mariko earlier on). The X-Men first learn it from Heather in #139.
    It always kinda makes me proud.
    Quote Originally Posted by Phil View Post
    Does anyone own any original art from it?
    Gah! This is a sore point for me. When I first started collecting, original art from (well, I think it was #121) was on sale at my local LCS. Yeah, here in Australia, go figure. I didn't buy it, knowing I'd always regret not buying it, and I've always regretted not buying it.

  10. #10


    Quote Originally Posted by Le Messor View Post
    Captain, surely?

    HA! That's what I get for multitasking.
    Yup, wrong rank, sentiment still applies though.

  11. #11


    Accidentally broke the thread into two today:

    Here we go, time for #AlphaFlight #ReReadAF edition 3 - Uncanny X-Men #121 #QuarantineComics #XMen

    In our previous two editions we've seen the introduction of James MacDonald Hudson, and the glimpse of Alpha Flight.Today's episode will be slightly more image heavy than the previous two, but that's just because there are so many great panels to showcase.

    This issue, as revealed at the end of last issue is titled "Shoot-Out at the Stampede!"

    It's Claremont/Byrne/Austin. You know this.Glynis Wein on colours, Diana Albers on letters.

    The first four pages are very X-Men heavy (hey, it's their book after all) with a spattering of re-cap from #120.We don't need to go into those.

    Page 5 however (or 7 if you're including the adverts, as the page numbering does) is pretty much the archetypal stand out Alpha Flight splash known to mankind

    Let's just take some time to admire that in all it's glory...... back? Let's continue.

    Instantly, the dynamic team ensemble of the costumes stands out.We'd previously seen Mac's costume, which followed on in the vein of Captain's America and Britain (and y'know... Captain Canuck)However this is the first time we see Shaman & Snowbird in costume
    and the twins' in full.The starburst motif all matching, and tying in with Snowbird's pattern and to an extent Mac's maple leaf design.The sharp, eye-catching lines, and block colour instantly make the team unique and memorable.

    Sasquatch kinda ruins the whole pattern, but he's shown as towering and imposing, and still block colours, with his head and shoulder fur slightly differing from his chest hair, and in that respect mirroring the uniform of Shaman & the Twins.

    Also, 'Snow-Bird' had become 'Snowbird' after only one issue.

    The next page sees some time passed, as Cyclops comes in mid-sentence.During this time, everyone clearly stopped fighting and had full introductions...Northstar already getting close to his trademark snarky sneer.

    Which obviously leads into another classic trademarked X-Men/Alpha Flight misunderstanding brawl.

    Do we get the tease here of Sasquatch giving into his animalistic tendencies? Or just Walt's impulsive hot-headedness?

    Next, we FINALLY get to see Snowbird have a line of dialogue!

    Next we move onto a really small scene within the issue, but one that gives scope to more of Shaman's powers, and that strangely became extremely iconic
    This panel has become the basis for many Byrne commissions, including this one for the JB portfolio:So many that JB has said he won't re-create the scene anymore.

    We then move onto the first instance of what Snowbird can actually do!
    Again, JB has gone on record as saying that these characters were brought into the series as specific foils for the X-Men, (Colossus/Sas, the Twins/Nightcrawler, Shaman/Storm) and presumably Snowbird carries on that tradition here.

    But despite his own put-downs of the characters, these two issues clearly struck chords with fans.

    The next panels show something which I always chuckle about, and like to bring up when people make AF into a running joke, or use them as expendable:
    Here we have Alpha Flight, who are firmly established as a new and inexperienced team in the previous issue taking down the X-Men, including Cyclops, who really should know better.

    We then get a bit more tussling and fighting before Cyclops actually remembers he's the team leader.Whilst also firmly placing Northstar as as fast as Quicksilver.Just saying.

    One of the next interactions is again, one of my favourite #XMen/AF moments - Nightcrawler & Aurora.Claremont here, doing something that only he & Alan Davis seem to do well; playing Kurt as the charming lovable rogue.I'd genuinely like to see more of this coupling.

    What's also interesting here is Aurora's comment about her brother's birth.Was Byrne's later backstory of the Twins just to try and create more depth and ultimately serve towards the later falling out, or just trying to undo anything CC had wrote?

    With the next panels we get the line: 'You never gave me a choice about being changed.' implying that Mac was partly behind Wolverine's adamantium claws
    We also get another reference to 'Heather' and the seemingly innocent use of 'feral wild-child' which again may have inspired something later down the line...

    Next we move into Shaman making things worse, but it's Storm's fault really...And then the whole misunderstand is suddenly ceased by a few words from Wolverine.Who agrees to go quietly.

    One of the final panels from the issue is this one, which always fascinated me.I really hoped we'd see more about Garson.Who absolutely jinxes things here in true Bond villain dialogue style.

    We don't see any more of the team after this panel, but the final page reveals that Wolverine did indeed bust loose from that cage. Sigh.

    And that's it for Uncanny X-Men #121!What an issue!As ever; you've heard my commentary on the tale - what are your thoughts?

    Bonus Material for today's re-read is Classic X-Men #27 which features a new cover from Kieron Dwyer, a frontispiece, 1 new page featuring the team (+ a certain jinx) & 2 setting up the political ramifications of the team's action which might just lead somewhere...

  12. #12
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    Gary Cody is in this issue under another name. I wonder why they changed it? It's probably either supposed to be a different character (why?) or they forgot Cody's name.

    The Classic version of this issue does a better job of setting up Alpha Flight getting fired than the original did. (I always read the Classic versions of these first appearances, especially if I'm specifically reading for AF, because they're more AF-heavy.)

    I noticed that line about Quicksilver, too.

    "Teamwork. We have it. You don't." That line's always seemed ironic to me; they certainly don't have it later! Not more than the X-Men.

    I like that the fight was started by a possible misunderstanding - and that it was an X-Men who made it, not Alpha.

    Oh, from last issue: they described Walter as a footballer-turned physicist; but didn't they later on decide that he'd only played football to work through college?

    "You never gave me a choice about being changed."
    No, no, no. They're not talking about adamantium. Y'see, he was a feral wild-child; they're talking about changing his diapers.

  13. #13


    Let's go; #AlphaFlight #ReReadAF part 4 - Uncanny X-Men #139

    As per the (flexible) schedule we're sticking with the major appearances for this re-read.A few changes to be had to the Bonus content, but I'll come back to that later.

    So so far, in part's 1-3 we've met the team (briefly), failed to capture Wolverine (twice), arguably bested the X-Men in their own book, had the name dropping of a mysterious Heather, and had the Canadian Government get in a state.

    This issue begins with 10 whole pages of X-Men stuff.The nerve.In their own book.Someone should give these amazing guest stars that their own book to shine in...

    So yeah, today's #ReReadAF will likely be a briefer one than previous.The gist of the X pages, with relation to our Canadian heroes of choice, can be summed up with Wolverine aka Logan aka Weapon X aka... no, that's it for now, I think, in a new snazzy brown uniform
    deciding that talking out his problems is the best way to solve them!Way to go scrappy runt!Logan knows that AF will keep coming for him unless he goes back to Canada & straightens things out.Isn't that polite and Canadian of him?!

    Wolvie invites Nightcrawler to accompany him, who jumps at the chance to see 'foxy lady' Aurora again.Oh Kurt, if only you knew...

    And so, as the caption says, we shift scene to Ottowa.Where we learn that Mac's aforementioned doctorate makes him 'a brilliant, maverick research physicist'What a Business Card!

    Here we finally see the fabled Heather.Claremont/Byrne go out of their way to make HH 'normal' (for lack of a better word) here.She's a simple, homely wife (in the sense of a Universe with cosmic beings etc. - not insulting housewives)
    Like Kitty before her, Heather is the everyman character, the entry point and relatable one for the reader.It's vital that we get that in here, as it serves a whole purpose later on.

    Here we have Heather's worries; finances and family.She's not planning how to stop a Phoenix or thwart Galactus. (Although she's capable of one of those two, eh?)And the family thread eventually gets picked up on by Frank Tieri twenty two years later.

    What's also interesting here, is that Mac is definitely a Company Man, an employee of the Country - he gets paid to wear the suit.

    Heather discovers that someone has broken into her house, and of course it turns out to be her old friend Logan.Who is instantly creepy.And we get the implication that the two, and Mac were extremely close.

    We then cut to Mac (No new name changes today Jimmy? Good.) who still carries the burden of unwanted leadership, & is still trying to get to grip with his battlesuit. Almost as if he hasn't tested it fully. & things could go wrong with it. & his life is on the line..

    Mac's mission brings him to something which I absolutely LOVE about a shared universe, which only comics can do - a simultaneous adventure taking place elsewhere, with a caption box directing you to it.*chefs kiss*

    So unfortunately for Nightcrawler, Aurora isn't here (cue big Awww from live studio audience).We'll circle back to that adventure later.

    We get a bit more on the political side of the Team, and Snowbird's feelings on working for THE MAN!The details of the mission are started to be discussed when Shaman senses an intruder and the team spring into action!

    Here we get a little bit of appetite whetting and foreshadowing; the springboard of an idea for Byrne to pick up later. And more on Snowbird's powerset.

    But then, just like he was the intruder in Heather's house, the intruder here is only Wolverine.Instantly the team prepare for yet another trademarked misunderstanding brawl, before Kurt reminds Logan that he came here to talk.

    The next few pages re-tread some old Hulk ground, as we discover that the team's mission involves the Wendigo.Hmm, Hulk & Alpha Flight eh?Maybe there should have been a story combining the two.What's that? There was? Well... let's see what the future/past holds

    During this re-telling of Hulk stories, we get told that the Wendigo mission was Logan's first as Wolverine, and for Department H.Now, this opens a whole can of continuity worms.So we'll ignore it, much like later writers do.

    And again, we get told that there were more missions after the Hulk/Wendigo one.Which again, later writers forget/ignore.But again; comics!

    The gang agree to work together, and everything's peaceful and resolved between Logan and Mac.Snowbird scares Nightcrawler, Nightcrawler scares Snowbird, it's a whole thing.And the issue ends with Kurt being attacked by the Wendigo itself!

    So a fairly short outing for the team, but they are just guest stars.A major appearance though, for the introduction of Heather, the bubbling tension between the Team and the Government, and that wider-universe sense of multiple missions and a place in the MU

    As mentioned earlier today, Classic X-Men #45 does reprint this issue, but by this point Marvel had stopped adding new pages into the series, so there's no point in using that as today's Bonus Additional Reading.

    On the original schedule, today's Bonus re-read was going to be Machine Man #18, which as mentioned in this issue takes place somewhat simultaneously.However, as UXM #140 continues literally at the moment where this issue ends, we're going to bump MM #18 to tomorrow.

    Today's Bonus Additional reading is Hulk Annual #8, from 1979, which takes place between UXM #121 and #139, and whilst not a key issue, is a pretty decent read, co-written by Byrne.
    As ever, I hope this has been a fun trip down memory lane for everyone; I'd love to hear your thoughts on the issue.

  14. #14
    Harvester of Sorrows Department H
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    I started with Machine Man. (Wait, the Twitter bonus is Incredible Hulk ann #8! I didn't reread that!)
    Quote Originally Posted by Phil View Post
    UXM #140 continues literally at the moment where this issue ends, we're going to bump MM #18 to tomorrow
    Oh, okay. That's (part of) why I read MM first. (Also because the end of #141 is the 'end' of Alpha Flight; so it makes sense to put MM before that. Not that the New York team would have learnt of the developments in X-Men yet.)

    It's weird seeing the difference in art style between Steve Ditko and John Byrne.

    We've skipped a lot, and I haven't reread these things in a while; was this the first mention of Northstar only being a superhero because of Aurora?
    Also, I wasn't looking for it… Was Department H mentioned by name in #109 and #120-121? (I think it was?)

    It's weird the way the two stories are structured; it looks almost like they held the twins and Sas back from facing Wendigo for no reason, so they just happened to be around to hunt Machine Man. I figure, the two cases came up about the same time, so the team got split on purpose (how did that happen, how was that coordinated behind-the-scenes? Anybody know? I don't think I've ever seen a team split up between two random issues like this anywhere else.)
    It just looks weird, the way an agent is introduced to the Machine Man mission (as if this is the first time it's come up for the Department), and half the team is just there.
    (It's also possible that Sas and the twins went on the Wendigo mission, but got called back to hunt Machine Man.)

    This is the first X-Men issue I've read for this in the original, not the Classic. I don't think I even own the Classic edition, since there's nothing new in it.
    Oh, the times when the X-Men was a great comic! How I miss thee.
    I love the characters and their interplay. Stevie Hunter is awesome, and here's her introduction. Nightcrawler bringing Wolvie a beer. The team facing the Danger Room and having their… moments… So personal. So real. So human!
    Anyway, we're not here for them, we're here for the 'Flight.

    It strikes me as a little odd that Mac got called off from hunting for Logan, but it's Logan who goes to make peace with him - not with the Canadian government (that part makes sense), but with Mac, when for all he knows Mac still has a kidnapping order on him. (And, in this third X-Men appearance, Alpha Flight are still going to the US to kidnap a superhero!)

    Heather's first appearance, though she's been named before.

    I love that we finally get to see AF being fully heroes here.
    It also introduces them to Wendigo, a long-time menace of theirs that they wouldn't face in their own series for decades to come.

    The closeness between the Macdonalds and Logan was first mentioned back in #109.

    Quote Originally Posted by Phil View Post
    Snowbird scares Nightcrawler, Nightcrawler scares Snowbird
    I love that bit!

  15. #15
    Harvester of Sorrows Department H
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    I started with Machine Man. (Wait, the Twitter bonus is Incredible Hulk ann #8! I didn't reread that!)
    Quote Originally Posted by Phil View Post
    UXM #140 continues literally at the moment where this issue ends, we're going to bump MM #18 to tomorrow
    Oh, okay. That's (part of) why I read MM first. (Also because the end of #141 is the 'end' of Alpha Flight; so it makes sense to put MM before that. Not that the New York team would have learnt of the developments in X-Men yet.)

    It's weird seeing the difference in art style between Steve Ditko and John Byrne.

    We've skipped a lot, and I haven't reread these things in a while; was this the first mention of Northstar only being a superhero because of Aurora?
    Also, I wasn't looking for it… Was Department H mentioned by name in #109 and #120-121? (I think it was?)

    It's weird the way the two stories are structured; it looks almost like they held the twins and Sas back from facing Wendigo for no reason, so they just happened to be around to hunt Machine Man. I figure, the two cases came up about the same time, so the team got split on purpose (how did that happen, how was that coordinated behind-the-scenes? Anybody know? I don't think I've ever seen a team split up between two random issues like this anywhere else.)
    It just looks weird, the way an agent is introduced to the Machine Man mission (as if this is the first time it's come up for the Department), and half the team is just there.
    (It's also possible that Sas and the twins went on the Wendigo mission, but got called back to hunt Machine Man.)

    This is the first X-Men issue I've read for this in the original, not the Classic. I don't think I even own the Classic edition, since there's nothing new in it.
    Oh, the times when the X-Men was a great comic! How I miss thee.
    I love the characters and their interplay. Stevie Hunter is awesome, and here's her introduction. Nightcrawler bringing Wolvie a beer. The team facing the Danger Room and having their… moments… So personal. So real. So human!
    Anyway, we're not here for them, we're here for the 'Flight.

    It strikes me as a little odd that Mac got called off from hunting for Logan, but it's Logan who goes to make peace with him - not with the Canadian government (that part makes sense), but with Mac, when for all he knows Mac still has a kidnapping order on him. (And, in this third X-Men appearance, Alpha Flight are still going to the US to kidnap a superhero!)

    Heather's first appearance, though she's been named before.

    I love that we finally get to see AF being fully heroes here.
    It also introduces them to Wendigo, a long-time menace of theirs that they wouldn't face in their own series for decades to come.

    The closeness between the Macdonalds and Logan was first mentioned back in #109.

    Quote Originally Posted by Phil View Post
    Snowbird scares Nightcrawler, Nightcrawler scares Snowbird
    I love that bit!

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