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Thread: AF Post Byrne

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  1. #1
    The Old Fan Alpha Flight
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    Mar 2005
    The Washington DC area


    Le Messor sums it up, succinctly. I'd rather have the original version---the 28 issues---than the stuff that pretended to be ALPHA FLIGHT but isn't.

  2. #2


    The sad truth is, everything after issue #28 of the original series was a train wreck.
    And it all started with issue #12 - Mac's death. Even though Byrne stayed on for another 16 issues, I feel like after Mac died - there was already a shaky ground starting to appear.
    So when he left - I feel like he handed the next person a lit fuse and bolted, leaving the explosion for the next writer.
    Said writer saw what he was holding and chucked it. Brought in all new characters, and either killed off MORE characters, or just had them disappear, and replaced with his new creations - literal new creations - with no attempts to connect them to Alpha Flight previously (like Beta Flight or Gamma Flight or anything).
    By killing off more core characters (now Sasquatch and Snowbird are dead, on top of Mac) - he leaves also.
    Leaving a bigger mess for the next writer. Who then tries to take what he's given and run with it. He does. Does some good. But still can't get over the mess.
    Now Sasquatch is back, but it's as a woman. In Snowbird's body.
    Next one comes along, sees that Mac being dead is the issue - tries to bring Mac back by some wild explanation of being jolted into space, saved by some space aliens, and returned. Now there's a jumble of stories in hopes of trying to save the book by doing a "World Tour" story, and it fails and the story comes to an end with issue #130.
    Volume 2 is born, and now Mac is a 19 year old kid - revealed to be a clone. And Sasquatch is an actual Sasquatch. And we get a new team (Flex, Murmur, Radius, Manbot). Volume 2 comes to a painful end.
    At some point, all of Alpha Flight is killed off screen in Avengers, or whatever (don't even get me started).
    Volume 3, we get some kind of time displaced Alpha.
    The Volume 4, we get the members of Alpha Flight, reborn after Chaos War.

    I mean... it's a literal mess if you just SKIM the details. Dig deeper and it gets much uglier.

    So my answer... I wish it stopped with issue #11.

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