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Thread: When did Guardian STOP being a Cyborg?

  1. #1

    Default When did Guardian STOP being a Cyborg?

    Hey,So as I work on the most complete AF timeline ever, the question of when exactly did Mac stop being a cyborg came up. Under the assumption that as a cyborg, Mac didn't need his battle suit and as a human he did, the first visual of "components" of Mac's suit come in X-Men Unlimited 45. In that issue it states that he's testing his suit. So can we place the change after Anti-guard, after "let's help feral Wolverine", after AF vol. 2 ("I came to dept H to get rid of my cyborg parts..."), after Wolverine 142, 143 and those other AF appearances, but BEFORE X-Men Unlimited 45 and AF vol. 3? Maybe in some untold adventure? Thoughts? Ideas?

  2. #2


    My take was pre-Vol.2, using the line you've mentioned above.

  3. #3


    So something like: Mac says, "Hey dept. H, I just helped save the world and now my wife is leaving me because of my logical but cold computer mind, so can you use that stolen High Evolutionary technology you have that you used on me when Wolverine stabbed me years ago, to de-evolve me a coupe of years, thereby getting rid of my cyborg parts and, once you're done, I'll hang around here at shady dept H and build a new copy of my battle suit and after I learn how evil you all are , you can use my suit to shoot me into space in an attempt to kill me?"

  4. #4

  5. #5
    Harvester of Sorrows Department H
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    I mean, we've all been there.

  6. #6


    He had to of somehow stop being a machine during volume 2
    In issue 1 he goes to Department H for help in removing the Machine parts. But in issue 20 nobody could tell who the real Mac was. The teenager or the adult. If Mac still was part cyborg it would of been easy for them to tell who was real.

  7. #7
    Harvester of Sorrows Department H
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    That's a very good point.

  8. #8


    Quote Originally Posted by Le Messor View Post
    That's a very good point.
    Thanks! My head cannon tells that Mac did regress his age to just being a cyborg. After that department h took cell samples to make clones of various ages and then attacked Mac and sent him off.

  9. #9


    It's pretty easy to assume - if they cloned a "teenage" Mac - they probably had a way to genetically fix Mac as well and used that same technology to make Teenage Mac we see in Volume 2.

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