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Thread: Introduce Yourself

  1. #391


    NAME: Darren
    AGE: 47
    INTERESTS: comics, movies, soccer, CFL football

    BIO: Started off in my early years as an Avengers fan... back in the days of Thor, Vision, Cap, Yellowjacket, Beast, etc. Then one day in 1979, I saw a comic at the corner store called "X-Men", issue 120. It was called "Chaos in Canada". I opened it up and there on page 2 was a superhero wearing the Canadian flag... MY FLAG ! Read it over and over and over again until issue 121 came out the following month... and I was hooked. There in my hands were Canadian superheros, something I had never seen before. Went searching for (and found) a copy of X-men 109... and I have followed Alpha Flight and Wolverine ever since. I've even turned my two sons into comic fans (I hope they'll eventually forgive me for that). I've also stuck with Marvel through all of the $#!t they've done to my Flight. Hopefully this series will make them realize it is a team worth doing... and worth doing right.
    The Flight Forever !

  2. 08-25-2011

  3. #392


    Welcome, Banshee (slainte m'hath!), Barry, and Darren! Dive right in, the water never really warms up here in Canada! But The Flight is hot, hot, hot!
    Support Artists, Not Companies! Creator-owned comics are where the real art is at!

    My new website! Follow my super-powered web-novel adventures, "Life Less Ordinary"!

    Twitter (1) = @RealWyldeChild
    Twitter (2) = @lifewebnovel

    FaceBook = or search for me at " Life Less-Ordinary "

    Also 'occasionally' ranting Alpha Flight related stuff at

  4. #393


    thanks flightpath. thought i did this post b4 5yrs ago but turns out i didnt. lol
    Pain knows no boundries, but Puck knows pain!!!!

  5. #394



    Hi everyone, I've been following this site for a long time and now with news of a new ongoing from the current Fear Itself mini series, I've decided to finally jump on board. Just a little about myself, I'm a current graduate student at NIU and I will be getting my *knock of wood* M.S.Ed in instructional tech this December. I'm a lot time fan of Alpha Flight and a huge Guardian and Sasquatch fan. I'll talking about the series more on my website: be sure to check it out.

  6. #395


    Welcome Readsreads!

  7. #396


    Yes, a hearty welcomewelcome to Readsreads!
    Support Artists, Not Companies! Creator-owned comics are where the real art is at!

    My new website! Follow my super-powered web-novel adventures, "Life Less Ordinary"!

    Twitter (1) = @RealWyldeChild
    Twitter (2) = @lifewebnovel

    FaceBook = or search for me at " Life Less-Ordinary "

    Also 'occasionally' ranting Alpha Flight related stuff at

  8. #397


    NAME: Donovan
    BIRTH DATE: Canada Day, 1975.
    LOCATION: Winnipeg, MB, Canada
    OCCUPATION: Website Designer, Comic Book Colourist
    INTERESTS: Comics, colouring, Winnipeg Jets!

    BIO: Grew up in rural manitoba, and moved to Winnipeg for University in 93. Lived here ever since. I have a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Photography with a major in Graphic Design. I'm currently a website designer, and colour comic books in the evening. I've done colour separations for Marvel and DC (which is slightly different than being an actual colourist), and colour reconstruction jobs for the Marvel Masterworks line of hardcovers. I recently wrapped up a long run of colouring Dark Horse's Chronicles of Conan series. Never worked on Alpha Flight, but I'd like to!

  9. #398


    Welcome Donovan!

  10. #399


    A big welcome to Donovan and thank you everyone.

  11. #400


    Welcome Donovan! Go Jets!
    Support Artists, Not Companies! Creator-owned comics are where the real art is at!

    My new website! Follow my super-powered web-novel adventures, "Life Less Ordinary"!

    Twitter (1) = @RealWyldeChild
    Twitter (2) = @lifewebnovel

    FaceBook = or search for me at " Life Less-Ordinary "

    Also 'occasionally' ranting Alpha Flight related stuff at

  12. #401
    Harvester of Sorrows Department H
    Le Messor's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Canberra, Australia


    Quote Originally Posted by Readsreads View Post
    I'm a current graduate student at NIU and I will be getting my *knock of wood* M.S.Ed
    Good luck!
    Did you mean NYU, or is NIU a university I haven't heard of? (I'm not up on North American geography.)

    - Le Messor
    "Doctor, how many autopsies have you performed on dead people?"
    "All my autopsies are performed on dead people."

  13. #402


    It would seem like it's pretty quiet here.. but I'll be the loud person. That's pretty typical for me anyways.

    NAME: MaryAnne
    BIRTH DATE: 3 January 1980 (See, I was gutsy and put the year in there!)
    LOCATION: Tacoma, WA right now, but that tends to change a lot
    OCCUPATION: Currently, I'm an Army officer. Soon I'll be back to school for journalism.
    INTERESTS: Comics, costuming, historical reenactments (and the associated wardrobes, of course!), movies, photography, and food/drink pairings

    BIO: Where to start?!! I grew up (mostly) in western NY, with a few years spent between Virginia, South Carolina, and North Carolina. I started reenacting when I was 14. I got my AS right away (in history) and then took a 5 year break, where I worked all kinds of crazy jobs and also started costuming. And at the end of that 5 year break I joined the Army, where I got to have a lot more adventures, but a lot less time to do pretty much everything else! With the Army I've gotten to spend time in Washington (state), Arizona, Georgia, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Afghanistan, Louisiana, and now I'm back to Washington- whew! I'll start my "out of Army" life in the Spring, and will be moving and starting school for Journalism. Whee, adventure! I'm very much looking forward to the changes coming in my life, and very much anticipate being back in a creative environment. Live is good, people!
    “There have been times, lately, when I dearly wished that I could change the past. Well, I can’t, but I can change the present, so that when it becomes the past it will turn out to be a past worth having.” Terry Pratchett, "I Shall Wear Midnight"

  14. #403


    Quote Originally Posted by BlueRoommate View Post
    BIO: Where to start?!! I grew up (mostly) in western NY, with a few years spent between Virginia, South Carolina, and North Carolina. I started reenacting when I was 14. I got my AS right away (in history) and then took a 5 year break, where I worked all kinds of crazy jobs and also started costuming. And at the end of that 5 year break I joined the Army, where I got to have a lot more adventures, but a lot less time to do pretty much everything else! With the Army I've gotten to spend time in Washington (state), Arizona, Georgia, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Afghanistan, Louisiana, and now I'm back to Washington- whew! I'll start my "out of Army" life in the Spring, and will be moving and starting school for Journalism. Whee, adventure! I'm very much looking forward to the changes coming in my life, and very much anticipate being back in a creative environment. Live is good, people!
    Wow Blue, you've been all over Nothing like a life well travelled! Welcome

  15. #404
    Harvester of Sorrows Department H
    Le Messor's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Canberra, Australia


    Blue, with all that costuming experience tell me you've been making Alpha Flight cosplays!

    ~ Le Messor
    "It is always darkest before it goes totally black."
    ~ Sting

  16. #405


    Quote Originally Posted by Sypes View Post
    Wow Blue, you've been all over Nothing like a life well travelled! Welcome
    I love traveling. There are still a LOT of places left for me to visit, but I'm working on that, too. And the good part of me moving so much is that my family members have gotten to come visit, so it gives them a chance to see more of the USA as well!
    “There have been times, lately, when I dearly wished that I could change the past. Well, I can’t, but I can change the present, so that when it becomes the past it will turn out to be a past worth having.” Terry Pratchett, "I Shall Wear Midnight"

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