1. How long have you been collecting Alpha Flight?
Volume 3/Issue 1

2. What was your first memory of Alpha Flight? If recent, what was your first reaction?
The X-Men cartoon. My first thought was how cool Vindicator's costume was. Best costume ever.

as for the comic, my first reaction was,

3. Who is you favorite Alpha Flight character?

Snowbird. Ignoring the convoluted and confusing continuity, from what I have read she is a consistantly interesting character.

4. Who is you least favorite Alpha Flight character?

As it stands, I have none and wish to avoid back issues of bad periods in order to gain one.

5. Who is you favorite Alpha Flight villain?

None yet.

6. Who is your least favorite Alpha Flight villain?

Department H, I agree with Lobdell's assessment.

7. What do you think is the best issue / story-arch from Alpha Flight?

I really enjoyed X-Men 120/121. I think the Alpha Flight issues were by far the best part of the Claremont/Byrne X-Men.

8. What do you consider the Alpha Flight "Dream Team"?

Guardian, Sasquatch, Shaman, Snowbird, Northstar, Aurora

Although, here's hoping the new ones can earn their place.

9. If you were to be stuck on a desert island with one member of Alpha Flight, Who would it be (powers can not get you off the island)

New Puck, my theory is this, eventually, anyone would become friends under those circumstances unless they have some bitter animosity, in which place they kill each other. I have no bitter animosity with any Flighters. And since I'd end up friends with any of them, it makes sense to go with a babe.

10. Who was/is/could be the best leader of Alpha Flight?

I have no idea, although I liked Guardian as the leader who doesn't want to lead, but that makes him an unlikely candidate for best at it. Probably Heather is best.

11. Who is your favorite Alpha Flight writer?


12. Who is your least favorite Alpha Flight writer?

I'm happier without an asnwer, unless Austen counts, stupid armour.

13. Who is your favorite Alpha Flight artist?

I want to say someone different, but lets face it, Jim Lee just freaking rules.

14. Who is your least favorite Alpha Flight artist?

I'm happier without an answer.

15. If you could undo one thing in Alpha Flight history, what would it be?

The armour.