1. How long have you been collecting Alpha Flight? since AF #1

2. What was your first memory of Alpha Flight? If recent, what was your first reaction? really is a favorite.

3. Who is you favorite Alpha Flight character? the original line up mostly. ithee was a lot of depth with that line up.

4. Who is you least favorite Alpha Flight character? like maybe all of Volume 2? LOL

5. Who is you favorite Alpha Flight villain? Omega Flight - Smart Alec

6. Who is your least favorite Alpha Flight villain? Pink Pearl!

7. What do you think is the best issue / story-arch from Alpha Flight? the Death of Mac in #12

8. What do you consider the Alpha Flight "Dream Team"? Puck Aurora Northstar Sasquatch Snowbird Box (Roger) Shaman

9. If you were to be stuck on a desert island with one member of Alpha Flight, Who would it be (powers can not get you off the island) Aurora's cute, but psycho, snowbird's cute but cold, marrina is cute but... well, i don't want to be disenbowelled, heather is fun and fiesty. yeah, Heather!

10. Who was/is/could be the best leader of Alpha Flight? Mac.

11. Who is your favorite Alpha Flight writer? Byrne.

12. Who is your least favorite Alpha Flight writer? whoever did Volume2

13. Who is your favorite Alpha Flight artist? Byrne

14. Who is your least favorite Alpha Flight artist? ugh... many

15. If you could undo one thing in Alpha Flight history, what would it be? Byrne leaving AF!