I always figure out plots as a way of relieving stress. Fight SHIELD to protect Canada's sovereignty. Fight the Dreamqueen and, unbeknownst to everyone else, save the world. Destroy Apocalypse's alien technology and get everyone mad at them for doing so, even though all it hurts is Apocalypse. Remake Department H with Hudsons in charge as CEO and COO, Judd as espionage agent trainer, Shaman as lead medical, Alpha Flight only a bare contact with them, no more e-m suits. TAke over Dept. H with an Inuit mutant's help, then do as I said with Hudsons and Judd et al. Form a new Omega Flight with Talisman and Persuasion leading, Manikin, Pathway, Goblyn, Wyre...

Ideas for characters like Burst and Pound. What Pucks's powers wil be. What Feedback and Box will do. So on and on....