As long as his appearance is thought out and has a reason aside boosting sales, Wolverine's always welcome in AF due to his longstanding friendship with Mac & Heather and his newer true friendship to Puck (hey, they go fishing together!)

To border creator bashing, I would not accept a free issue of Starjammers because I really consider KJA to be the premier hack of modern times. Uninspired, often cliche, and his prose reads exactly as it was written: spoken into voice recognition software with no more subsequent editing than it takes to remove the "uhs'and "ums". He bills himself as a bestselling author, but he's had no success standing on his own: either he's partnered with Beason or he's writing other people's properties.
Dark Horse should thank KJA: he's the reason I stopped my completionist attitude of Star Wars comics, and once that happened, it wasn't long before I took a hard look at my Star Wars buying, which led me to drop Republic and Empire. I've gotten the Infinities (GREAT STUFF!) and the movie adaptations, but nothing else.

I do solemnly swear not to indulge in further KJA and/or current Starjammer conversations on the principle "if you have nothing nice to say" but really needed to rant when I saw Starjammers brought up.