I couldn't agree more Janet Van Dyne and Hank Prym he certainly didn't deserve her. Because of the way she treated Hank I find it hard to see how he can stand to be around her.
Is Janet still dating Paladin?
A little bit out of touch with Avengers there, Rich? Paladin was viewed as a dating prospect for a very short time somewhere around #260. She and Hank reconsummated their relationship in West Coast Avengers, which would be somewhere around #310 of the regular Avengers title. She's recently refused to remarry him, and even more recently (and out of characterization for them both) had a roll with Hawkeye.

I don't think she's treated him all that bad, but I am not liking the recent writer attacks on Hank as a wife beater.
Yes, he hit her. Once. While having a nervous breakdown and under mental control/influence from Egghead. The wife-BEATING Pym is the one in Ultimates. The mainline Pym made mistakes that he has been trying to atone for ever since. He's probably not going to be around much longer anyway.